Word of the day: determination
- Read more: I received a "Nook" for Christmas. The store was sold out, but I have a promise that it will arrive at my house around the 15th of January. This will help me clear 30 books off the headboard of our bed.
- Talk Less: I have an opinion and you all deserve to hear it, but well we all know the analogy and I'm sure mine is full of it too.
- Reduce debt/spend less: I'd like to go on an Alaska Cruise this coming summer. the thought of a 2nd job is more than I can handle. Maybe thinking will be a 2011 resolution.
- Go to the movies more: Well this is a no brainer. How I can go more than I already do, is gonna be a tough one to follow through with.
- Exercise some: At all
- Loose weight: I have been on a diet for 1 day and already feel like I have lost 24 hours.
- Less Food: See previous resolution
- Learn to work the DVD capability on the television: I'll miss the passive aggressive aspect of always asking the child to help me. I'll miss her heaving sigh and her eyes rolling full circle in their eye sockets. She always helps me...but it ain't pretty.
- Less News: I am looking forward to the new season of Dancing with the Stars, Castle and Glee. However, I need to be on top of things when the state primaries and Mid-Term elections come around.
- Less Facebook: Not sure how I'll get around this one. Might be harder than losing weight. or talking less, or might impinge on my reading more or exercising some.

"Infinity and Beyond!"
Buzz Lightyear "Toy Story"
I need to do all those resolutions too. BUT I decided on 1 this year. My resolution is to be a nicer person. Good luck