Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Does Anyone Have A Clue??

AARP has, in effect, abandoned it's constituency. Hobo and I felt like we had been abandoned by AARP with its liberal agenda several years ago. (we dropped our membership 2004) Like the progressives/socialists, AARP now thinks it knows what is best for us and will support and expect it's members to fall in line and support what ever 'health care' reform is thrown at them, no matter if they are the ultimate losers . AARP has grossly under estimated the intelligence of the senior citizens to think for themselves. It appears others are waking up now and canceling their memberships in droves.

With the advent of the Internet, is it possible that AARP has outlived it's usefulness? Especially now that it has been revealed that the aggressive union SEIC had put it's grimy paws into the AARP pot. I hope we never see see chanting, fist pumping, banner toting, AARP t-shirt wearing members at the "town hall" meetings. Because the members who are left, have yet to "get it".

Word of the day: buffoons

In my humble observations, it appears to me that members of ACORN and SEIC are just being used. These peeps have been incited to blindly support a cause they are more than likely are clueless about. Most think they are a side of something big, they just don't realize they are on the side that will hurt them in the end. Anything to get on a bus, be driven somewhere to wreak havoc where they have no interest.

An MSNBC contributor, referred to the everyday folks who attend the town hall forums as "a few thousand angry old white guys, some packing heat and all yelling at congressmen.." "...Shrieking" Oh Paaleeeeeeeze. Has he taken a look at the SEIC buffoons bussed into the town halls from parts unknown?

God Bless the people who have been invited to attend a town hall. and when given the opportunity, bless 'em for standing up and speaking their mind. (just how does that work?) I don't think our congresswoman is even holding one. I live vicariously through them. I can only hope our FL congresswoman Cosmas, is listening...although it probably doesn't matter... I will be voting against all incumbents. I must stress adamantly how congress and senate need TERM LIMITS!

Is Health Care Reform dead or just playing opossum?
  • "Death Panel" - End of life counseling - removed
  • Health Care Reform changed to Health Insurance Reform
  • Non Profit Co-Op health insurance Vs National Health Care
Don't hold your breath...what they cut out now will probably be added back in during the Senate debate process.

"Government only consumes wealth, the government does not create wealth"

John Tamny

1 comment:

  1. I agree re: living vicariously through those who have attended town hall meetings. Your congresswoman may not hold one, but we apparently did, but who was getting the word out? Now I think they're just holding them to hold them but not really telling anyone when/where they will be...pretty much the same thing in my book. Preach on!!
