Word of the day: diminished
But I got to thinking about my personal health care. While the benefits are good, I find that I rarely get to see the Doctor...and in the past few years, I have only seen the Nurse Practitioner or lately the Physicians Assistant and even then it is someone different every time. I'd like to get a new doctor but so many are not accepting new patients. If I am having this kind of difficulty now...I hate to think of the dilemma I'll be in if HCR is passed.
I know it's been discussed how expensive Med School is and new doctors graduate with huge debt that and Malpractice Insurance make it nearly impossible to stay in general practice...they must specialize. There will be fewer and fewer GPs. and with more and more demand our care in general is going to diminish.
UCF has recently opened a new Medical College and the first 41 students will graduate with no loans...their coursework and living accommodations have been completely paid for with sponsors from the community. If more communities, businesses, insurance companies could sponsor a Medical Student so that they could graduate loan free, maybe this problem could be lessened...
"If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free!"