Monday, September 14, 2009

A Crowded Bed

Besides Michelle, our president is in bed with some pretty shady characters.

ACORN (21st century blatant organized crime)
SEIU (strong arm of the unions...used to be AFL-CIO, but they've been down played)
AFL-CIO (non union shop told by presidential order to hire union workers and pay union dues, even though the current company workers do not want to be unionized)
Trial Lawyers (no tort reform in Health Care bill)

But alas the Senate is finally seeing ACORN for what they are, and have finally voted to cut off funding in their (ACORN) housing department. Shockingly, 7 senators voted to continue funding this corrupt organization. However, there will probably be 8,000,000. in other funding given to them. This is our tax payer monies. I would like to know what other 'dirt pies' ACORN has it's muddy fingers in, besides voter registration Hopefully, someone in the Senate will vote to end their funding, in any capacity, once and for all.

Word of the day: Pathetic

Now to briefly address the unions who, I believe, have outlived their usefulness. There are many other laws that prevent unsafe working conditions, wage problems and personnel issues. I hope more and more businesses can with withstand the pressures to unionize and stand strong against it.

"Oh What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
Sir Walter Scott

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