Yesterday was the first meeting of the Greater Oviedo Political Conservative Women's Network. The theme for the meeting was a 4 person health care panel, to discuss provisions in the current bills and alternative solutions to achieving effective reform.
- Sandy Adams - State representative Dist. 33
- Andrea Herr - National president at AGIS, Allied Group Insurance Service
- Dale Maloney - LUTCF, CSA Benefits Division, Inc.
- Dr. Nizam Razack, M.D., FACS Board Certified Neuro-surgeon

Rep. Sandy Adams (R) said Obama's promises and declarations, in his speech, were nothing related to HR3200. She was unsure about what he was basing his promises on, but it wasn't HR3200 which is the only bill in congress being read and considered. Sandy and the Dr. both kept saying "If you've read the bill..." "It's right there in plain English..." Well, the bill is 1,500 pages long and although it may be written in English, it's not in 'plain English'. Of course there is no "Death Panel" in HR3200 because the panel was already created in the TARP bill. (Remember the TARP funds?)
(Bless congressman Wilson of "You lie" fame. Although the venue was not the House of Commons, and his remark was disrespectful, let's call it what it is. He said what we all are thinking, Obama and his congressional cronies are all bold faced liars)
Dr. razack, reminded us of costs of Med. School, Malpractice insurance...specialty work etc. Tort reform is not in HR3200 but Obama talked about it in his speech. people are not taking responsibility for their own health. Eat too much, drink too much, exercise less and smoke (President O smokes) "Charity patients get treated better than the patients with HMO, because we can treat them any way we want". (I get this..)
Ms. Andrea Herr gave us some hard numbers, too many to write down, but the figures of health care are staggering. costs are continuing to rise. "If everyone would get in the same bathtub you wouldn't need the pill" (not sure I get it)
"We want more, we want it now and we want it free, but we won't take responsibility for our own actions".
Mr. Dale Maloney talked about how continue benefits when we loose a job... 'continuous coverage'. When we are terminated we receive a simple envelope that contains "Statement of Credible Coverage" KEEP THIS DOCUMENT! it is a very important document. It proves you have been insured... One has 63 days to seek a new insurance provider and the new company has to pick you up with preconditions or not... (this is a new revelation)
It is hard to get coverage if you are a sole proprietor in a business...(impossible to get insurance) Florida law only provides for 2 person coverage... Hint: hire your spouse.
"It's not the cost of health insurance it's the cost of health care"
All in all it was a very interesting meeting, but mainly preaching to the choir.
I joined the organization.
"There will be no tort reform until we stop electing trial lawyers"
the quick brown fox
ReplyDeleteThis thing may work out yet. I'm so new to blogging that I don't know which way is up, so to speak.
ReplyDeleteObama made a staggering revealation today. He is not going to put defensive missiles in Poland and Czechoslovakia. Russia could hardly believe their luck! Reagan took years to walk the Soviets back on nuclear arms using SDI. Now it is all given back.