Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Independent Voter

In order to be an "independent voter" one has to be an "independent thinker". I am registered Republican, because it allows me the opportunity to vote in the primary. For years I was registered in the Democrat party. And for a brief time, I was so incensed with both parties, I registered Independent. But then a primary came up and I was left ringing my hands. I can vote any which way I want, but if I am not registered in one of the current day major parties, I can only vote for referendums or in the General Elections. I like marching my "@$$ full of business" down to the polls and casting my vote, for what it's worth.

Word of the day: sufferage

It is already, nearly February...and that means that serious campaigning will begin very soon. I am a little confused as to what the significance of the Supreme Court Ruling on Campaign Contributions.... I am confused on why "Free Speech" seems to be the linch pin.

My Take?

  • If the existing politicians are any indication, greed will run rampant and big corporations will own most of them.

  • Candidates in the pockets of big doners will be able to produce, send or post fancier campaign baloney. (like we don't get enough already)

  • It will be difficult to distinguish the candidate who has his constituents in his bid or who will do anything to get elected.

  • First Amendment restored, now the only voice we'll here is the voice of big corporations and strong arm unions.

What were they thinking?

I actually Joined and bought a ticket to a "Ronald Regan Club" (I don't know or care what the real organizations name is) Banquet. There I hope to meet Marco Rubio, Republican candidate for the Senate and sit with Sandy Adams Republican candidate for Congress. I actually ponied up $75.00 for this opportunity.

"citizens, brace yourselves. An even more intense barrage of advertising and advocacy – on television, the Web and beyond – will be at hand in the 2010 midterm elections. Information overload awaits … "
Jeff Zeleny

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Breathing Easier For The Moment

I've finally had an opportunity to reflect on my glee that Scott Brown was able to defeat the Democrat candidate for the Senate in MA. This may be the single most significant sign that the people of the United States are not asleep. We are listening and have been watching the disgraceful way our elected officials have been representing themselves instead of their constituents.
  • Empty promices
  • Smoke filled rooms
  • Back alley deals
  • Pork laden legislation
  • Limitless union support
  • Undeserved Wall Street Bailouts
  • Unbridled greed
  • Out of control spending
  • Misuse of funds
  • High unemployment
  • Tax increases
  • 'legalized' bribery
  • inappropriate trials for terrorists
  • inappropriate trial venue
  • lackadaisical Homeland Security
  • Closing Gitmo
  • Ignoring their constituents
  • Arrogant behavior
  • Disrespecting each other
  • Czars
Word of the day: audacious

Maybe a lot of American people have thrown up their hands in resignation, but I am equally amazed at those who stood up and made some noise for good old American values.

Now let's see if we can keep this momentum going during the run up to the 2010 Mid Term Election.

Senator, Alan Grayson must be defeated. He has embarrassed the people in the Sunshine State of Florida. We deserve better. Some city in Florida is missing it's fool, let's send him back home.

"What kind of a people do they think we are?"
Winston Churchill

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mr. Brown Goes To Washington

I am feeling a little guilty pulling my topic away from the horrific situation in Haiti. I just want to bullet a couple of odd stories.

  • H. Chavez of Venezuela: US is occupying Haiti. We should be sending surgeons instead of soldiers. (this man is an idiot and would use anything he thought might diminish the USA, even political grandstanding over the most desperate of times for Haiti)

  • French Foreign Minister: US is monopolizing the relief efforts, they are unable to get their supplies on the ground. (I believe it is because of the French that Haiti is in the condition it is in because for the last 175 years they have been paying a reparation debt to French government so they would leave and let Haiti govern themselves)

  • Then of course there is our own Pat Robertson, blaming the Haitians for this natural disaster, they made a deal with the devil. The devil they made the deal with was France. and even France can't fight it's way out of a wet paper sack much less cause an earthquake.

    Politicians: If you are not a Doctor, Nurse or have anything more to do than get in the way for a photo opportunity. Go home. The Haitians barely have any room to be. So you need to get out of the way.
The US is not going to invade Haiti and take it over. With so many soldiers on the ground I can see that train of thought among the uneducated. Haiti is the last thing we need on our territorial plate.

Changing Gears ...

Word of the day: relief

The people of MA have spoken and the national implications are resounding. If the states are unwilling to pull together a Continental Congress, this election upset will do, for now. Our current government is out of sinc with the American people. Between the "Louisiana Purchase" and the "Cornhusker kick back", legalized bribery was like knife in the backs of the voters. What jobs were created with the stimulus funds? NONE... Greedy Banking, Auto take over, kow tow to unions. With this kind of shenanigans, Democrats up for election had better re-think their position on everything BO, Pelosi and Reid related.

This was a special election and "he will be seated as soon as we receive the proper paperwork" If the Pelosi/Reid machine try to stall the seating of newly elected Scott Brown and continue to try to pass Health Care, Cap & Trade I think people will hit the streets in protest.

This is the beginning of the countdown to the 2010 mid-term elections. Hang on, it's going to be an interesting ride.

"Scott Brown took the political wrecking ball to the Democratic machine"

Steve Ducey, Fox News

Monday, January 18, 2010

Martin Luther King Jr. 1929 - 1978

Word of the day: Dream

“Change does not roll in on wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle.”
Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Mother Nature Shows Her Nasty Side

Haiti fought and gained its independence however, when the French cut them loose Haitians have never been able to establish a government that places the needs of the people first. The poorest nation in the eastern hemisphere, never seems to be able to get a leg up between the hurricanes, corrupt politicians, and now this horrific magnitude 7.1 earthquake.

It is a cruel world and Haiti is in a very serious situation right now. They are the first Black nation but, after 200 years " failed state" comes to mind. Everything there is substandard from health care, education and economy to building codes, disaster preparedness and work ethic.

Word of the day: conundrum
  • Send NO CASH, MONEY to the hands of the corrupt leaders and wealthy land owners.
  • Use collected monies to give the people who need it, food, shelter, clothing, protection, medicine and medical attention. Bury, or with permission, cremate the dead. Haiti has a very high tuberculosis and aids problem, nor are they able to get a grip on other blood born diseases, carried from one host to another via mosquitoes.
  • Every philanthropist, could take a town or village and sponsor the building of a school or hospital. (Donald Trump, Bill, Gates and Brad Pitt to name 3. It's a very small country) These schools could also serve as community a center or a shelter during the hurricane season. Any little squall will send Haitians swimming in mudslides.
  • Use collected money to hire the US military to airlift building materials to be used to construct schools and hospitals. (a C-130 can carry a lot of heavy equipment)
  • Under US supervision, hire Haitians willing to work to build them.
  • Efforts to control crime would bring back the investors and encourage tourism.

The trouble with these suggestions is that OUR government would be involved and our government in the moment in time is no less corrupt. That said, along with other nations, we will be a most generous neighbor. But... who will benefit?

Haiti is indeed in trouble. They need help. Who will honestly and sincerely, step up to the plate and make a difference?

My recommendation is that we all give to the Red Cross, UNICEF, CARE or the Bush/Clinton Haiti relief fund. Hands on care, no cash to the government. I have included the links.

"For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and wrong."
H.L. Mencken

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Homeland Security Revisited

Before 9/11 American air travel had minimum security measures. Because of previous airline hijackings we were no longer allowed to accompany our family members to their gate to kiss and see them off as they boarded the plane.

(One time Gary and I were leaving North Carolina after a visit with his parents. We were on our way to the Army/Navy game in Philadelphia. We were in our seats on the airplane an the next thing we know, his mother is tapping him on the shoulder to give him a pair of long john underwear (no correlation to the underwear bomber) another kiss and then she returned to the terminal to watch the flight take off. Anywhoo, those were the pre-hijack days.

I think the next significant terrorist incident was the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland.. 270 people lost their lives that day. But, we looked on it as a hijacking with a bomb, a one time thing. We got the guy and he was imprisoned, we're safe now.

Then the series of attacks on 9/11/2001 ...using airplanes as the bombs. Over 3,000 Americans died. Both World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a field in Shanksville, PA. The world was changed. Government response, we had our checked luggage screened and our carry on items run through metal detectors. no knives, scissors or box cutters. (duh) Oh, and if a meal is offered, plastic eating utensils.

Not long after 9/11, Richard Reid attempts to set off a bomb in his shoe...and now in addition to all the other inconveniences, airport security demands we all take off our shoes. We are also limited to the amount of bottled liquids 2 oz, I believe, we can carry on.

Finally we have the clown with a bomb in his Wunderbundies new security measures of whole body scanning not to mention we must stay in our seats and, nothing on the lap for the last hour of the flight. None of this bothers me except that it does nothing to protect us if the CIA, TSA, Homeland Security Department and the ticket agent cannot put 2+2 together.

In the most recent incident our president said that the system worked but" failed to connect the dots"

Word of the day: snarkey

We are so paranoid to profile individuals. I watched the Huckabee Show this last Sunday and he had the former security director for Israel's El Al Airline and current director of Yeffet Security Systems, Isaac Yeffet. Israel has taken this issue very seriously. They interview every passenger from the presentation of the passport, going through it and asking why that person was in any of the countries they had been in...and most especially if it were another middle eastern country. They are unconcerned with political correctness. They are concerned with the protection of their citizens and other travelers.

The Israeli's have a different take on airline security. This is not a joke to them. Why does it seem like a joke to us. Please we need to wake up. These terrorists want to kill us. That is their job.

If a person buys a one way ticket with cash and has no luggage they interview him. If he has traveled to a country unfriendly with Israel, they want to know why he went and what he did while he was there. They check and double check visa's. l'al airlines has a very solid safety record.

Our President, Janet Napolitano, CIA, FBI, TSA, need to wake up and admit that we need help and seek that help from Israel's El Al Security advisers. The persons in charge are not connecting the dots, and we are more at risk because of it. Our security measures are only in place to inconvenience the passenger not prevent the terrorist passenger from his perverted goal.

"It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you"
Paraphrase from Mike Huckabee

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cold Enough For Ya

Has anyone ever wondered if what ever 'bad' emissions we are giving off, worldwide, could be the cause of colder weather?

Word of the day: Equator

The Heat pump that heats the master bedroom side of our house, keeps freezing up. So, I am relying on the generosity of friends who have loaned me their spare space heater. I have placed it in the bathroom with the logic that it would be bearable to take a shower. It worked, but the rest of this half of the house is 54 degrees warm. Outside it is 26 degrees... How do I know? I took my child's 'woofie' out for a tinkle. For a brief moment it actually felt good to return to the warmth of the house, but only for a moment

Fortunately, the other half of the house,though it is cold now, has hope...at least the heat pump on that side of the house is working, and until my child goes to bed, (then we turn it completely off to avoid it's freezing up) some of the house is bearable. I hope I am alone in the predicament. I know there are many with no shelter, and that is frightening.

I am sharing this because I want to remember the coldest winter in Central Florida. Historically, I don't know. will check that out. Since 1988... My history began in 1998...so it's the coldest in my history here.

"It is colder than a well diggers @$$"

Saturday, January 9, 2010

What Is The Point?

I am struggling with trying to figure out why the Muslims want to kill us. Why do they feel like it is our responsibility that they need to kill us... Is the radical philosophy to kill those who do not believe in Allah? So in the mean time, are we supposed to sit back and wallow in the Political correctness cesspool. To the Radical Islamist, martyrdom and killing have become a Muslim occupation. It is, so to say, their job...granted short lived, but none the less benefits go to the widow and family.

Word of the day: conundrum

Does this mean that you have to be born Muslim to truly be a Muslim, therefore everyone else should die.

Does this mean there is no room for conversion. If they kill everyone who does not believe in Islam/Muhammed/Qur'ān there will be no one to convert. I have always thought what a boring world this would be if everyone believed the same way.

Does this mean that they are envious of the USA and our advancements. They seem to be living with a ball and chain to their history but at the same time using state of the art communication systems and weaponry.

Does this mean they want to rule the world, and they are just starting with the USA. Why not start with Europe, they are civilized too. Our president wants us to be just like the Europeans.

Although it is disappointing that our Obama revised homeland security procedures failed... I was heartened by the picketers at the hearing for the "Underwear Bomber" They were holding signs that was anti terror, and for these radicals to stop twisting the meanings of the Muslim religion. Unfortunately, it's not enough. Someone in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and the rest of the middle east needs to step up and be the voice of reason to say in their own way for the radicals to stop this. I think it's fear. The majority are afraid for their lives if they go against the status quo. If only our president would take a stand. or at least hire competent people who will in turn hire competent people.

One would hope that moving to the United States would give new Muslim immigrants a sense of relief and personal freedom. Unfortunately they have also brought their "Sharia Law" with them which go directly against our laws of human rights.

Thank goodness the Christian missionaries that travel around the world don't kill the people they are bringing their message to. For that reason alone, I am proud to believe in a forgiving God. and to believe in a Christ who speaks of love and acceptance.

Thank goodness our forefathers were brave enough to stand up to the oppressors of their time and establish this great country.

"You better master the rules of the game until you can play it better than they can"
Prince Albert "The Young Victoria"

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Well it's that time of year again. Time to make some New Year's Resolutions

Word of the day: determination
  • Read more: I received a "Nook" for Christmas. The store was sold out, but I have a promise that it will arrive at my house around the 15th of January. This will help me clear 30 books off the headboard of our bed.
  • Talk Less: I have an opinion and you all deserve to hear it, but well we all know the analogy and I'm sure mine is full of it too.
  • Reduce debt/spend less: I'd like to go on an Alaska Cruise this coming summer. the thought of a 2nd job is more than I can handle. Maybe thinking will be a 2011 resolution.
  • Go to the movies more: Well this is a no brainer. How I can go more than I already do, is gonna be a tough one to follow through with.
  • Exercise some: At all
  • Loose weight: I have been on a diet for 1 day and already feel like I have lost 24 hours.
  • Less Food: See previous resolution
  • Learn to work the DVD capability on the television: I'll miss the passive aggressive aspect of always asking the child to help me. I'll miss her heaving sigh and her eyes rolling full circle in their eye sockets. She always helps me...but it ain't pretty.
  • Less News: I am looking forward to the new season of Dancing with the Stars, Castle and Glee. However, I need to be on top of things when the state primaries and Mid-Term elections come around.
  • Less Facebook: Not sure how I'll get around this one. Might be harder than losing weight. or talking less, or might impinge on my reading more or exercising some.
Wish me luck, Heaven knows I'll need it. I wish everyone smashing success with what ever New Year's Resolutions you come up with. I hope they are easy enough and change your life for the better.

"Infinity and Beyond!"
Buzz Lightyear "Toy Story"