Friday, August 14, 2009

"Radio Free America"?

Word of the Day: bully

Is it the responsibility of conservative radio to see that the liberal/socialist radio is funded? What would happen? Is there a new Czar of the FCC? Do the Soros' of the world need to pony up the money? I doubt anyone is even listening anyway... which is why they are going to play the "entitlement"/"bully" card. I believe the far left socialists are worried that they might loose more of their constituents, because suddenly the conservative message is being heard and it makes a lot more sense. I really think most left of center Democrats are as afraid of Socialism as the right of center conservatives are. Socialist radio is only preaching to their far left choir.

But if it happens, I am sure we'll have "Radio Free America"
  • "Deathers"
  • "Birthers"
Who is the Bully in all this madness? What has America degenerated to? The only thing we can do is pray the Obama Health Care Reform gets dumped because the elected officials are afraid to loose their position...and then come the mid term election they get ousted anyway.
Term Limits!! If the President can have them why can't our other elected officials?

"The short memories of American voters are what keeps our politicians in office."
Will Rodgers

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