Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Inquiring minds want to know:
If a business has 5/6 employees and does not offer insurance to them, but they are all have health insurance through their spouses, will the business be fined under the new plan?

This you tube video is from July 2009, but it is worth viewing. I hope the link works

Word of the Day: preconceived

Republican (left of conservative?) John McCain held his town hall meeting and there was a pro HCR woman there who was very disruptive. "Unruly" it was said. so he had her escorted out. I guess it's kind of hard to be a "mob' of one. but in any event, the rest of the attendees were happy to see her and her "Code Pink get-up" and get gone.

Ok, help me here...what was with the woman in Florida with the "garden hoe at the ready" for the media inquiring about her 15 year old granddaughter/daughter dancing nude in a nightclub when she was supposed to be in school. It scares me to think this might have taken place in Orlando...

Enough about the news:
I went to my first American National Government class. I needed to have a stern talking to myself. I had to go into the class with no preconceived notions. (even though I knew it was a foreign man, and he refused to give me an override. Why do the colleges have foreigners teach us about our own government, probably because they know more about our government than we do) It is going to be hard, but I can do it...

When the professor walked in, it was a woman! I am sure she is a "bleeding heart commie" but her voice was pleasant and she was so organized...laid back and well, really personable. Whoo hoo ...and she let us out early, because she is also a Muslim and it is Ramadan and she is fasting and she was hungry. I hate it when I get my bigot on.

I can hardly believe it, but I think this is going to be a fun class... I was worried for nothing.

"As long as there are tests there will be prayer in school"


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