Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is Barak Obama High?

Help me get a grip. While perusing the newspaper, there in big, bold letters is the headline from an NBC interview:

President Obama tells NBC News that he expects that "the professed Sept. 11 mastermind will be convicted and executed..."

I think this puts new meaning to "fly in the ointment". "Loose lips sink ships" where have we heard that before.

Word of the day: incompetent

This is just food for the team of attorneys who will defend him and 5 others. Is our president as naive and foolish as I believe he is. No...I think he knows exactly what he is doing. I see an acquittal on the horizon.

Defense advantages:
  • All information was gained through torture,(?) water boarding
  • The president predicts guilty verdict before the trial has even begun.
  • Change of Venue
  • Where in the USA to find a fair and impartial jury
  • Speedy trial? (doubtful, let the circus begin)
  • Right to confront witnesses (What witnesses, secret ones?)
  • Physical proof he was the mastermind (that is what KSM said, under duress)
  • Push for a dismissal, get an acquittal
  • Client, KSM, goes free. (to where, somewhere in the USA?)
Prosecution Advantages:
  • Holder is the Prosecutor
  • Appoint a team w/o him to avoid damage to his reputation
  • From what pool will they find a fair and impartial jury
  • What witnesses will they call? (imaginary whitneses)
  • He will wish he had pushed for the Military Tribunal
  • The administration will, again, look like the pile of fools we know them to be.

Al Qaeda Advantages: Fodder for recruitment

Benefit to America: None

Never in the history of the US had a war criminal been prosecuted in a civilian court.

"The court system is simply not built for war criminals, nor should it be. And if he's not a prisoner of war, try telling that to the people we've been bombing for 8 years in Afghanistan. I'm actually surprised that Obama and his administration could be this foolhardy and naive.The most frightening thing is how this underscores their lack of understanding or appreciation of the Constitution."

Doug Ranney Esq.

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