Word of the day: Pinhead
- It's not like Rush is asking for a spot on the team.
- It's not like he would be recruiting players.
- It's not like he'll be running the team meetings.
- he's not asking to drive the team bus
- Players say they won't play. there are lots of good players that are just waiting for the chance. I think if push came to shove, they'd play.
- Owners are all about the bottom line, making money, $, Green, Moolah, Dinero.
- They should be more concerned with the re-distribution of their wealth
- Rush Limbaugh might shed a little light on what's going on in the world, obviously they are clueless.
- Are the owners a bunch of nimrods that put any creedence in the blatherings of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Oh Please...
- Have any of them ever listened to Rush?
We've all heard that congress is griping about the length of their work week. Whining because they promised us 5 days and are only doing 3 days. I want a 3 day work week.
"The congressional work week should only be 1 hour, that would minimize the damage they do"
Charles Krauthammer
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