Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I don't know what anyone else is thinking, but I think we have a huge double standard clinging to the last hair on our chinney chin chins.

  • Obama vows to meet the climate challenge!

Yet he is in no hurry to respond to the immediate desperate Afghanistan Challenge/need?

  • Obama has the highest respect for the CIA

Yet he is allowing the investigation of Bush operatives to go forward

  • Obama says he only wants to look forward

Yet he is still dredging up old news from the Bush Administration

  • Obama is unaware of what is going on with ACORN

Yet he said "you have a voice in my administration"?

  • Obama will sit down with fringe media ABC CBS and NBC

Yet turns down an interview with Fox News who has the largest viewership?

  • Obama wants health care reform for free

Yet fines/taxes will be imposed/increased

Word of the day: doppelganger

Oh a more happy note, the principal and Athletic director being sued by the ACLU for blessing the food at a athletics appreciation luncheon, were found not guilty. Somewhere there is sanity in the world.

This was a banner day for the funnies

I saw a bumper sticker this morning and it said "BO Stinks"

1 comment:

  1. I love the bumper sticker. If you can find some, send them this way. LOL. Keep up the good work. Love you and your ramblings.

