Word of the day: change
Still looming:
- President Obama
- Liberal Agenda
- Corruption
- Unemployment
- The Economy
- Health Care Reform
- Terrorism
- National Security
- H1N1 Influenza
- 2010 Mid Term Elections
"OK, Let's do it, let's get this embarrassment over with"
Conservative political musings
I for one am all about a fire in the fireplace, hot cider, homemade cookies and one of the many fun Christmas movies on the tube.
"Hello, Bedford Falls! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, Emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan! Hey! Merry Christmas!"
George Baily - It's a Wonderful Life
Ok, I'm out...
"I don't need drugs, Facebook is as far from reality as I want to get."
C. Washam
Tiger it's time to 'man up'.
Tuesday is the day Prez. BO will announce his "new" strategic plan for Afghanistan. It's about time, since he's left the troops on the ground in Limbo. The real question is...Can this war be won? In this day of rapid communications, I fear a congressional quagmire.
"Governments don't like people who are free"
The Count..."Pirate Radio"
"I blame Oprah for the conditions in which we find ourselves, she introduced and endorsed BO. Trite I know"
Al Qaeda Advantages: Fodder for recruitment
Benefit to America: None
Never in the history of the US had a war criminal been prosecuted in a civilian court.
"The court system is simply not built for war criminals, nor should it be. And if he's not a prisoner of war, try telling that to the people we've been bombing for 8 years in Afghanistan. I'm actually surprised that Obama and his administration could be this foolhardy and naive.The most frightening thing is how this underscores their lack of understanding or appreciation of the Constitution."Doug Ranney Esq.
Word of the day: doublecross
What President Obama is Ignoring:
Actually I forgot where I was going with this, but it more or less speaks for itself.
"It's not a tax increase, it's the elimination of the tax decrease."
Nancy Pelosi
Consequently there were some sour grapes. I really think McCain was clueless at this point.
Fortunately the chickens are coming home to roost for David Letterman. Families should be off limits. Apparently He must have forgotten to read the memo.
But even today, people are afraid for her. I think she sank her own 2012 ship, but it is amazing to me the weight her observations carry.
I just loved this cartoon...and the detail in the little jester business...it's a nice caricature of her and with all the Czars BO has appointed...this just made sense when I saw it.
I am interested in reading this book...I hope she holds nothing back
And there ya have it...by golly. I hope she sells a gazillion copies of her book and that the person who published the parody, spent a lot of money on it and is stuck with cases of them.
Remember if you plan to purchase her book, be careful of the title and get the correct version.
"just a little something for the rabbits"
Valdez (Burt Lancaster) Valdez is Coming