Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Get over it!

Just some Random Thoughts...

I know I'm a little late in responding to this, but it is so rediculous thing to get all fired up over someone's.  Really?...  if your opinion is different from a liberal position than you get to be boycotted.  Well, funny thing is...it worked in reverse...

Good question...

Word of the day: Up

Liberals are all fired up because Romney refuses to publish his tax records for the past 10 years.  Romney has submitted all that he is required to submit.  The Democrats have nothing else to focus on but Romney's taxes.  Maybe he should, then they will have fodder for some other picky-unish bit of trivia to distract the media from the issue of unemployment and the economy.  Mitt, you owe them nothing.  Keep on your message.

What is up with "Dirty Harry" Reid? 

Did Barak Obama publish 10 years worth of his Tax records?

Why has BO paid 4 million dollars to keep his birth records, college application, and grades sealed?  I ask this because I believe the records will show he was not born in the US and what a poor student he was.  If his grades were good, he would be wall papering a room at the White House with them. 

"Sunlight is the best disinfectant"
Wiliam O. Douglas

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