I know our military is in Afghanistan and that Gen. McChrystal is asking for 40K more troops to protect the Afghanistan people, help them stabilize their country and government blah, blah, blah....
Word of the day: transparency
Word of the day: transparency

Check out these headlines... (g'head, google 'em) (SIL will Snopes)
- "China's thirst for copper could hold key to Afghanistan's future"
- "China wins major Afghan project"
- "China's great western development plan" takes another step with China placing the winning bid to develop COPPER mines in Afghanistan.
I just happened to stumble across an update article on MSNBC yesterday (different location), but most of what I have found has been old news.
- So, why are we fighting in Afghanistan???
- Is China quietly using us to protect it's interests?
- Are we just letting this situation go un-noticed?
- Is this a secret payback for all the money China has loaned us?
Or are we dealing with a double edged sword. If we get out, China will move in completely is that so bad. Let their young men die for China's interests, not ours.
...I say let them bring in their army and squash the Taliban and Al queda...Good luck.
Let their young men die for China's interests, not ours

Now to the topic I originally wanted to touch on...
With all the hype about the H1N1 Swine Flu, what ever happened to the Bird Flu? I thought it was supposed to be the big pandemic ...the mutant ...the next big plague. I hate to seem glib, but thousands of people die from the flu every year. Don't get me wrong, I got my flu shot and will get an H1N1 too. just thought it odd that the Bird Flu for all it's media attention of obliterating flocks of turkeys, chickens and ducks just faded away...
"If Obama is the answer, then it must have been a stupid question"
anonymous Facebook post
I think the anonymous quote of the day is bumper sticker worthy!