Monday, August 31, 2009

Where are the doctors?

As much as I am against the total revamping of the health care system when 85% of Americans are insured and ok with it...and discounting the illegal aliens, that leaves 15% of the population who don't have "Insurance". Of that 15% most qualify for other programs but don't pursue the opportunity and all will get care in the emergency wards of the hospitals.

Word of the day: diminished

But I got to thinking about my personal health care. While the benefits are good, I find that I rarely get to see the Doctor...and in the past few years, I have only seen the Nurse Practitioner or lately the Physicians Assistant and even then it is someone different every time. I'd like to get a new doctor but so many are not accepting new patients. If I am having this kind of difficulty now...I hate to think of the dilemma I'll be in if HCR is passed.

I know it's been discussed how expensive Med School is and new doctors graduate with huge debt that and Malpractice Insurance make it nearly impossible to stay in general practice...they must specialize. There will be fewer and fewer GPs. and with more and more demand our care in general is going to diminish.

UCF has recently opened a new Medical College and the first 41 students will graduate with no loans...their coursework and living accommodations have been completely paid for with sponsors from the community. If more communities, businesses, insurance companies could sponsor a Medical Student so that they could graduate loan free, maybe this problem could be lessened...

"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!"
P.J. O'Rourke

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Questions to ponder

Democracy functions best when it's citizens are informed. But if we distrust the government, who knows what is correct information. How can we feel informed if everyone we speak to has a different take/spin on the issue.

Word of the day: anarchy
  • What happens when a state goes Bankrupt?
  • Will all the private businesses be required to support the state?
  • Are police and fire protection services stopped?
  • Will the police and firemen work for nothing?
  • What happens to all the people on welfare?
  • Are they now forced to support themselves?
  • Is there anarchy?
  • What happens when a country goes bankrupt?
  • Will politicians continue to get a paycheck?
  • Will banks have to close?
  • Will our military work for free?
  • Is there anarchy?
  • Do the countries next to it absorb it?
  • What if we are forced to default on our loans with China?
  • Will we become a Chinese colony?
  • Is there a fight for the ground?
  • Will printing more money solve the problem?
I have no answers for these burning questions of mine, but is Health Care Reform really what is most important in preserving the United States as we know it? Might financial stability be more pressing an issue?

SoOoOooo many questions with such illusive solutions. Too many people unwilling to take the time to learn about issues that benefit them, or not.

When the citizens/subjects are uneducated, uninformed or apathetic about what is going on politically, the circle of "decision makers" gets smaller and smaller. This came from my ANG (American National Government) class and it really hit home for me. We really need to be informed.

"I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."
Winston Churchill

Friday, August 28, 2009

Yikes! We've Been Duped

You know what they say, "Never waste a good crisis". It would appear the Obamanation, would like to name this 'gasping' Health Care Reform bill after Edward "Ted" Kennedy. I doubt it will work, but desperate times require desperate actions.

Word of the day: Quid Pro Quo

I have been reading Culture of Corruption by Michelle Malkin. In fact a lot of people are reading it, since it has now been on the Best Seller list for 3 weeks. This is a carefully written, insight into the inner circle of the current president. Every carefully written page has corroborating information and references. Whoever voted for O, is probably into fiction. I am having great difficulty expressing my sadness that this type of person is representing, 'we the people'.

And please know that Michelle has been riding in First Class on the Gravy Train of Chicago politics.
(Chapter 2)
She has a very questionable (albeit lucrative) employment history. In 2002, Michelle Obama had a position created for her at the University of Chicago Medical Center. to run "programs for community relations, neighborhood outreach, volunteer recruitment, staff diversity and minority contracting". From beginning to end her salary went from $120,000. to $317,000. (2 times what O made as senator) Senator O requested $1 million be earmarked for the Medical Center. (Pillow Talk is one way to network). During her tenure there, the UCMC nearly lost its non-profit status. Now that she has resigned, her vital $317,ooo. position will remained unfilled. Well, at least until someone else comes along with 'quid pro quo' potential.

I just finished chapter 3, Joe Biden. It's a sad story... tragically he lost his wife early on, raised his boys alone for several years, but he has used his influence to his own benefit ever since. I always felt he was honest in his convictions. But nepotism and quid pro quo in his family runs deep and it's been paying off for most of his political life. He is one heck of a "Spin Doctor" even when as he is tripping over his own bionic tongue.

Is everyone in Washington just circling the corruption sink hole? I guess some are just better at it than others. More things that make you go Hmmmm.

"No matter how bad things are, Congress can always make it worse"
Pollster, Scott Rasmussen

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Inquiring minds want to know:
If a business has 5/6 employees and does not offer insurance to them, but they are all have health insurance through their spouses, will the business be fined under the new plan?

This you tube video is from July 2009, but it is worth viewing. I hope the link works

Word of the Day: preconceived

Republican (left of conservative?) John McCain held his town hall meeting and there was a pro HCR woman there who was very disruptive. "Unruly" it was said. so he had her escorted out. I guess it's kind of hard to be a "mob' of one. but in any event, the rest of the attendees were happy to see her and her "Code Pink get-up" and get gone.

Ok, help me here...what was with the woman in Florida with the "garden hoe at the ready" for the media inquiring about her 15 year old granddaughter/daughter dancing nude in a nightclub when she was supposed to be in school. It scares me to think this might have taken place in Orlando...

Enough about the news:
I went to my first American National Government class. I needed to have a stern talking to myself. I had to go into the class with no preconceived notions. (even though I knew it was a foreign man, and he refused to give me an override. Why do the colleges have foreigners teach us about our own government, probably because they know more about our government than we do) It is going to be hard, but I can do it...

When the professor walked in, it was a woman! I am sure she is a "bleeding heart commie" but her voice was pleasant and she was so organized...laid back and well, really personable. Whoo hoo ...and she let us out early, because she is also a Muslim and it is Ramadan and she is fasting and she was hungry. I hate it when I get my bigot on.

I can hardly believe it, but I think this is going to be a fun class... I was worried for nothing.

"As long as there are tests there will be prayer in school"


Monday, August 24, 2009

Shut My Mouth Wide Open!

What is with the Attorney General appointing someone to do a preliminary investigation into the activities of the CIA, just to see if it is worth doing a real investigation? This just makes no sense.
Is this a ruse to get the media off the energetic negative response, by many people, to the Health Care Reform debacle? is putting pressure on the companies that advertise on Fox Television. Is this another way the far left is trying to put the kibosh on conservative shows like the O'Reilly Factor, Sean Hannity and Glen Beck? Fox news has a huge audience. I believe there are other companies just waiting to get their product to the viewers. I watch Fox because I believe they are to the point and want us to know what is going on.

Our deficit is going to be roughly 9 Trillion dollars in 10 years. We better put our kids and grand kids in Chinese language classes. The Chinese own us. It's just a matter of time until they call in the debt.

I seriously value the opinions of:

  • Ben Stein
  • Michelle Malkin
  • Laura Engal
  • Lou Dobbs
  • Bill O'Reilly
  • Charles Krauthammer
  • Glenn Beck
  • Rush Limbaugh (the list may grow)
Word of the Day: responsibility

The Kopeckny family can finally be at peace.

Mary Jo kopeckny, was the 29 year old woman who left a party with Edward "Ted" Kennedy. When he "took a wrong turn and drove off a bridge at Chappaquiddick, she drown in the car being driven by him. He was able to free himself, but not her. He went back to the party, returned to the scene with two friends who tried to rescue her...they were unable to pull her from the car. He neglected to report the incident until the next day only when his car was found with her body in it. Kennedy eventually plead guilty to "Leaving the Scene of an Accident that caused injury"

Quoting from Wikipedia, "Judge Boyle, sentenced Kennedy to two months' incarceration, the statutory minimum for the offense, which he suspended. In announcing the sentence, Boyle referred to Kennedy's "unblemished record" and said that he "has already been, and will continue to be punished far beyond anything this court can impose".

The family was given a little over $140,000. (personal and insurance money from Kennedy) The Kopeckny's never pursued a wrong full death suit because they didn't want to seem like they were going after "blood money"

I just thought I'd pass this little history lesson along... although we celebrated the first lunar landing this year, no mention was made that 2009 was also the 30th anniversary of the death of Mary Jo Kopeckney.

Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy died today "Camelot is no more" (Give me a break)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Is Business Slow for the ACLU?

In the first paragraph of my American National Government text there is a paragraph referring to the ACLU. "Groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) organized to defend First Amendment freedoms--express concerns over what they view as sometimes overly aggressive police and prosecutorial practices." Well that's the pot calling the kettle black.

The ACLU has filed suit against two administrators from Florida's Pace High School for saying a prayer over/blessing the food during a school sponsored luncheon this past January.

History: Apparently 2 student complained to the ACLU that the school officials promoted religion and prayer at school events. Evidently both a consent decree was signed that the school would be "permanently prohibited from promoting, advancing, endorsing, participating in or causing prayers during or in conjunction with school events,"
  • 2 is a majority when the population is 3.
  • What would have happened if the administration had not signed the consent degree?
  • The ACLU could care less about our 1st amendment rights. They are, digging and need something/anything to justify their existence.
  • It is pathetic that two men may go to prison and lose their retirement pensions over a payer.
  • Will the principal and athletic director be allowed to "cop a plea" for community service?
  • if a plea is reached, will they still loose their retirement benefits?
  • There is nothing we can do about it.
Every day every where most people say a prayer blessing their food and those who are about to partake of it. What has America come to that we sit back and let this kind of "aggressive prosecutorial" intimidation to occur.

Word of the day: prosecutorial (sp)

Maxine Waters, Congresswoman from California, is at it again. ( she is the reason I changed from the Democrat party to the Republican) I have almost been waiting to see how she would be in her own town hall meeting. Frankly, I can hardly believe she held one. Anywhoo... she referred to some of the other members of congress as "neanderthals" just because they oppose Health Care Reform. I consider them patriots, and pray they stand strong in this challenge. Especially because we have no say. Well, maybe in the 2010 mid term elections we'll have some say.

I am in trouble already and I have yet to even attend one class. It's going to be a long semester.

"Please, someone help me climb down out of the crazy tree"
Glen Beck

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I Love Bullets In More Ways Than One

On the home front... I am going to start shopping at Whole Foods. Pro-Obama-Care left wing-nuts are calling for a boycott because their CEO is against the program.

Word of the Day: moral vs. morale

I am confused by the audacity of Prez. O telling me that it is my moral obligation to support his Obama-care program in what ever form (of the 5 drafts circulating in congress) is finally presented. I am seriously bothered by this desperate plea.

Progressive (Socialist) t Blame Game
  • Insurance company organized protests
  • Public misinformed (fishy information)
  • Right wing conspiracy (Oh please)
  • Well dressed protesters (they're digging with this one)
  • Our "Moral Obligation" (not going to go there)
  • Free (only if you're unemployed and probably not even then)
  • eventually single payer program
Obama-care as I see it and why I am against it in all current versions
  • Too much Money
  • Republican input denied
  • Public Option (Government run)
  • Corrupt Acorn supported (clear up your ethics violation law suits)
  • Corrupt SEIC supported (stop the intimidation of workers)
  • Naive AARP supported (There alternative senior organizations)
  • one more piece to completing the socialist agenda (bring back the Constitution)
  • will eventually eliminate our health care options (no competition in the market)
  • Higher taxes (that'll spur the economy)
  • Politicians are self serving (Term Limits!)
  • Encourage suicide for terminal illness (Individual choice) Under Clinton administration VA was guilt EOL counseling produced by the Hemlock Society (thank goodness Bush put a stop to it, revived by Obama)
  • members of Congress, Senate will be exempt. (I want what they have. Are they crying about their coverage, no, only mine and yours)
Here is my list of Items that I feel need to be address in any kind of health care reform
  • 95% of Americans are insured and happy with their coverage.
  • Many uninsured are so, of their own choosing.
  • HCR Needs to address the unemployed health care needs only.
  • HCR Needs to address the underemployed health care needs.
  • Maybe uninsured bums & drug addicts need to be given "End of life counseling"
  • I resent working 40 hours a week to support those who won't work
  • I resent paying for health care for illegal aliens, bums and drug addicts
  • How about treating health insurance like life Insurance. Once you buy it you can take it with you, (bummer for those who cannot buy it. It'll will probably be me one day)
  • Uninsured people can get free care in the hospital emergency rooms.
  • I give to many charities, but I am basically a greedy person
This semester I am enrolled in American National Government. I am nervous and believe I will need a muzzle. I only hope I can keep my mouth shut and if I do feel the need to open it, I will be relevant and eloquent.

"Electing a black man made history, we just elected the wrong black man"
C. Washam

They've Bitten Off More Than We Can Chew

I regret feeling the need to harp on the Health Care Initiative but, just because i feel like I'm drowning in it, doesn't mean I'm willing to let myself or you drift away.

President O is certainly showing his eloquence when he refers to the conservatives during the month of August as "getting all 'wee wee'd' up" I have to admit the phrase struck me so funny and he looked so ludicrous when he delivered it, I know I'll be adding it to my repertoire of funny phrases. Most of which are funnies from my "May you Please get me..." and hand me the "mocanretroll" and "Look at all the flamflingos" and so on... (I wonder if he got "wee wee'd up" from one of his kids) I digress...

Word of the day: rationing

When "bend the cost curve" is used in a sentence we can substitute rationing.

I went to the MD the other day and noticed his office has really been cleared out...I asked what was going on and was told they are "going paperless". Hmmmmm does that mean my health records can be sent quicker and easier to what ever government agency might require them?

What about Cap and Trade? (Cap and Tax) what's going on with that. is everyone going to be taxed for fuel consumption, leaky windows and the car we drive (Carbon footprint) I finally got a communication from our congresswoman and it was a 11x17, color, double sided promotional for Solar water heating, double paned windows and Toyota Piuis. Her name and photo is all over it, with her message, but no where on it was her phone number, address (not even a PO box) or email. and I am sure by now you all know who paid for it. My protest to high gas prices was to get a Smart car. I hope this means I have a light carbon footprint. Next maybe we should stop breathing... (I'm nearly a they'd like that)

Cash for Clunkers: It really is a shame that most of the "clunkers" are automobiles, that many folks out there would love to own. Mr. O, Please pay the dealerships who are on the hook for a pile of money. If I were a dealership participating in "Cash for Clunkers", I'd keep every old car until I was reimbursed. If never paid for them, they could at least have something to sell. This program just a really nutty idea. Thank goodness it ends this weekend. I hope the folks that traded in their clunkers will be able to keep up on their new car payments... I'll be keeping an eye out for that wave of defaults.

What's next?

"People are willing to spend money when it's given to them"
anonymous email to Fox & Friends this morning

Does Anyone Have A Clue??

AARP has, in effect, abandoned it's constituency. Hobo and I felt like we had been abandoned by AARP with its liberal agenda several years ago. (we dropped our membership 2004) Like the progressives/socialists, AARP now thinks it knows what is best for us and will support and expect it's members to fall in line and support what ever 'health care' reform is thrown at them, no matter if they are the ultimate losers . AARP has grossly under estimated the intelligence of the senior citizens to think for themselves. It appears others are waking up now and canceling their memberships in droves.

With the advent of the Internet, is it possible that AARP has outlived it's usefulness? Especially now that it has been revealed that the aggressive union SEIC had put it's grimy paws into the AARP pot. I hope we never see see chanting, fist pumping, banner toting, AARP t-shirt wearing members at the "town hall" meetings. Because the members who are left, have yet to "get it".

Word of the day: buffoons

In my humble observations, it appears to me that members of ACORN and SEIC are just being used. These peeps have been incited to blindly support a cause they are more than likely are clueless about. Most think they are a side of something big, they just don't realize they are on the side that will hurt them in the end. Anything to get on a bus, be driven somewhere to wreak havoc where they have no interest.

An MSNBC contributor, referred to the everyday folks who attend the town hall forums as "a few thousand angry old white guys, some packing heat and all yelling at congressmen.." "...Shrieking" Oh Paaleeeeeeeze. Has he taken a look at the SEIC buffoons bussed into the town halls from parts unknown?

God Bless the people who have been invited to attend a town hall. and when given the opportunity, bless 'em for standing up and speaking their mind. (just how does that work?) I don't think our congresswoman is even holding one. I live vicariously through them. I can only hope our FL congresswoman Cosmas, is listening...although it probably doesn't matter... I will be voting against all incumbents. I must stress adamantly how congress and senate need TERM LIMITS!

Is Health Care Reform dead or just playing opossum?
  • "Death Panel" - End of life counseling - removed
  • Health Care Reform changed to Health Insurance Reform
  • Non Profit Co-Op health insurance Vs National Health Care
Don't hold your breath...what they cut out now will probably be added back in during the Senate debate process.

"Government only consumes wealth, the government does not create wealth"

John Tamny

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Want What He's Having.

It would seem to me that the easiest solution to this Health Care problem would be that we can sign up for the health care plan the congress, senate and president have. I'd like to know if that will be one of our options.
Still, not a peep from my congresswoman or Senator regarding a Town Hall meeting.

Word of the day: urban

I have been reading Michelle Malkin's book, Culture of Corruption and it is quite an eye opener.
It's not been an easy read, because I have to read and re-read everything, can't believe it. Early in the book she says urban is the new word for poor blacks. so now when I see anything with the word urban in it, I just substitute poor blacks.
  • Urban League - Poor Blacks League
  • Urban Development - Poor Blacks Development
  • Chicago's "Urban Health Initiative" - Poor Blacks Health Initiative
Kind of like the new word for socialist is progressive. When ever you read progressive in a sentence just substitute socialist. I am sure you get the drift. I am sure there are more.

I have read chapter 1 which goes into detail about the Obama pathetic 'payback' cabinet choices. Right down the line in chronological order from Gov. Richardson and Senator Daschel to the more obscure Charles Freeman. All of them carrying baggage that would prevent them from serving in any capacity. Wow, Obama's crack vetting team...

Chapter 2 is all about Michelle Obama, the born and raised in the Chicago style politics and queen whiner. After reading this chapter it reminded me of the woman I shared a room with when I had my appendix removed. She was there for Chrone's disease (painful, I get it) ...but she kept harping on how everyone was trying to take advantage of her and she was an "educated black woman" She was so pathetic, I had everyone I knew come see me so they could get a load of her. She needed to be seen first hand to be believed. They both have a major chip on their shoulders.

How timely that I also just read an article about how 'educated black women' have difficulty finding a husband. Ms. Obama was the exception.

"Birds of a Feather Flock Together."
16th Century Proverb

Friday, August 14, 2009

"Radio Free America"?

Word of the Day: bully

Is it the responsibility of conservative radio to see that the liberal/socialist radio is funded? What would happen? Is there a new Czar of the FCC? Do the Soros' of the world need to pony up the money? I doubt anyone is even listening anyway... which is why they are going to play the "entitlement"/"bully" card. I believe the far left socialists are worried that they might loose more of their constituents, because suddenly the conservative message is being heard and it makes a lot more sense. I really think most left of center Democrats are as afraid of Socialism as the right of center conservatives are. Socialist radio is only preaching to their far left choir.

But if it happens, I am sure we'll have "Radio Free America"
  • "Deathers"
  • "Birthers"
Who is the Bully in all this madness? What has America degenerated to? The only thing we can do is pray the Obama Health Care Reform gets dumped because the elected officials are afraid to loose their position...and then come the mid term election they get ousted anyway.
Term Limits!! If the President can have them why can't our other elected officials?

"The short memories of American voters are what keeps our politicians in office."
Will Rodgers

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

I am very happy to read that the "extra 4" luxury jets to enhance the fleet that haul the US hierarchy from here to there have been scrapped (for now) I must admit, I am surprised that it happened because everyone seems to be preoccupied with the health care reforms that, I believe, Congress thought that they could slip the extra airplanes into the bill, and no one would they did with the TARP funds and the Stimulus package. (actually, they threw a TARP over our eyes and pushed through the stimulus package that is stimulating nothing but angry hot buttons) point is, that funding for these planes will probably be slipped in a 2nd stimulus bill, if Congress gets their tricky way...

Word of the day: inconsequential

BO makes his "Tattle Tale Hot line seem inconsequential...
Here's another little tidbit... I never knew that when I access any government website a cookie will be attached to my computer to track my comings and goings on it. Can this be so??

"Hobo" and I dropped our involvement with AARP about 6 years ago. We noticed their total liberal agenda and decided we would not support them any more. Funny how one day AARP is all for the BO health care reform, and suddenly with peeps tearing up their cards and breaking ties, they are doing the "CETZA Quick Step" (don't make me explain it)

As much as my "FAST" does not like to back up...

BO is on the road again...and amazingly, sans prompter he compared the/his HCR to the US Postal Service... "FedEx and UPS are doing ok, it's the post office that's always having problems" and "that's why we don't want the people at the post office running health care" Ya think? who do you think runs the post office?? Things that make you go Hmmmmm. Every time BO opens his mouth, he need to re-arrange his feet.

Has anyone out there seen the movie "Soylent Green" or "The Candidate"... These old bells are ringing loud.

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time."
Abe Lincoln

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We Are Who We Complain About

In my life... it has dawned on me that whenever I complain about someone else's bad habit, bad behavior or bad attitude, it is me who has those issues. I also think that if everyone thought about the unkind things that come out of their mouths about others, they might realize it is they who have the issue...
I learned this when I was league bowling.

Word of the day: conscience

Case in point: Nancy Pelosi has now resorted to call anyone who disagrees with her agenda un-patriotic.
This woman needs to look in the mirror, at least examine her conscience.

  • How did she ever get to be Speaker of the House?
  • How did she ever get elected in the first place?
  • What needs to be done to relieve her of the House Speaker Duties?
  • Do other liberal congress-folk see how she is denigrating the position/their positions?
  • Do they care??

I can hardly wait for the mid term elections! unfortunately, it will be up to the people of California to deal with Ms. Pelozi, Feinstein, Boxer and Waters. What's with these women of California ? (I grew up in California, but thank goodness I am a Nebraskan...Maybe I should check out and see what waves those folks are causing) It has been so hard for me to get interested in the comings and goings of Florida, my current state's legislators. Crist, Martinez etc. and like California we have some real winners... their speak is a lot less hateful and they are keeping a pretty low profile.

I know this is trivial, but it is bugging me. so that's why I addressed it.

"Only dead fish go with the flow"
Sarah Palin

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Voices (?) at the Town Hall

What Voice? I haven't even heard of a town hall in the Orlando area. But I guess there was one in Tampa that got out of control. I am not surprised. It is frustrating when someone is trying to ram something down your throat that you don't want, didn't ask for and are choking on.

Word of the day: monstrosity
  • Who wrote this 1,500 page monstrosity health care reform bill anyway?
  • Are sections assigned to different congressmen and then assembled in a giant kluge?
  • Has any Congressman read the entire thing? (only his/her contribution)
  • Are we just pulling sections out of context and then freaking out?
  • Why is AARP backing this when seniors benefit the least... "death Panel"?
  • Will our representatives have to participate in this same health care program (they don't participate in Social Security...if that program were any good they'd all be in it.)
  • How much will my taxes eventually be raised to pay for it? The chronic unemployed will have no tax increase, yet they'll have benefit of my hard work.

Inquiring minds want to know. Our only venue is the Town Hall Meeting and we are being treated like idiots. No wonder the "well dressed, well funded, angry mob? is getting a little fired up. All the screaming and pushing and finger pointing is not going to get our voices heard. Only fear of losing an election speaks volumes. Term limits/Fair Tax... Am I alone?

Everything is changing. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.
Will Rogers

Friday, August 7, 2009

Cuttin' Back on "pork"

In Wednesday's news there was an obscure mention that President O was going to cut back on the pork spending... Of course he is, during the first weeks of his administration, during the dire state of our economy, the largest grab for earmarks happened. It'll take a couple of months to drum up some other disingenuous program to fund.

Word of the day: disingenuous

I seem to be loosing my burning anger. Or is it that I am so pissed off at everything, all the time I am unable to tell what I am angry about any more. Are there varying degrees of anger... one thing over another. There are just soOoOoOooo many issues. I thought listing them would help and it does help...but the list just never ends and seems to compound.
  • Report "Fishy" disinformation... 1984 in 2009 (guess we could see this coming)
  • Disagree but keep your mouth shut.
  • We want everyone to be a free thinker but who would have thought they'd think different from the liberals.
Encourage "Green Jobs" buy a Toyota, Prius, install solar panels and new windows... (I got a flyer in the mail from my congresswoman stating this...I think she has an office in town)

My Son in Law is a great source of inspiration (and vocabulary) Between him and my "Hobo", their eloquence on these and other burning issues keep me from exploding.

"Take care of the Earth, it's the only planet with Chocolate"
Author Unknown

Monday, August 3, 2009

Here's a Whale

Word of the day: "sucker punched"

Probably should give a little history of the developments of my thoughts on the direction our country is headed.
My mother was a lifelong Democrat. As a judge she was always looking out for the less fortunate.
1972 - 22 years old, I registered as a Democrat so..."Don't blame me I voted for McGovern.
1976 - Voted for Jimmy Carter (I took his photo and sent it to him he signed it and sent it back to me)
  • 1980 - Voted for Jimmy Carter, Regan Elected not the end of the world
  • 1984 - Voted for Walter Mondale, Regan Elected again...
  • Iran-Contra. Even I could see Oliver North was the fall guy.
  • 1988 - Voted for Michael Dukakis, George Bush Sr elected ok, I can deal with this too
  • 1991 - Iraq invades Kuwait - "Gulf War" - USA took care of business.
  • 1992 - Voted for Bill Clinton
  • 1996 - Voted for Bill Clinton
  • 2000 - Voted for Al Gore... Get the picture
9/11/2001 USA "Sucker Punched" by murderous foreign religious radicals, Al-Qaida/Taliban inspired
9/George Bush acted and spoke on behalf of the American People
5/2/2003 George W. Bush Lands fighter jet on the Aircraft Carrier USS Lincoln. The troops were thrilled
5/3/2003 Maxine Waters State Representative for California, in a "banshee like" tirade complaines about GWB landing on the aircraft carrier delaying the homecoming for servicemen. I was so embarrased by her rant that I didn't want to be affiliated with the Democrat party. In response, I would have liked to see GWB land a fighter jet on every aircraft carrier in the fleet.
That evening, I called the Orlando Republican Headquarters and told them "I have an emergency, I need to change my party affiliation" This was a Friday, in Monday's mail was a voter registration card and I officially became a Republican.
  • 2004 - Voted for George Bush
Disappointed that George bush didn't completely pardon the border patrol agents who shot the drug dealer and disappointed that he didn't exonerate Carl Rove.
  • 2008 - Voted for John McCain
And here we are 2009. Terrified at the turn our country is taking. Democrats and Republicans alike are only representing themselves and leaving their constituents in the dust. So for the next two years all of this socialist legislation is getting 'rammed' through and I have no voice.

"The country is going to get a very bad hair cut."
Elle Woods, "Legally Blond II"

Saturday, August 1, 2009

I just want to flush my head!

I have got to get off the news. This is difficult for me since 9/11 because I don't want to be sucker punched again. But now, instead of being sucker punched by a foreign entity, I feel like I am being sucker punched by my government. I have a pit in my stomach all the time and I am hoping this journal will help me organize my thoughts.

Word of the day: Stimulus

In my humble opinion, I believe that we are who we associate with. It is astounding to me that so few seem to see the new administration for what it is. To me it is a group of thugs trying to circumvent the constitution, congress and not to be forgotten the will of the majority of the people. Who, but themselves are our congressmen and senators representing... certainly not me. I did not vote for Chicago style government... I voted conservative. I need an Atavan...

I think this journal will probably be all over the place until I am able to organize all the
confusion that is going on in my head.
  • The "stimulus" trillions was just a way to prop up state budgets, no jobs created
  • Massive unemployment
  • Investigate the antics of ACORN
  • Leave my Health Care alone.
  • Stop benefits for illegal aliens.
  • No "Cap & Trade", there is no global warming.
  • If I own a gun I am a citizen, take that right away and I become a subject.
  • What is with all these Czars?
  • What happened to the constitution?
  • Where is the presidents Birth Certificate?
I cannot save the world, but what can I do?

"Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there."
Will Rogers