Monday, February 1, 2010

Better Late Than Never

Knowing he (B.O.) is more of a reader than an orator, I was completely sucked in. I usually take what people say at face value. I want to believe that POB is sincere, and that he really believes what he is reading. But after listening to the speech again, it rings of condescension and insincerity.

However, my attention was almost completely diverted by the Speaker of the House. I ask you, what was Nancy Pelosi sucking out of her teeth? Get the woman some floss!

I digress...

Word of the day: magpie

he is still blaming Bush for his problems, he is now blaming the press and everyone in Washington. In my 40 years of voting, he is the first president who has spent a lot of his time dwelling on what he was left. Every other president just got on with the job at hand. What a whiner!
But am I the whiner...if all I can do is critique his delivery and the two goombahs sitting behind him. Does what BO says have any relevance. If the promises in the State of the Onion are any indication of the value he has placed on all previous speeches, that's all it was a pile of words.

Missed inconvenient topics:
  • National Security
  • Trials for Terrorists
  • Unemployment
I think his speech was exactly what he thought the people wanted to hear. It was like he was giving us a lesson Next...Next...and so on...hopefully the people who actually go to the polls will not be fooled by all the 'shuckin' and jivin'...Yes it is going to be a very long 3 years. Mid Term my friends...gear up... let's all stop the pissin' & moanin', take a stand and start doing our homework regarding the candidates who will have an effect on us.

When I was president of a women's social group, I had to give a speech at the year end luncheon. We spent money that would have done better in the bank and had a fund raiser that barely paid for itself, but I had to highlight the good things that happened. I left personalities out of it and did my best to let the members know we had a good year.

"Even a dog won't eat out of this dish"
Mike Huckabee

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