Well finally, Van Jones (green jobs czar) "manned up". Good bye and good riddance. No one needs you anyway, there are no jobs to green up. With all the socialistic agenda we are dealing with, there is no room for a communist/anarchist. Go back to the rock Obama dragged you out from under. He'll have to look under another rock for that czar. Apparently there is no shortage.
Whew I have that off my chest!
Word of the day: accountability
Referring back to my August 14, 2009, post which mentions "Radio Free America", apparently there are some more rumblings about equalizing the amount of Liberal programming compared with Conservative programming...which could/might mean some of the Conservative programming would have to be eliminated, because few are listening to the Liberal blatherl. I am sorry if liberal media is having profound difficulty interesting it's followers...but please leave what we are listening to alone! And please just what Czar would be the "Great Media Equalizer"
- Is it our fault Fox News gives both sides of the story?
- Equal time for each opinion?
- Is it our fault that liberals fail to support media outlets dedicated to giving them a one sided bias?
- In the long run, does everyone wants to hear both sides?
- The constant name calling must get old for them too.
Do we punish the popular media outlets for the sake of the unpopular? Oh, that's right our current administration wants to punish the successful for the sake of the unsuccessful. Where is the accountability? Who says we are guaranteed equal share of the wealth. What you work for is what you reap. No pain, no gain.
"In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other."
"In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other."
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