Thursday, February 18, 2010

Think About It...

Nanci Pelosi never ceases to amaze me. She has no regard for anyone but her own self interests. She stepped in the muck of Health Care Reform. Does she think it will smell like roses when she finally pulls her feet out of her mouth. I am amazed at how glib she is about sacrificing their careers for this white elephant. What does she stand to gain? In my heart of hearts, I am unable to figure it out.
  • Respect? (Seriously)
  • Admiration? (who is she kidding?)
  • Control? (of what, a bunch of spineless, mealy mouthed, numb skulls, who think by kowtowing to her they will go down in history as heroes for their courage?)
Can you name one congressman who voted in favor of Welfare or Medicaid? The American people, at the time, were against both of these programs are, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt with the rest of the government programs.

Once again I am stupefied. So much so, I am stumped as to how to express it here.

Word of the day: arachnid

Of course all of this takes me back to the 2010 Mid Term Election. Bottom line...quit the name calling, the bad mouthing, the criticism and general negative commentary and do the homework and be ready for the mid-term. None of the former accomplishes anything. Take least as much control as you can in an out of control situation...but again give your self the power to elect people who you think will have the people's best interest in mind...

Remember NP and HR are driven in their obsessive compulsive tactics. They believe we are disengaged in the process so will try to pass anything for the sake of it. (remember they will be exempt from the working class health care program) They are under the grand delusion that it is their moral obligation to give it to us any way they can. Let's pinch our cheeks together and show they we are smarter than that.

"A politician thinks of the next election - a statesman thinks of the next generation"
James Freeman Clark

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Make it a wonderful day.

Word of the day: together

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down."
Oprah Winfrey

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Everyone Pays Taxes Right?

Just because we're not handing over cash from right out of our pockets doesn't mean we're not giving our hard earned money to the Federal Government. We are...
  • Are members of Congress and the Senate tax exempt?
  • Is money not coming out of their pockets too?
  • Are they so unselfish, that they are happy to dole out from their hard earned (questionable) pay to fund programs that don't work and people who don't either?
  • Do they work the system so they don't pay the taxes they are proposing we pay?
Word of the day: action

As a member of the Greater Oviedo Political Women's Network, I have offered to assemble a PRO-CON pre-election news letter. (Seminole County has a pretty ineffective chapter, but In California, The League of Women Voters puts one out before every election)

Each Candidate will be invited to submit his/her photo, and short bio that also includes how he/she will be most effective in representing us if elected. Also, each ballot initiative or constitutional amendment for the state of Florida, Seminole County and cities of Oviedo/Winter Springs will have a statement why that initiative is this good for us and the response of why it isn't good for us.

I sincerely hope we get a good response, because I think this will be a valuable tool for our members as well as anyone else they might share it witn. I will see if "Oviedo Chicks" would consider putting it on their website. FYI only. I am excited and I sincerely hope this comes to pass.

"You can put a bumper sticker on your car that says "Obama is a Socialist" and that will make you feel good, but the bottom line is these (Socialist) ideas must be defeated"

Laura Ingraham, syndicated radio show host & Fox News contributor

Divine Intervention

Word of the Day: phew!

  • Health Care
  • Jobs Bill
  • Tax increases
  • President Obama
  • Nancy Pelosi
  • Harry Reid
"Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, but Democrats believe every day is April 15th."
Ronald Regan

Makin' My List for the Mid-Term election

It's been nearly a week since I attended the Central Florida Ronald Regan Republican Assembly banquet. My main reason for going was to hear again, Marco Rubio, republican candidate for the Florida State vacated senate seat. Marco Rubio was one of many speakers at a very small 'Tea Party" rally Hobo and I attended during the summer. Well, I was not disappointed. Marco Rubio is one of the most eloquent people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and listening to. Granted, he was saying what I wanted to hear...which is probably why he was at this dinner in the first place. But he put everything that has been weighing heavy on my heart and mind, in terms I could understand and helped me to clarify my thoughts. There was no jargon, no spin, no rhetoric. No teleprompter...

We are the greatest country in the world...
  • "There is a reason why there aren't boat loads of Americans leaving and why Canada isn't building a fence to keep Americans out"
  • "We are at a crossroads of the very identity of our nation"
  • "If we make the wrong decisions, we will be leaving our children a diminished nation"

Marco Rubio, candidate for Senate,

(I think we need to keep an eye on him for future possibilities)

Word of the day: eloquent

I now plan to investigate just what national, state and local seats are up for election and the candidates who are in the running. It will also be interesting to see what happens after the 2010 Census. Possibly some new seats for the 2012 elections.

Amazing, is the negative way the 'Tea Party' movement has been portrayed. We are a voice to be reckoned with and I think liberal thinking folks are afraid of it. Be they Democrat or Republican. (Personally, I pray it will not become another rogue party, 'Divide and Conquer') but more a movement of education and awareness... a wake up call to our representatives who think once they get elected, they are in for life no looking back to see what their constituents want or need. "Do nothings..." just watch. 2010 will give a whole new meaning to 'know-nothing and do-nothing.'

"2009 was the year of rallies, it was all we could do. 2010 is the year of action"

Judson Phillips, 1 of many 'Tea Party' organizers

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl Sunday!

If the Colts win today, it'll just be another Super Bowl Sunday...
If the New Orleans Saints win, please don't let the peeps in town pull the 2nd coming of Katrina.
But again...
Oh Lordy... Let the Saints Go marchin' in.

Word of the day: fierce

"Any team can beat any other team on any given day"

Monday, February 1, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Knowing he (B.O.) is more of a reader than an orator, I was completely sucked in. I usually take what people say at face value. I want to believe that POB is sincere, and that he really believes what he is reading. But after listening to the speech again, it rings of condescension and insincerity.

However, my attention was almost completely diverted by the Speaker of the House. I ask you, what was Nancy Pelosi sucking out of her teeth? Get the woman some floss!

I digress...

Word of the day: magpie

he is still blaming Bush for his problems, he is now blaming the press and everyone in Washington. In my 40 years of voting, he is the first president who has spent a lot of his time dwelling on what he was left. Every other president just got on with the job at hand. What a whiner!
But am I the whiner...if all I can do is critique his delivery and the two goombahs sitting behind him. Does what BO says have any relevance. If the promises in the State of the Onion are any indication of the value he has placed on all previous speeches, that's all it was a pile of words.

Missed inconvenient topics:
  • National Security
  • Trials for Terrorists
  • Unemployment
I think his speech was exactly what he thought the people wanted to hear. It was like he was giving us a lesson Next...Next...and so on...hopefully the people who actually go to the polls will not be fooled by all the 'shuckin' and jivin'...Yes it is going to be a very long 3 years. Mid Term my friends...gear up... let's all stop the pissin' & moanin', take a stand and start doing our homework regarding the candidates who will have an effect on us.

When I was president of a women's social group, I had to give a speech at the year end luncheon. We spent money that would have done better in the bank and had a fund raiser that barely paid for itself, but I had to highlight the good things that happened. I left personalities out of it and did my best to let the members know we had a good year.

"Even a dog won't eat out of this dish"
Mike Huckabee