Friday, October 30, 2009

The Crown Jewel of Socialism

The transparent health care bill we will have shoved down our throats is upon us and there is nothing we can do. Our hands are tied. I am thinking, that even the 2010 & 2012 elections will be too late to save us from this madness. Obviously this was their plan all along. More "Democrat Dirty Tricks"
  • Public Option
  • Government paid abortion
  • Death Panels
  • Medicare Cuts
  • Higher taxes

I guess all that's left is a wing and a prayer. We can only hope the infighting with in the Democratic party in the Senate will stall the inevitable. I can almost see our forefathers are rolling over in their graves.

As I stated in my first post in August, I just don't want to get sucker punched, but I think it's going to happen and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

This is the most deplorable behavior I have ever witnessed from the people who are supposed to be looking out for us.

Jobs....where are the jobs? What ever happened to the stimulus money? There are no new jobs, the stimulus money helped save the jobs of the State, Federal and "pubic" employees. The only people who hire the computer analyst, the sales clerk, the insurance salesman, the waiter, the truck driver, the delivery man, the oil field worker, the gas station attendant, the business man, are the private business owners and they are going out of business. I believe the unemployment is over 15%. I see no evidence that it. How many people have exhausted their unemployment benefit?

If anyone out there thinks the economy is getting better, look at the number of foreclosure homes. Check out the numbers of people who are living off their credit cards, because they were laid off. Take a look at the strip malls in the area and see the many empty store fronts.

And then we have the Al Gores of the world pushing for and got the Cap and Trade legislation that will tax everything we purchase and then tax it again...

Hobo and I would like to retire, but I think that will get put off until we drop dead in our office chairs. It grieves me to even push the publish button for this post. I am suffering from a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness. It is nice to get this frustration down in writing, but I have lost my sense of humor about it because there is no humor in what is about to be thrust upon us. We, with no voice right now. Maybe never. Just look at who we have elected.

I have a bout 40 pages of government to read and it is all about the parties and why we have them...I hope to be reminded but not reassure.

"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending to too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
Thomas Jefferson

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hypocritic Oath

It seems Congress could care less about what it's constituents think. we will have the public Option only now it is being referred to as the "Consumer Option". I really need to update my politico jargon. the word substitutions make for interesting revelations. ('d like to put it up in a permanent spot where I can continue to add to it as new words & meanings come along)

With the Health Care Reform Bill, we will be paying on it right away but the effects will not take place until 2014. What's up with that?

This bill in it's transparency, is now 1,900 pages long...this will guarantee that no one will read it especially the congressmen.

I only wish Alan Grayson was on the ballot. "If you get sick the Republicans want you to die quickly" This is the interpretation I came to understand was Democratic party solution to our health care issues. I actually think he (Alan Grayson)has gone off the deep end. He thinks this is the type of politician he believes we want. He is despicable. I am embarrassed that he is from Florida. And what is even more pathetic, I think I voted for him...I know I crossed party lines...but this was my feeble attempt at term limits. I think he has a six year term. I have a pit in my stomach. Gads, I hope they never let him address Congress again. He is a loose cannon.

Word of the day: wild card

I cannot believe I am going to say this...
Congratulations to Hilary Clinton for calling a spade a spade. Pakistan knows where these people are holed up and she has told them that we also know they know and that they need to step up to the plate and by doing so maybe they'll save some of their innocents lives.

"America in it's worst attempts is better than any other country at their best attempts"
David L. Brewer III, Vice Admiral U.S. Navy (Retired)

Monday, October 26, 2009

H1N1 Vaccine, Yay?/Nay?

Has the president received the H1N1 Flu Vaccine?
Have his children or Michelle been vaccinated against the H1N1 Swine Flu?
How about our congressmen or senators, have any of them; been vaccinated against the Swine Flu.
I'm thinkin' no...If he had, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, BBC & Al Jazeera, would have been there to photograph it. (he's boycotting Fox) But for sure they'd do a report on it.

Word of the day: overblown

I think I'll pass too.

"I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way"
Carl Sandberg

Friday, October 23, 2009

misguided Priorities

What president Obama is prioritizing:

  • deciding Fox News is not a real news outlet
  • Campaigning for Chris Dodd
  • Criticizing Fox News
  • Turning on the Insurance companies
  • Intimidating the National Chamber of Commerce
  • Refusing time with Fox News
  • On his way to Virginia to campaign for another loser
  • Declaring H1N1 Swine Flu a national emergency
  • Health Care Reform, "public option" or "trigger to public option"
  • Pick up Nobel Prize

Word of the day: doublecross

What President Obama is Ignoring:

  • Afghanistan (two months and still no action)
  • Economy, more banks failing (let'em fail)
  • Over 10% unemployment (higher if you just think about it, going up if you continue to think about it)
  • Nuclear Iran & N. Korea
  • Pick up his Nobel Prize
  • Please continue to Ignore Gitmo

Actually I forgot where I was going with this, but it more or less speaks for itself.

"It's not a tax increase, it's the elimination of the tax decrease."

Nancy Pelosi

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Buyer Beware

Sarah Palin has written a book Going Rogue.

Some left wingnut has written a parody of her book and the cover is very similar...Read carefully, the title is Going Rouge...

I have to admit I went through 200 of 283 comics before I could find one positive...very disconcerting. Based on the comics I found, here is a little history of Sarah Palin as we got to know her. I have always wanted to do a little comic pictorial essay...

Sarah Palin single handled, pulls the GOP out of the grave. She put a spark in an otherwise pathetic election.

A mother of 5 can do anything!Word of the day: gumption

She was the darling of the party...

She put the liberals in their place...

Then...something happened...Hmmm

And the media went on a trash digging frenzy...

The N.O.W. who tout their promotion of women, women's rights, Girls are Great, Go women... etc...totally turned on her. I guess they really only promote women who think just like them.

Nothing like the pot calling the kettle black.

Even many republican women turned into a bunch of two faced, self righteous hags.

Not sure what to make of this, but things were getting ugly and I liked the face of the poor confused GOP

Name it and it was Sarah Palin's doing... or undoing.

She didn't let the media baloney take away her smile. During this cruel and difficult time she did what she signed on to do.

Finally it cam down to the meat of the issue. Her wardrobe, and how much the GOP paid for it. Does anyone out there really think she had a minute to shop for a wardrobe? And I personally think this was the subtle way the McCain campaign insiders were able to begin the ultimate erosion. Not thinking that maybe they were also eroding their candidates chances for a win...Clothes...pathetic

At this point the GOP needed to get a grip, stand by their choice of candidate and respect his choice for running mate.

Consequently there were some sour grapes. I really think McCain was clueless at this point.

Fortunately the chickens are coming home to roost for David Letterman. Families should be off limits. Apparently He must have forgotten to read the memo.

But even today, people are afraid for her. I think she sank her own 2012 ship, but it is amazing to me the weight her observations carry.

I just loved this cartoon...and the detail in the little jester's a nice caricature of her and with all the Czars BO has appointed...this just made sense when I saw it.

I am interested in reading this book...I hope she holds nothing back

And there ya have golly. I hope she sells a gazillion copies of her book and that the person who published the parody, spent a lot of money on it and is stuck with cases of them.

Remember if you plan to purchase her book, be careful of the title and get the correct version.

"just a little something for the rabbits"

Valdez (Burt Lancaster) Valdez is Coming

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obama's Big Accomplishment

"Disagree and you disappear" was a little slogan my friends and I used to say when our kids were in Pop Warner and we raised any questions or disagreed with their plans. I remember writing a letter about an illegal operation they were participating in and after they criticized my letter for any grammatical errors, I was raked over the coals and removed from the Board of Directors. The outcome was that I had more time to devote to other more relevant things in my live...
(I know, what life, OK... my kids life)

Word of the day: petty

Obama's dealings with Fox news is ringing very familiar only on a much grander scale. Obama is the president of the board and there are organizations that disagree with his agenda for this country.

I am going to take a little Obama accomplishment inventory.
  • Afghanistan: Can't make up his mind
  • Economy: Spending too much time blaming George Bush
  • Unemployment: The forgotten issue
  • Health Care: Bogged down by liberal democrat infighting
  • Global Warming: Cap & Trade (everything we buy will have another added tax)
Just what has BO accomplished that will benefit us, NOTHING
So because he has accomplished nothing, let's make the scape goat Fox News. He's going to show them. He won't go on their station for the rest of the year.

BO has accomplished one thing, he has been instrumental in increasing the rating and listener-ship of Fox News.

This is a good thing. It means more people are paying attention to the wool that is being pulled over the head of many Americans. Obviously the grand plan is backfiring. Go Fox. Hobo and I have been watching Fox News since it's inception 12 years ago.

"The left wing fish rots from the head down"
Michelle Malkin

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Caught Me Looking the Other Way

Whoa, did I miss the mark. I should have known there was a seed of lies and paranoia planted somewhere. I also should have at least considered a little payback, but I never thought the root went so deep. I thought we were over this.

Word of the day: Coward
Well this little media nugget certainly pulled me off track.
  • Afghanistan
  • Iran, Russia, China
  • Economy
  • Joblessness
  • Health Care
  • H1N1 Swine Flu
  • Cap & Trade
  • Boy in the balloon
  • Jon & Kate + 8
"If we continue to practice an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, we'll end up a land of people who are blind and toothless"
Andrew Young, former mayor of Atlanta, GA

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rush and the NFL

What a joke. Why would Rush want to be affiliated with them in the first place. Ok, he does. The owners who vote to determine who will be invited into the elite group of NFL ownership must be a bunch of...

Word of the day: Pinhead
  • It's not like Rush is asking for a spot on the team.
  • It's not like he would be recruiting players.
  • It's not like he'll be running the team meetings.
  • he's not asking to drive the team bus
He's only going to put up Cold Hard Cash, and maybe smoke an occasional cigar with them.
  • Players say they won't play. there are lots of good players that are just waiting for the chance. I think if push came to shove, they'd play.
  • Owners are all about the bottom line, making money, $, Green, Moolah, Dinero.
  • They should be more concerned with the re-distribution of their wealth
  • Rush Limbaugh might shed a little light on what's going on in the world, obviously they are clueless.
  • Are the owners a bunch of nimrods that put any creedence in the blatherings of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Oh Please...
  • Have any of them ever listened to Rush?
Why do I care? Actually I don't know. I just find it a little hypocritical. He is serious about his football and I doubt that any of the newest declared partial owners are. I'll bet dollars to donuts that the opportunity will come up again for Mr. Limbaugh, and I hope he tells them to stuff it.

We've all heard that congress is griping about the length of their work week. Whining because they promised us 5 days and are only doing 3 days. I want a 3 day work week.

"The congressional work week should only be 1 hour, that would minimize the damage they do"
Charles Krauthammer

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

China's Interests?

I know our military is in Afghanistan and that Gen. McChrystal is asking for 40K more troops to protect the Afghanistan people, help them stabilize their country and government blah, blah, blah....

Word of the day: transparency

Check out these headlines... (g'head, google 'em) (SIL will Snopes)
  • "China's thirst for copper could hold key to Afghanistan's future"
  • "China wins major Afghan project"
  • "China's great western development plan" takes another step with China placing the winning bid to develop COPPER mines in Afghanistan.
"A Chinese mining company has won a tender to develop one of the world's largest copper mines in Afghanistan. The state-owned China Metallurgical Group says it will invest nearly $3bn in the mine at Aynak in the province of Logar, south of Kabul." (2007)

I just happened to stumble across an update article on MSNBC yesterday (different location), but most of what I have found has been old news.
  • So, why are we fighting in Afghanistan???
  • Is China quietly using us to protect it's interests?
  • Are we just letting this situation go un-noticed?
  • Is this a secret payback for all the money China has loaned us?
We need to get out of Afghanistan now...let China protect it's own interests there.

Or are we dealing with a double edged sword. If we get out, China will move in completely is that so bad. Let their young men die for China's interests, not ours.

...I say let them bring in their army and squash the Taliban and Al queda...Good luck.
Let their young men die for China's interests, not ours

Now to the topic I originally wanted to touch on...
With all the hype about the H1N1 Swine Flu, what ever happened to the Bird Flu? I thought it was supposed to be the big pandemic ...the mutant ...the next big plague. I hate to seem glib, but thousands of people die from the flu every year. Don't get me wrong, I got my flu shot and will get an H1N1 too. just thought it odd that the Bird Flu for all it's media attention of obliterating flocks of turkeys, chickens and ducks just faded away...

"If Obama is the answer, then it must have been a stupid question"

anonymous Facebook post

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Farm-Aid 2009

I was flipping through the channels on the TV and ran across Farm-Aid. I was surprised to find that this is it's 24th year. Wow, have I lost track of time. I made a donation. It is very sad to see that the family farm is still in jeopardy. I hope BO gives his NPP money to Farm Aid.

Word of the day: generosity

I had no idea that our small dairy farmers right her in America are receiving less for their milk than it costs them to feed their dairy cows. We all know that milk is a rapid perishable and either they sell it or it goes bad, there is no time for negotiating. They get what the processors give them for their milk. but... I have also noticed that I am paying quite a bit for milk in the stores. So, it's the middleman who is making the money and it would appear that they are logging in record profits. Hmmmm.

But is it really the middleman who is making the profit? What about the but corporate dairies? Small farmers going out of business will never effect them, because they probably process their own milk. Hmmmm

Are the small farmers selling their milk to the larger corporate dairies for processing?

I had been reading about the dairy farmers in France are dumping their milk in the fields rather than sell it for less...I wonder their peaceful protest will work for them.

Gads, I think my heart is bleeding.

I don't know if my kids remember, but I had milk, eggs and butter delivered to the house for 22 years. (W had more than 2 kids (3) and we saved quite a bit of money. Who can justify going to the grocery store for just milk, or butter, or eggs?) If you have milk, eggs and butter, you will always have a meal.

"A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man which debt he proposes to pay off with your money"
G. Gordon Liddy

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wow, Did You See That Commin'?

Congratulations to President Obama.

Word of the day: stupefied

"If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all..."
Everyone's Mother

This is what I'm talkin' about

"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"
Everyone's mother

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Same Ole, Same Ole

With the blip/diversion of the Olympic bid, the status quo seems to have taken hold. Prez O is still so ineffective in what ever he attempts to tackle.
  • The Economy - It's still stinkin'
  • Job Creation - Where are the jobs?
  • Health Care - Who knows what draft will get rammed though
  • Support in Afghanistan - be in it to win it, or get our troops out
  • ACORN - over 3 million embezzled by brother of the founder
  • Czars - new controversy over "Safe Schools" Czar.
Being so cynical is frustrating. I want to have something positive to write about. But it seems we are in a continuous vicious circle over the same old stuff. The economy recovery depends on job creation and vice verse. Health Care is just out there... bantered about like a volley ball in the hands of a bunch of Keystone Cops. I am completely astounded by the lackadaisical appearance of doing nothing.

Word of the day: think

As far as the national news, I think I've lost my momentum... Maybe I'm complaining about the wrong stuff and should look a little closer to home...
  • Texting while driving
  • Cell Phones while driving
  • Eating while driving
  • Grooming while driving
What happened to the days when there we took care of our business before we got in the car? Yesterday I was nearly broadsided by a driver who clearly was looking in another direction from her red light. There were two girls in the mini van as they whizzed by me, swerving... I am the driver of a Smart Car, I was so relieved that I saw her coming and was able to just stop for them to maneuver me out of their way. The outcome could have been a real bummer to an otherwise decent day.

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so"

Douglas Adams