Word of the day:
deceptionThese are just some of the recent news stories congress would like us to ignore while they censure Congressman Wilson, which was a serious waste of taxpayer time and money. Let's reimburse the coffers by concluding the investigation of Charlie Rengle, what he owes in taxes might cover it. Please, where is the outrage/equity.
First time unemployment registrations lower than last month. That's because everyone else is already unemployed. Where are the jobs... TARP?Citizen group finding photographs of CIA agents and outing them for their interrogations. What do they hope to accomplish? What is your definition of torture... mine is a sabre to the throat and knowing you will be beheaded on video tape.ACORN is going to self investigate? Congress should be doing the investigation. after all it is the taxpayer money they are misusing.Cap & Trade will stop global warming? We are the only country on board. Global warming is a myth. Health care benefits for illegal aliens. ("you lie")33 Czars. Where is the senate investigation? Iran has no plans to develop it's Nuclear capabilities? The Iranian leadership untrustworthy.
Either send the requested/needed troops or pull our existing troops out and give Afghanistan back to the Taliban.Obama and the Middle East talks... "Yes we can" meets "No we won't"ACORN does what it does under the guise of helping the poor and disadvantaged? No, they are just helping themselves. Their leaders are siphoning millions of our tax payer money.SEIU exploits its members for its own gain. Sending them on buses to disrupt any conservative gathering. They give all new meaning to the word zombieThe United Auto Workers gained in the auto company bailout at the expense of its stockholders who lost everything. This one speaks for itself. (fortunately Hobo & I have no investments in the auto industry.) Most of our foreign debt is owed to China. This country uses melamine in it's baby formula and sends it to us as a filler in our pet food. We might need to look in to Rosetta Stone.Our president wants the USA to be like Europe. Our fore fathers left Europe to come here. Just because they have an endearing accent doesn't make them any more intelligent. Our president apologizes to everyone but his own citizens. Who is he working for?Americans wealth grew? Name them. Bailed out banks, operating as usual. Former president Jimmy Carter needs a muzzle. Please everyone stop playing the race card.The list is ever ending...
Where is our leadership. Someone out there needs to step up, grow a spine and take the lead. There is a ton of work to be done...as a citizen I can only voice my opinion and count the days until the 2010 election.

Something that just occurred to me, If we had car insurance like we have health insurance... meaning, if every time our car got sick and we used our auto insurance to cut the cost of repairs, the auto insurance companies would be looking for any reason to drop our coverage.
I really should go back and do a re-cap on the glossary of terms. Here is a new one.
Point person = Czar
"A politician thinks of the next election - a statesman of the next generation."
James Freeman Clark
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