- Fast and furiously pass the TARP stimulus bill
- Push through Cap & Trade
- Rush rush to get a Health Care Reform bill passed
- Gotta save the banks NOW!
- Prioritize ACORN/SEIU/AFLCIO (oh wait he doesn't know what's going on with ACORN, not following them, but guaranteed them a voice in his administration)
A friend of mine, in jest, said he prioritizes his issues by tossing them into the air, which ever ones stick to the ceiling, those are the ones he deals with first. Our national security is no joke. If it has been recommended that our mission needs more troops, Send 'em or bring'em all home.
Word of the day: procrastinationHobo and I have been receiving a lot of literature from the Republican National Committee asking for support. Because I made an online contribution to the McCain campaign, I/many I'm sure, have been receiving a lot of emails from Oliver North, Michael Steele and others...and then of course asking for my financial support.
At this point I am a little disappointed in the GOP because no one seems to want to stand up and be the spine. Or ...am I missing the point... in their (GOP) united stand against Health Care Reform and Cap & Trade... they are all one great big spine. but for now my vote will be my contribution in 2010.
"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel
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