Word of the day: laughable
Government Transparency (C-SPan?)
- Unemployment (continues to rise) worthless job summit
- More bail out money?, (Whose @$$ will they pull it out of, I know...ours)
- Remember TARP? (repayments will probably be absorbed and added to pork spending)
- CHINA (They own us... better pick up a Rosetta Stone course in Chinese)
- Global Warming (suppressed opposing scientific data)
Cap & Tax/trade (warrants careful scrutiny, as it would likely increase energy costs and do considerably more economic harm than environmental good.)
- Vat Tax (value added tax) The Value Added Tax, or 'VAT', in the European Union is a general, broadly based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services.
- Health Care (I don't know where to go with this one...no one knows what's going on here)
- Women's health care rationing (California already jumping on it)
- Lowering the age for Medicare benefits to 55, but making 55 Billion cuts in Medicare. Do the math.
- Terrorist Trials in NYC, Let's just play into the hands of the terrorists. Unbelievable lack of judgement or common sense.

- More troops to Afghanistan (BO finally grew something akin to a spine)
- Nuclear proliferation in Iran and N. Korea
- Renewed Violence in Iraq
- Is Dubai Bankrupt?
- Barbara Walters most interesting people in 2009: Kate Goslin, Glenn Beck, Lady Gaga, Sarah Palin, Prince, Paris & Blanket Jackson, Tyler Perry, Michelle Obama, Adam Lambert, Bret Farve, *Jenny Sanford.
- Tiger woods (not on the list) How and when will he resume his golfing. I guess only his sponsors really give a diddle...oh wait...Tiger gave a diddle... (*Jenny Sanford should invite Elyn and children to come to South Carolina for a couple of years so they can chill beach side.)
- Movies I want to see in December: Up In The Air, It's Complicated, When in Rome, Sherlock Holmes and Invictus.
"Career and politician should never be linked together"
Chuck Woolery
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