Why is our National Government handing out grant/support money to an organization with such a crime ridden history.
Word of the day: corruption
Why are AC)$N representatives aiding and abetting prostitutes and pimps with Fraudulent business and income tax advice?
- ACORN is supported by US Grant Monies and private donations
- Why is no one seriously investigating them?
- Is this a state issue?
- Should the state governments be investigating ACORN state to state?
- Do the members of ACORN realize they are being used?
- President "O" is an advocate for Acorn and meets with them face to face weekly
This is just outrageous. We pay income tax that support those grants. Why are these grants continuously renewed? ACORN has been around longer than before O was a senator.
Is this just the tip of the iceberg?
- Convictions for voter fraud - Wisconsin and Colorado
- Investigated for voter fraud - Ohio, Illinois, Washington DC, Louisiana, Florida...(t's epidemic!)
- Challenged the statute that requires picture ID to vote in Missouri and Ohio
- Intimidated bankers to fund home loans to buyers who could not afford them
- misuse of funds
- Promoting income tax fraud (prostitution = Performing Arts? Two women fired)
- Underage girls living in the house "turning tricks" for money (tax deductions)
- Teach these underage, girls to keep their mouths shut ("loose lips sink ships")
We hear about the human trafficking of underage girls for the purposes of prostitution, but I would never have imagined that even ACORN could stoop that low. Who am I kidding.
And Finally the Census Bureau has grown a spine, advised the president and removed ACORN from participating in the taking of the 2010 Census. "O" needs to wash his hands of ACORN too.
"The trouble with political jokes is that too often they get elected"
Will Rogers
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