Credit Card Reform to take effect soon... I am slowly but surly paying down my credit card debt. It has not been easy, because I don't want to give anything up. (the only one who needs credit card reform, is me) Such as buying something when I want it whether or not I have the money, "Charge It!". But in the desperate race to 'yank' every existing customer before the "new rules" take effect, the credit card companies have been sending out quite a bit of mail telling me how they have done it or will be doing it soon. Taking advantage of me that is. Fortunately, I have really cut back on my spending, because I see the economy going in the tank and on that front, I will receive no pay increase this year, again, and will have less in my existing paycheck because of all the entitlements I will have to pay for because so many Americans are out of work and therefore will be paying no taxes.
We just received our home loan statement and we were assessed a $65.00 late fee. We put in 1/2 a house payment every two weeks...and somehow we are now out of sinc with the loan company. Normally every time the House payment amount is there it kicks out to pay against the loan...guess that's another change they've if we are 1/2 payment ahead that does not reflect. We have never had an issue like this for 8 years... guess they have to recoup that extra 2 payments we make a year somehow. I am furious.
Word of the day: thieves
Another issue that has invaded my wee brain is...if the new Health Care entitlement will be granting the opportunity for 40 million new people to get insurance what happens with the remaining people who will not be able to have insurance? I guess they'll do what they've always done and that is go to the emergency room where they receive free care.
"You can fool all of the people some of the time and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time"
Abraham Lincoln
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