The transparent health care bill we will have shoved down our throats is upon us and there is nothing we can do. Our hands are tied. I am thinking, that even the 2010 & 2012 elections will be too late to save us from this madness. Obviously this was their plan all along. More "Democrat Dirty Tricks"
- Public Option
- Government paid abortion
- Death Panels
- Medicare Cuts
- Higher taxes
I guess all that's left is a wing and a prayer. We can only hope the infighting with in the Democratic party in the Senate will stall the inevitable. I can almost see our forefathers are rolling over in their graves.
As I stated in my first post in August, I just don't want to get sucker punched, but I think it's going to happen and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
This is the most deplorable behavior I have ever witnessed from the people who are supposed to be looking out for us.
Jobs....where are the jobs? What ever happened to the stimulus money? There are no new jobs, the stimulus money helped save the jobs of the State, Federal and "pubic" employees. The only people who hire the computer analyst, the sales clerk, the insurance salesman, the waiter, the truck driver, the delivery man, the oil field worker, the gas station attendant, the business man, are the private business owners and they are going out of business. I believe the unemployment is over 15%. I see no evidence that it. How many people have exhausted their unemployment benefit?
If anyone out there thinks the economy is getting better, look at the number of foreclosure homes. Check out the numbers of people who are living off their credit cards, because they were laid off. Take a look at the strip malls in the area and see the many empty store fronts.
And then we have the Al Gores of the world pushing for and got the Cap and Trade legislation that will tax everything we purchase and then tax it again...
Hobo and I would like to retire, but I think that will get put off until we drop dead in our office chairs. It grieves me to even push the publish button for this post. I am suffering from a deep sense of hopelessness and helplessness. It is nice to get this frustration down in writing, but I have lost my sense of humor about it because there is no humor in what is about to be thrust upon us. We, with no voice right now. Maybe never. Just look at who we have elected.
I have a bout 40 pages of government to read and it is all about the parties and why we have them...I hope to be reminded but not reassure.
"I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending to too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."