Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We Are Who We Complain About

In my life... it has dawned on me that whenever I complain about someone else's bad habit, bad behavior or bad attitude, it is me who has those issues. I also think that if everyone thought about the unkind things that come out of their mouths about others, they might realize it is they who have the issue...
I learned this when I was league bowling.

Word of the day: conscience

Case in point: Nancy Pelosi has now resorted to call anyone who disagrees with her agenda un-patriotic.
This woman needs to look in the mirror, at least examine her conscience.

  • How did she ever get to be Speaker of the House?
  • How did she ever get elected in the first place?
  • What needs to be done to relieve her of the House Speaker Duties?
  • Do other liberal congress-folk see how she is denigrating the position/their positions?
  • Do they care??

I can hardly wait for the mid term elections! unfortunately, it will be up to the people of California to deal with Ms. Pelozi, Feinstein, Boxer and Waters. What's with these women of California ? (I grew up in California, but thank goodness I am a Nebraskan...Maybe I should check out and see what waves those folks are causing) It has been so hard for me to get interested in the comings and goings of Florida, my current state's legislators. Crist, Martinez etc. and like California we have some real winners... their speak is a lot less hateful and they are keeping a pretty low profile.

I know this is trivial, but it is bugging me. so that's why I addressed it.

"Only dead fish go with the flow"
Sarah Palin

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