9/11 was a lovely day here in Florida. I was early to work at UCF /CREOL. Odd that the television was going...something about an airplane crashing into the World Trade Center in New York City. I thought "Wow, this plane is really off course, it's even not foggy." I called Hobo to see if he knew what happened, and as he turned on his TV at work, he said, "this is no lost airplane, the sky is clear". Just then, another commercial airliner came from out of nowhere to crash into the 2nd tower. And then there was the crash into the pentagon and the brave men and women on flight 93 that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania
Prior to 9/11, I collected a political cartoon here and there, but I never really paid much serious attention to world affairs until this day. Watching. in utter disbelief. as the World Trade Center, twin towers crumble to the ground is etched in my memory. We all experienced a very hollow feeling of helplessness.
Although I had voted for Al Gore, never was I more confident that the right man had been elected. GWB was articulate and absolute in his convictions to get on with the illusive fight against these murdering homicidal terrorists. Hobo and I put up a permanent flag pole and proudly fly the colors 24/7 to this day. We are all Americans ans we are all in this fight together, some on the front lines and we who pray for them here at home
Word of the day: reflect
- Thank a fireman
- Thanks a Policeman
- Thank an EMT
- Thank a nurse
- Thank a soldier
- Thank a veteran
- Thank God for them all
"If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read this in English, thank a soldier"
Author unknown
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