I am struggling with trying to figure out why the Muslims want to kill us. Why do they feel like it is our responsibility that they need to kill us... Is the radical philosophy to kill those who do not believe in Allah? So in the mean time, are we supposed to sit back and wallow in the Political correctness cesspool. To the Radical Islamist, martyrdom and killing have become a Muslim occupation. It is, so to say, their job...granted short lived, but none the less benefits go to the widow and family.
Word of the day: conundrum
Does this mean that you have to be born Muslim to truly be a Muslim, therefore everyone else should die.
Does this mean there is no room for conversion. If they kill everyone who does not believe in Islam/Muhammed/Qur'ān there will be no one to convert. I have always thought what a boring world this would be if everyone believed the same way.
Does this mean that they are envious of the USA and our advancements. They seem to be living with a ball and chain to their history but at the same time using state of the art communication systems and weaponry.
Does this mean they want to rule the world, and they are just starting with the USA. Why not start with Europe, they are civilized too. Our president wants us to be just like the Europeans.
Although it is disappointing that our Obama revised homeland security procedures failed... I was heartened by the picketers at the hearing for the "Underwear Bomber" They were holding signs that was anti terror, and for these radicals to stop twisting the meanings of the Muslim religion. Unfortunately, it's not enough. Someone in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and the rest of the middle east needs to step up and be the voice of reason to say in their own way for the radicals to stop this. I think it's fear. The majority are afraid for their lives if they go against the status quo. If only our president would take a stand. or at least hire competent people who will in turn hire competent people.

One would hope that moving to the United States would give new Muslim immigrants a sense of relief and personal freedom. Unfortunately they have also brought their "Sharia Law" with them which go directly against our laws of human rights.
Thank goodness the Christian missionaries that travel around the world don't kill the people they are bringing their message to. For that reason alone, I am proud to believe in a forgiving God. and to believe in a Christ who speaks of love and acceptance.
Thank goodness our forefathers were brave enough to stand up to the oppressors of their time and establish this great country.
"You better master the rules of the game until you can play it better than they can"
Prince Albert "The Young Victoria"
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