Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Get Real!

We have troops on the ground. General McChrystal was appointed by BO to command the troops in Afghanistan. I have a few questions.

Word of the day: Action

  • Why has the president only communicated to the general once in 7o days?
  • Why is our president eager to talk to the Iranians rather than General McChrystal?
  • Why is the president in Denmark to pitch Chicago for the Olympics?
  • Does the president think the Olympics is more important than the war in Afghanistan?
  • Does the president realise we are in the midst of an economic crisis?
  • Has the president forgotten there are millions of jobless Americans?
  • Does he think bringing the Olympics to the US in 2016 going to fix the Jobless crisis?
  • Does the president have any idea of how Chicago will pay to host the Olympics?
We have a problem. If we're not in it to win it, then bring 'em all home. I cannot stress this enough. I supposed the president can appoint another commander over there...he'll do an evaluation and maybe in another two months the new general will request more troops too...If enough change at the General level are made Obama will never have to make a decision. The end result of that could be devastating.

Backin' up: BO now has 40 czars. I believe their salaries to be around $170,000. I am so sheltered, it never occured to me that they also might have a budget?

Guess Health Care is back on the table. but where is our president...in Denmark!

"Who's zoomin' who?"
Aretha Franklin

Friday, September 25, 2009

Have We Sold Our Souls?

Praises to the FBI and local law enforcement for uncovering 7 different suspects for 3 unrelated probably terror attacks. I am not comforted. These are just the ones who got caught. There are more out there. Paranoia is an ugly thing.

Word of the day: disclosure

Obama is representing us at the United Nations this week and I am embarrassed at all the baloney. He is still apologizing for us as Americans. It is just disgusting in light of the recent terrorist arrests.

Iran has 2nd secret nuclear facility. A secret facility that we are just finding out about. One that they begrudgingly had to admit they had. How in the world can anyone believe them. In more than 20 years the Iranian government has never said anything that could be believed. Why is our president having a meeting with him October 1. What is there to say?
...And in the face of this revelation, Iran is now test firing it's arsenal. October 1, what is there to say?

The United Nations is a useless, obsolete body of clowns and the whole kit and kaboodle should be moved to Europe. I used to think, to France, but at least France as well as Germany had the "huevos" to stand with our president while he danced around his ire, disappointment and idle rhetoric. Where were Russia and China? I am sure Russia was boxing up the planes and weapons it just recently sold to Iran. China, conspicuously absent. What do they care, they own America.

Another concern I have is ...Why is our taxpayer money going to Libya?? What's up with that? 2.5 Million going to the Libyan Government and 200K to each of two charities run by Khadafi's two kids. We borrow money from China to give it to Libya? ... Libya who is a member of OPEC. Libya who along with OPEC hammers the world with it's oil prices. Where is Congress? I thought they had to approve expenditures like this.

And last for today, If we're not going to support our troops in Afghanistan, then bring them home. If we're not in it to win it... Then pack up the tents and be done with it. Our brave soldiers might as well be at the Alamo, waiting for reinforcements and waiting and waiting until every last American soldier is picked off.
This delay is a bold faced insult to our troops.
They need our prayers.

"The kind of man who wants the government to adopt and enforce his ideas is always the kind of man whose ideas are idiotic"
H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I don't know what anyone else is thinking, but I think we have a huge double standard clinging to the last hair on our chinney chin chins.

  • Obama vows to meet the climate challenge!

Yet he is in no hurry to respond to the immediate desperate Afghanistan Challenge/need?

  • Obama has the highest respect for the CIA

Yet he is allowing the investigation of Bush operatives to go forward

  • Obama says he only wants to look forward

Yet he is still dredging up old news from the Bush Administration

  • Obama is unaware of what is going on with ACORN

Yet he said "you have a voice in my administration"?

  • Obama will sit down with fringe media ABC CBS and NBC

Yet turns down an interview with Fox News who has the largest viewership?

  • Obama wants health care reform for free

Yet fines/taxes will be imposed/increased

Word of the day: doppelganger

Oh a more happy note, the principal and Athletic director being sued by the ACLU for blessing the food at a athletics appreciation luncheon, were found not guilty. Somewhere there is sanity in the world.

This was a banner day for the funnies

I saw a bumper sticker this morning and it said "BO Stinks"

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hurry Up and Wait!

Our president is all about quickly shoving stuff down our throats. Yet when it comes to our national defense and our soldiers already serving in "Ashcan"istan who are in need of reinforcements...Because he doesn't want to make a hasty decision, our president plans to wait 4 to 6 weeks before he makes one. His double standard practices may cause us serious problems in the future. This is a desperate situations...where are the mothers of the soldiers languishing there now. Step up and challenge O to send help for their boys.

  • Fast and furiously pass the TARP stimulus bill
  • Push through Cap & Trade
  • Rush rush to get a Health Care Reform bill passed
  • Gotta save the banks NOW!
  • Prioritize ACORN/SEIU/AFLCIO (oh wait he doesn't know what's going on with ACORN, not following them, but guaranteed them a voice in his administration)

A friend of mine, in jest, said he prioritizes his issues by tossing them into the air, which ever ones stick to the ceiling, those are the ones he deals with first. Our national security is no joke. If it has been recommended that our mission needs more troops, Send 'em or bring'em all home.

Word of the day: procrastination

Hobo and I have been receiving a lot of literature from the Republican National Committee asking for support. Because I made an online contribution to the McCain campaign, I/many I'm sure, have been receiving a lot of emails from Oliver North, Michael Steele and others...and then of course asking for my financial support.

At this point I am a little disappointed in the GOP because no one seems to want to stand up and be the spine. Or ...am I missing the point... in their (GOP) united stand against Health Care Reform and Cap & Trade... they are all one great big spine. but for now my vote will be my contribution in 2010.

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."

Bertrand de Jouvenel

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Once upon a time...

Word of the day: deception

These are just some of the recent news stories congress would like us to ignore while they censure Congressman Wilson, which was a serious waste of taxpayer time and money. Let's reimburse the coffers by concluding the investigation of Charlie Rengle, what he owes in taxes might cover it. Please, where is the outrage/equity.

  • First time unemployment registrations lower than last month. That's because everyone else is already unemployed. Where are the jobs... TARP?

  • Citizen group finding photographs of CIA agents and outing them for their interrogations. What do they hope to accomplish? What is your definition of torture... mine is a sabre to the throat and knowing you will be beheaded on video tape.

  • ACORN is going to self investigate? Congress should be doing the investigation. after all it is the taxpayer money they are misusing.

  • Cap & Trade will stop global warming? We are the only country on board. Global warming is a myth.

  • Health care benefits for illegal aliens. ("you lie")

  • 33 Czars. Where is the senate investigation?

  • Iran has no plans to develop it's Nuclear capabilities? The Iranian leadership untrustworthy.
  • Either send the requested/needed troops or pull our existing troops out and give Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

  • Obama and the Middle East talks... "Yes we can" meets "No we won't"

  • ACORN does what it does under the guise of helping the poor and disadvantaged? No, they are just helping themselves. Their leaders are siphoning millions of our tax payer money.

  • SEIU exploits its members for its own gain. Sending them on buses to disrupt any conservative gathering. They give all new meaning to the word zombie

  • The United Auto Workers gained in the auto company bailout at the expense of its stockholders who lost everything. This one speaks for itself. (fortunately Hobo & I have no investments in the auto industry.)

  • Most of our foreign debt is owed to China. This country uses melamine in it's baby formula and sends it to us as a filler in our pet food. We might need to look in to Rosetta Stone.

  • Our president wants the USA to be like Europe. Our fore fathers left Europe to come here. Just because they have an endearing accent doesn't make them any more intelligent.

  • Our president apologizes to everyone but his own citizens. Who is he working for?

  • Americans wealth grew? Name them.

  • Bailed out banks, operating as usual.

  • Former president Jimmy Carter needs a muzzle. Please everyone stop playing the race card.

    • The list is ever ending...
      Where is our leadership. Someone out there needs to step up, grow a spine and take the lead. There is a ton of work to be done...as a citizen I can only voice my opinion and count the days until the 2010 election.
      Something that just occurred to me, If we had car insurance like we have health insurance... meaning, if every time our car got sick and we used our auto insurance to cut the cost of repairs, the auto insurance companies would be looking for any reason to drop our coverage.

      I really should go back and do a re-cap on the glossary of terms. Here is a new one.
      Point person = Czar

      "A politician thinks of the next election - a statesman of the next generation."
      James Freeman Clark

      Monday, September 14, 2009

      A Crowded Bed

      Besides Michelle, our president is in bed with some pretty shady characters.

      ACORN (21st century blatant organized crime)
      SEIU (strong arm of the unions...used to be AFL-CIO, but they've been down played)
      AFL-CIO (non union shop told by presidential order to hire union workers and pay union dues, even though the current company workers do not want to be unionized)
      Trial Lawyers (no tort reform in Health Care bill)

      But alas the Senate is finally seeing ACORN for what they are, and have finally voted to cut off funding in their (ACORN) housing department. Shockingly, 7 senators voted to continue funding this corrupt organization. However, there will probably be 8,000,000. in other funding given to them. This is our tax payer monies. I would like to know what other 'dirt pies' ACORN has it's muddy fingers in, besides voter registration Hopefully, someone in the Senate will vote to end their funding, in any capacity, once and for all.

      Word of the day: Pathetic

      Now to briefly address the unions who, I believe, have outlived their usefulness. There are many other laws that prevent unsafe working conditions, wage problems and personnel issues. I hope more and more businesses can with withstand the pressures to unionize and stand strong against it.

      "Oh What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
      Sir Walter Scott

      Sunday, September 13, 2009

      Shower Musings

      Some of my best conclusions come to me while in the shower or in that gray area between being asleep and awake. I have long since forgotten my conclusions but here is a recap...

      Yesterday was the first meeting of the Greater Oviedo Political Conservative Women's Network. The theme for the meeting was a 4 person health care panel, to discuss provisions in the current bills and alternative solutions to achieving effective reform.

      • Sandy Adams - State representative Dist. 33
      • Andrea Herr - National president at AGIS, Allied Group Insurance Service
      • Dale Maloney - LUTCF, CSA Benefits Division, Inc.
      • Dr. Nizam Razack, M.D., FACS Board Certified Neuro-surgeon
      Nearly everyone in attendance had watched and listed to the Obams Speech on the 10th of September. It is my understanding that there are 4 versions out there but only one is being promoted and it is HR3200.

      Rep. Sandy Adams (R) said Obama's promises and declarations, in his speech, were nothing related to HR3200. She was unsure about what he was basing his promises on, but it wasn't HR3200 which is the only bill in congress being read and considered. Sandy and the Dr. both kept saying "If you've read the bill..." "It's right there in plain English..." Well, the bill is 1,500 pages long and although it may be written in English, it's not in 'plain English'. Of course there is no "Death Panel" in HR3200 because the panel was already created in the TARP bill. (Remember the TARP funds?)

      (Bless congressman Wilson of "You lie" fame. Although the venue was not the House of Commons, and his remark was disrespectful, let's call it what it is. He said what we all are thinking, Obama and his congressional cronies are all bold faced liars)

      Dr. razack, reminded us of costs of Med. School, Malpractice insurance...specialty work etc. Tort reform is not in HR3200 but Obama talked about it in his speech. people are not taking responsibility for their own health. Eat too much, drink too much, exercise less and smoke (President O smokes) "Charity patients get treated better than the patients with HMO, because we can treat them any way we want". (I get this..)

      Ms. Andrea Herr
      gave us some hard numbers, too many to write down, but the figures of health care are staggering. costs are continuing to rise. "If everyone would get in the same bathtub you wouldn't need the pill" (not sure I get it)
      "We want more, we want it now and we want it free, but we won't take responsibility for our own actions".

      Mr. Dale Maloney talked about how continue benefits when we loose a job... 'continuous coverage'. When we are terminated we receive a simple envelope that contains "Statement of Credible Coverage" KEEP THIS DOCUMENT! it is a very important document. It proves you have been insured... One has 63 days to seek a new insurance provider and the new company has to pick you up with preconditions or not... (this is a new revelation)
      It is hard to get coverage if you are a sole proprietor in a business...(impossible to get insurance) Florida law only provides for 2 person coverage... Hint: hire your spouse.
      "It's not the cost of health insurance it's the cost of health care"

      All in all it was a very interesting meeting, but mainly preaching to the choir.
      I joined the organization.

      "There will be no tort reform until we stop electing trial lawyers"


      Saturday, September 12, 2009

      Working Folks = Working Economy

      Word of the Day: outrage

      Is massive unemployment just another crisis not to waste. President Obama tells us that another 6 million people have lost their insurance in the last 6 months. Is he unable to put two and two together...They have lost their insurance because they are no longer employed. Is that the point of the big push...do it now while unemployment is rampant. Remember: "Never waste a crisis"

      The bigger issue is the economy!
      • What is happening with the stimulus money?
      • Where are the jobs the stimulus money was supposed to generate?
      • What happened to all that money during the congressional money grab?
      • The banks seemed to have recovered
      • How long until many of the cars purchased during "Cash for Clunkers" go to the Repo Man?
      • How long until all the unemployed who are living on credit card debt can no longer pay?
      • Will we have 2nd further collapse in the economy?
      • Wall street seems to be prospering. (Now there is the inmates running the asylum)
      • The unions are certainly benefiting
      • Why is unemployment on the back burner
      I believe the average citizen is drowning in "health care" propaganda and the government wants to keep it that way.

      I believe we are witnessing the 21st century organized crime. Only this time, the organization is going after it's own constituents.

      "A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul"
      George Bernard Shaw

      Thursday, September 10, 2009

      Gotcha...Again and Again Organized Crime in the 21st Century

      ACORN...what more is there to say.

      Why is our National Government handing out grant/support money to an organization with such a crime ridden history.

      Word of the day: corruption

      Why are AC)$N representatives aiding and abetting prostitutes and pimps with Fraudulent business and income tax advice?

      • ACORN is supported by US Grant Monies and private donations
      • Why is no one seriously investigating them?
      • Is this a state issue?
      • Should the state governments be investigating ACORN state to state?
      • Do the members of ACORN realize they are being used?
      • President "O" is an advocate for Acorn and meets with them face to face weekly

      This is just outrageous. We pay income tax that support those grants. Why are these grants continuously renewed? ACORN has been around longer than before O was a senator.
      Is this just the tip of the iceberg?

      • Convictions for voter fraud - Wisconsin and Colorado
      • Investigated for voter fraud - Ohio, Illinois, Washington DC, Louisiana, Florida...(t's epidemic!)
      • Challenged the statute that requires picture ID to vote in Missouri and Ohio
      • Intimidated bankers to fund home loans to buyers who could not afford them
      • misuse of funds
      • Promoting income tax fraud (prostitution = Performing Arts? Two women fired)
      • Underage girls living in the house "turning tricks" for money (tax deductions)
      • Teach these underage, girls to keep their mouths shut ("loose lips sink ships")

      We hear about the human trafficking of underage girls for the purposes of prostitution, but I would never have imagined that even ACORN could stoop that low. Who am I kidding.

      And Finally the Census Bureau has grown a spine, advised the president and removed ACORN from participating in the taking of the 2010 Census. "O" needs to wash his hands of ACORN too.

      "The trouble with political jokes is that too often they get elected"

      Will Rogers

      9/11 Remembered

      9/11 was a lovely day here in Florida. I was early to work at UCF /CREOL. Odd that the television was going...something about an airplane crashing into the World Trade Center in New York City. I thought "Wow, this plane is really off course, it's even not foggy." I called Hobo to see if he knew what happened, and as he turned on his TV at work, he said, "this is no lost airplane, the sky is clear". Just then, another commercial airliner came from out of nowhere to crash into the 2nd tower. And then there was the crash into the pentagon and the brave men and women on flight 93 that crashed in a field in Pennsylvania

      Prior to 9/11, I collected a political cartoon here and there, but I never really paid much serious attention to world affairs until this day. Watching. in utter disbelief. as the World Trade Center, twin towers crumble to the ground is etched in my memory. We all experienced a very hollow feeling of helplessness.

      Although I had voted for Al Gore, never was I more confident that the right man had been elected. GWB was articulate and absolute in his convictions to get on with the illusive fight against these murdering homicidal terrorists. Hobo and I put up a permanent flag pole and proudly fly the colors 24/7 to this day. We are all Americans ans we are all in this fight together, some on the front lines and we who pray for them here at home

      Word of the day: reflect
      • Thank a fireman
      • Thanks a Policeman
      • Thank an EMT
      • Thank a nurse
      • Thank a soldier
      • Thank a veteran
      • Thank God for them all

      "If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you can read this in English, thank a soldier"

      Author unknown

      Tuesday, September 8, 2009

      Just A Few Short Observations

      Congratulations to all the parents allowed their children to watch President Obama's Speech to them. It is obvious you have confidence in the moral and ethical foundations you have and are giving them. Give them the opportunity to see and hear the sitting president (even if we don't like his political agenda). Remember, we are the voters not the children.

      Word of the day: observations

      I was curious to watch the Obama speech last night and boy, is he a good reader. I am always amazed at those who say he is a good orator. Have they ever listened to him speak off the cuff...He is a good reader. Karaoke as Karl Rove put it. I did observe that there were many instances when the Dems leaped to their feet but the Reps, just sat there.

      Finally! Georgia R. Congressman Kingston is putting for "the Czar Accountability Act" to address the gazillion czars Obama has appointed. They do make high level recommendations and decisions and they should be held accountable to someone other than the man who appointed them, and if Van Jones is any indication of their character, we need to be doubly concerned. Why is he the alone in this process? Where are the rest of them?

      Here in Florida it will be an interesting senatorial race.

      Now is time to start investigating those who want to be potential candidates for the upcoming primaries. We can never start too early...the primaries come up and sheesh, who are these people?

      "We teach our children to be free thinkers, but never dreamed they might think different from us".

      Margie Boynes

      Monday, September 7, 2009

      Shady Shadow Government

      In fairness, President GW Bush had 13 Czars. Why? Who knows... Although I voted for GWB in 2004, toward the end of his administration, I was extremely disconcerted and frustrated with his actions or I should say lack there of. I still clench my jaw when I think about the border patrol agents who shot the multi-offender drug dealers and were never fully pardoned. I am disappointed that GWB abandoned his friend Carl Rove. But mostly I was stupified that he allowed himself to be railroaded into passing the first stimulus bill. He had serious spine issues. Which allowed, President Obama to pick up the ram rod and run with it too. Not to mention the disingenuous congressional money grab. But that is all said and done, just thought I'd put that here so I will be reminded that I was disappointed in GWB too.

      Word of the day: credibility

      We finally get rid of one czar and before he's replaced, another new one is appointed.

      Will President O have better luck with the new czar of Manufacturing?
      At the rate he is going, there will be more czars than there are elected officials.

      • What is the constitutionality of the Czar appointments?

      • Is there such distrust in the congress that the president must resort to a "shadow government"?

      • What else is there that needs a czar appointment?

      • Will he appoint a czar of his staff's substandard vetting process?
      • How much more humiliation is the administration willing to subject itself to?
      • What happened to the Checks and Balances system?
      • Surly there are members of congress who hold parallel responsibilities?
      • Do they collaborate?
      • Is President O repaying quid pro quo? (will check with family lawyers to be sure I am using this term in it's proper context)
      • Is congress embarrassed to find that President O may be a problem rather than a solution?
      • Why does Congress seem to be turning a blind eye?
      In my humble opinion, I find this extremely disrespectful to the Congress as a whole (not that the individuals deserve any respect), and the constitution as it was written.

      See this is what a government class has done for me.

      "if you don't read the newspapers you are uninformed, if you do you are misinformed."
      Mark Twain

      Sunday, September 6, 2009

      Down the Slippery Slope

      We all know there are 4/5 versions of the Obama inspired, Congress written Health Care Reform drafts floating around...somewhere...the 1,500 pager, HR3200, is the one everyone's all "wee wee'd up" about. Are the rest of them also 1,500 pages? Round and round and round they go, where they stop nobody knows!

      Word of the day: Coercion

      What if a company offers Health Insurance to its employees. Can the employer then (if it is passed) offer the "public option"? Or does the enployer then drop the Insurance he is offering and pay a fine for not offering insurance, but his employees are insured because there is the 'public option'? Or does it mean that the only plan the employer can offer is the Public option. If he offers one of the private insurances does he get fined? It sounds like government coercion to me. There is no way to win for losin'.

      Which brings me to the anti-anti Health Care Reform protesters (ACORN, SEIU. AFL-CIO, Color of change, Code Pink, etc)...

      • I wonder if these hired chartered bus ridin', tee-shirt wearin', pre-printed sign carrin' chanters even have a clue about what they protest.
      • Why do the pro-HCRers have to pay their "believers" to disrupt honest and sincerly fired up concerned citizens in the "town hall meetings"?
      • Do they even understand the cause?
      • Do they have a clue what they stand to lose? (other than a little after hours income...)
      • What government grant is being used to pay for this?
      • Are they being coerced?
      The more I think I have it straight in my mind the more this feels like the slipperiest slope going.

      "I'm just waitin' for the other thoughts to string all this mess together."

      Charlie Farmer "The Astronaut Farmer"

      One Down, 31 More to Go

      Well finally, Van Jones (green jobs czar) "manned up". Good bye and good riddance. No one needs you anyway, there are no jobs to green up. With all the socialistic agenda we are dealing with, there is no room for a communist/anarchist. Go back to the rock Obama dragged you out from under. He'll have to look under another rock for that czar. Apparently there is no shortage.
      Whew I have that off my chest!

      Word of the day: accountability

      Referring back to my August 14, 2009, post which mentions "Radio Free America", apparently there are some more rumblings about equalizing the amount of Liberal programming compared with Conservative programming...which could/might mean some of the Conservative programming would have to be eliminated, because few are listening to the Liberal blatherl. I am sorry if liberal media is having profound difficulty interesting it's followers...but please leave what we are listening to alone! And please just what Czar would be the "Great Media Equalizer"

      • Is it our fault Fox News gives both sides of the story?
      • Equal time for each opinion?
      • Is it our fault that liberals fail to support media outlets dedicated to giving them a one sided bias?
      • In the long run, does everyone wants to hear both sides?
      • The constant name calling must get old for them too.
      Do we punish the popular media outlets for the sake of the unpopular? Oh, that's right our current administration wants to punish the successful for the sake of the unsuccessful. Where is the accountability? Who says we are guaranteed equal share of the wealth. What you work for is what you reap. No pain, no gain.

      "In general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible from one party of the citizens to give to the other."


      Wednesday, September 2, 2009

      Who's Zoomin' Who?

      Once again "O" is taking his show on the road...only this time it's to the kids...can't make any headway with the adults (voters) so he'll give his spiel to the school children, because they will be able to better educate their parents on the proper response to the Health Care Reform crock.

      To paraphrase Andrea Tantaras, guest on the Oreilly Factor, "...that's why he has to address a bunch of school children, people who really were born yesterday".

      Public Option = Public Deception

      Word of the day: deception
      • What is with the Obama Shadow Government.
      • There are nearly 30 Czars, all with questionable pasts.
      • These ethics challenged, presidential appointees (czars) would never survive a congressional hearing
      • One controversy after the other is an embarrassment to the administration
      • This is just further evidence that our current president has a very shady circle of friends
      • Why is no one in congress questing their (czars) value much less putting a stop to it?
      • Who is paying their (czars) salaries?
      "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of the misery"
      Winston Churchill

      Tuesday, September 1, 2009

      New Twist 'Buy-cott"

      As mentioned in the August 19Th entry, colorofchange.com has called for a boycott on Whole Foods because their CEO has a difference of opinion than that of the Obamaniacs. Well, I don't normally shop at Whole Foods, because it's quite a drive for me...but I am shopping there now. I did speak to the manager and let him know I was there in defiance of the liberal boycot. but the best news of all is... the Tea Party organizers in Houston put together a "buy-cot" and over 300 people came. only one lone feller with a boycott sign stood outside. Hopefully the "buy-cott" will spread. Hooray! Good for Whole Foods CEO John Mackey You go man! and take more like minded businesses with you.

      Word of the day: buy-cot
      More of a 'sniglet'

      There is so much going on, I am having difficulty getting my thoughts in order so my posts will be short until I can. Mainly I know my hands are tied, so I am just waiting for the 2010 election. It seems like an eternity away. I am going to join the Greater Oviedo Political Women's Network. They are having an inaugural meeting Saturday, September 12th 2009 from 11:00 - 12:30 PM. Wonder who I'll see there.

      I hope everyone reads Michelle Malkin's book Culture of Corruption. No more 2nd hand interpretation.

      "Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you?"
      Pericles (430 B.C.)