Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is Business Slow for the ACLU?

In the first paragraph of my American National Government text there is a paragraph referring to the ACLU. "Groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) organized to defend First Amendment freedoms--express concerns over what they view as sometimes overly aggressive police and prosecutorial practices." Well that's the pot calling the kettle black.

The ACLU has filed suit against two administrators from Florida's Pace High School for saying a prayer over/blessing the food during a school sponsored luncheon this past January.

History: Apparently 2 student complained to the ACLU that the school officials promoted religion and prayer at school events. Evidently both a consent decree was signed that the school would be "permanently prohibited from promoting, advancing, endorsing, participating in or causing prayers during or in conjunction with school events,"
  • 2 is a majority when the population is 3.
  • What would have happened if the administration had not signed the consent degree?
  • The ACLU could care less about our 1st amendment rights. They are, digging and need something/anything to justify their existence.
  • It is pathetic that two men may go to prison and lose their retirement pensions over a payer.
  • Will the principal and athletic director be allowed to "cop a plea" for community service?
  • if a plea is reached, will they still loose their retirement benefits?
  • There is nothing we can do about it.
Every day every where most people say a prayer blessing their food and those who are about to partake of it. What has America come to that we sit back and let this kind of "aggressive prosecutorial" intimidation to occur.

Word of the day: prosecutorial (sp)

Maxine Waters, Congresswoman from California, is at it again. ( she is the reason I changed from the Democrat party to the Republican) I have almost been waiting to see how she would be in her own town hall meeting. Frankly, I can hardly believe she held one. Anywhoo... she referred to some of the other members of congress as "neanderthals" just because they oppose Health Care Reform. I consider them patriots, and pray they stand strong in this challenge. Especially because we have no say. Well, maybe in the 2010 mid term elections we'll have some say.

I am in trouble already and I have yet to even attend one class. It's going to be a long semester.

"Please, someone help me climb down out of the crazy tree"
Glen Beck

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