Finally! BO has responded to the request for troops to be sent to Afghanistan. 30K of them. I am torn. I want our troops to be supported, but is this an effort in futility? I wish people would stop comparing it to Viet Nam. I was disappointed that he talked about his exit strategy in the same sentence as the escalation of troops...but on the other hand I am encouraged that he is stepping up the un-manned drones and the operation inside Pakistan.
Many prayers to our soldiers.
Is this really what we signed up for...
"Jobs Summit" Well this is an interesting effort in futility as long as we continue to tax and tax and tax small businesses. And who is going to be in attendance...SEIU and other union leaders, academics, and financial executives and representatives from Google, Yahoo, and Amazon. Who was not invited, the National Chamber of Commerce or small business owners. I would imagine a couple of liberal Congress folk and several other irrelevant @$$ kissers. With all the unemployment and folks not paying any taxes, I guess they'll need any revenue they can generate. which will be none...The Government does not create revenue...they dispose of it.
We only lost 11,000 jobs last month...really, were there that many people employed the month before... time to get real.
Word of the day: trickery

Global Warming research has been" fudged". The debate of Cap & Trade will soon be up for debate in the Senate. But... this 'fudged' research has been suppressed or worse deleted. The research has been compromised. There is nothing more to say. The US has dedicated 2.5 billion to this cause and the congress wants to double that? Someone please jerk some sense into these people. What's this I hear, Gore is canceling appearances... Our president will soon be in Copenhagen for a Global warming International Conference on this subject and then off to collect his Nobel peace prize.
Someone has been pulling the wool over everyone else's eyes.
Party Crashers: Why are 3 secret serves men being put on leave. Did they plan the party? Do they know who is or is not on the list? Denise Rogers planned this state dinner. Where was a representative from her staff? Or where was she for that matter. The secret service and Ms. Reynolds should be put on leave. Denise was enjoying the party, nary a thought to anything glitching up. Denise and ex hubby gave lots of $$ to the BO campaign. She was given this job as a thank you Her Ex also works for the current administration...once again quid pro quo.
Bottom line, they got lucky...both the party crashers and the administration.
Tiger Woods: Elyn, wait out your 2 years, bank your 55 Mil. and then take those babies and go back to Sweden and to your family who love and appreciate you. It'll be hard to look him in the eye again and not wonder.
"This administration is allergic to descent"
Michele Malkin
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