Ft. Hood Shooter:
Amazingly, I called this one. Now the US investigators are scrambling around like a pile of Keystone Cops trying to find the department, agency or preferably person to blame. All the while still clinging to the 'politically correct' jargon. Please let's call a spade a spade. He was a Muslim on a mission. He is considered a hero by the radical Muslims. Why are no Muslims in the US standing up to condemn this action. No Muslims should be serving in the US military. They don't even stand up in defense of their own countries...why should we suppose they'd stand up anywhere else.
Barak wants Gitmo closed:
It matters not where these prisoners go so long as the prison in Guantanamo, Cuba gets closed. Congress cares not where these terrorists go...(not their backyard) so long as they are not at Gitmo. Politicians are running around like chickens with their heads cut off to make sure none of them go prisons in their state.
9/11 prisoner, KSM, sent to NY City for a civilian trial:
Why is he (khaleed Shaek Mohammed) receiving a civilian trial anyway? Although he has admitted his involvement as the mastermind of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, It is possible he will be acquitted on a technicality. His statements were garnered under stress (water boarding) Al Queda wants this. Give this trial a big stage and what bigger stage than NYC. This is an embarrassment to the United States and an insult to the families of the victims of 9/11
Torture: US - Water Boarding (prisoner alive) ... Middle East - beheading (prisoner dead) Help me...
Word of the day: senseless
No decision until he returns from Asia. Everyday, with every delay the freezing Afghan. winters will be fast upon our unsupported soldiers. Barak appointed McChrystal as his commander in Afghanistan. Why is he dragging his feet regarding the support his man on the ground has requested or even appointing another commander? We lost in Viet Nam because we allowed congress to 2nd guess the commanders in the field. We're going down the same slippery slope. Democrats have no guts. Someone has to stand up and fight for this country.
Barak wanted Health Care reform:
What is in the 2,000 page health care bill just passed by the congress has no relevance as long as something passed. I would bet dollars to doughnuts none of them know what is in the bill. probably each section was written by someone else.
Cap & Trade = Cap and Tax:
Climate censorship?? seriously...Is global warming a pile of baloney. According to the scientists, it is. This is just another Liberal money grab.
Sarah Palin:
Why does the media blow up everything she does and says. The fringe media ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN linger on her every move. She has something special and it just drives them nuts and by slamming her we're supposed to think less of her. Maybe they're worried they might get 'sucker punched' if she decides to re-enter the political forum
Barak Obama: Is his Asian tour.
Hopefully, the final frontier for his continued "US World Apology tour"?
Lou Dobbs: Please, bring him to Fox.
"Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn"
Benjamin Franklin
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