When I first started this blog, there were seriously important things going wrong with our political system.
- Health Care Reform with no Conservative input...Health Care Reform gone wild
- Cap & Trade, Climate change gone amok Where in the world is Al Gore
- The Stimulus pay out, Only federal, state, city and county jobs were saved, no private sector jobs were created
- Bank Bailout, what has changed, nothing
- Automakers Bailout, many jobs lost but the Unions benefited.
- ACORN and election fraud and how to get around the law
- Unemployment gone rampant. If people aren't working they aren't paying taxes and if they aren't paying taxes the Federal Government has no money.
- Home foreclosures in record numbers
- The economy and it's pathetic state
- Iran and nuclear proliferation
- Election violence in
If that's not bad enough, we now have a naive puppet of a president who has never led anything but ACORN. As a senator mostly voted present, never wrote a single piece of substantial legislature. Has been heavily involved in Chicago style politics and cannot figure out why the American Voter isn't buying his
Word of the day:
Good Bye Charlie
Rangle...he is finally stepping down, temporarily... He should be removed from office, he should be going to jail along with his corrupt spouse. Too bad his constituents are deaf, dumb and blind to his unscrupulous dirty dealings, that only benefit C.
Rangle , all while they eek out a living. I say, out with the rest of the garbage.

Florida has had the coldest winter in 60 years. Look at what happened in Washington D.C. So in addition to the falsified research data on global warming...Al Gore is certainly keeping a low profile...but he's made his money with his books and movies. Hopefully, he is through with us and will fade quietly into his multi million dollar mansion. Any one remember
Where's wAldo?

In keeping with Chicago politics we have
Rahm Emanuel,
harassing a congressman in the showers of the Capital gym, because he opposes some Obama wishful thinking... I don't
recall anything the likes of this. Maybe I am one of those who have had their head in the sand all this time.
Finally, civil trials for terrorist detainees, we are fat, our schools are failing, our food is being contaminated by plastics and we may be raising the first generation of children who will not live as long as we will. Not to mention kids in the flight control tower, the Toyota meltdown and no mail on Saturdays???
I just had to air that bit of political laundry.

"We are living on a credit card issued by the Chinese"
Mitt Romney
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