In order to be an "independent voter" one has to be an "independent thinker". I am registered Republican, because it allows me the opportunity to vote in the primary. For years I was registered in the Democrat party. And for a brief time, I was so incensed with both parties, I registered Independent. But then a primary came up and I was left ringing my hands. I can vote any which way I want, but if I am not registered in one of the current day major parties, I can only vote for referendums or in the General Elections. I like marching my "@$$ full of business" down to the polls and casting my vote, for what it's worth.
Word of the day: sufferage
It is already, nearly February...and that means that serious campaigning will begin very soon. I am a little confused as to what the significance of the Supreme Court Ruling on Campaign Contributions.... I am confused on why "Free Speech" seems to be the linch pin.
My Take?

What were they thinking?
I actually Joined and bought a ticket to a "Ronald Regan Club" (I don't know or care what the real organizations name is) Banquet. There I hope to meet Marco Rubio, Republican candidate for the Senate and sit with Sandy Adams Republican candidate for Congress. I actually ponied up $75.00 for this opportunity."citizens, brace yourselves. An even more intense barrage of advertising and advocacy – on television, the Web and beyond – will be at hand in the 2010 midterm elections. Information overload awaits … "
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