I was flipping through the channels on the TV and ran across Farm-Aid. I was surprised to find that this is it's 24th year. Wow, have I lost track of time. I made a donation. It is very sad to see that the family farm is still in jeopardy. I hope BO gives his NPP money to Farm Aid.
Word of the day: generosity
I had no idea that our small dairy farmers right her in America are receiving less for their milk than it costs them to feed their dairy cows. We all know that milk is a rapid perishable and either they sell it or it goes bad, there is no time for negotiating. They get what the processors give them for their milk. but... I have also noticed that I am paying quite a bit for milk in the stores. So, it's the middleman who is making the money and it would appear that they are logging in record profits. Hmmmm.
But is it really the middleman who is making the profit? What about the but corporate dairies? Small farmers going out of business will never effect them, because they probably process their own milk. Hmmmm
Are the small farmers selling their milk to the larger corporate dairies for processing?
I had been reading about the dairy farmers in France are dumping their milk in the fields rather than sell it for less...I wonder their peaceful protest will work for them.
Gads, I think my heart is bleeding.
I don't know if my kids remember, but I had milk, eggs and butter delivered to the house for 22 years. (W had more than 2 kids (3) and we saved quite a bit of money. Who can justify going to the grocery store for just milk, or butter, or eggs?) If you have milk, eggs and butter, you will always have a meal.
"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man which debt he proposes to pay off with your money"
G. Gordon Liddy
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