Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Credit Card Traps

Credit Card Reform to take effect soon... I am slowly but surly paying down my credit card debt. It has not been easy, because I don't want to give anything up. (the only one who needs credit card reform, is me) Such as buying something when I want it whether or not I have the money, "Charge It!". But in the desperate race to 'yank' every existing customer before the "new rules" take effect, the credit card companies have been sending out quite a bit of mail telling me how they have done it or will be doing it soon. Taking advantage of me that is. Fortunately, I have really cut back on my spending, because I see the economy going in the tank and on that front, I will receive no pay increase this year, again, and will have less in my existing paycheck because of all the entitlements I will have to pay for because so many Americans are out of work and therefore will be paying no taxes.

We just received our home loan statement and we were assessed a $65.00 late fee. We put in 1/2 a house payment every two weeks...and somehow we are now out of sinc with the loan company. Normally every time the House payment amount is there it kicks out to pay against the loan...guess that's another change they've if we are 1/2 payment ahead that does not reflect. We have never had an issue like this for 8 years... guess they have to recoup that extra 2 payments we make a year somehow. I am furious.

Word of the day: thieves

Another issue that has invaded my wee brain is...if the new Health Care entitlement will be granting the opportunity for 40 million new people to get insurance what happens with the remaining people who will not be able to have insurance? I guess they'll do what they've always done and that is go to the emergency room where they receive free care.

"You can fool all of the people some of the time and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time"
Abraham Lincoln

Friday, March 26, 2010

Oh the Madness!

I don't know about your March Madness bracket but mine look about as pretty as the organizational chart for Obamacare.

Word of the day: hindsight

The one consolation is that I have picked better than my Hobo. Fortunately, there are a couple of games left... The rub is that when the fun (?) of March Madness 2010 is over, we will still be left with Obamacare. And talk about a payout...

Is anyone thinking about...
our failing economy?
Military around the world

Just think about all those people who are not working, defaulting on their own debt but much worse not paying any taxes. So who does that leave to pay taxes?

Is no one concerned that we have no influence in the world and what is left is fading fast

  • China, owns us
  • Iran, laughs at us
  • Osama Bin Laden threatens us
  • Israel, disgusted with us
  • Our president cheapens us
  • Our elected officials ignore us
So... what if Glen Beck is right, the next issue to be tackled is immigration? The real issues are still left hanging. We are in serious trouble.

2010 Midterm is nearly here. I am making progress...
  • Senate: Marco Rubio
  • FL Governor: Bill McCollum
  • Congress: Sandy Adams
"In the land of the blind, a one eyed man is Lord"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Do No Harm

It was a long hard fight but the Socialists came out ahead. The people of America are the losers. We have lost some more of our basic freedoms. The last hope will be any law suits that will prove the mandate unconstitutional. I believe similar suits were filed when Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid were passed and they were over ruled.

Word of the day: define

I got a few random emails from people who are so happy Health Care Reform passed because monies will go to Nursing Education? Hold on, what else has been tacked on to "Health Care" Reform? I keep wanting to respond with a question to the sender. Other than you and me, "who do you think is going to pay for it? My real question is, out of whose @$$ will we pull this money.

  • Was HCR about health care itself, health insurance for it or funding for Nurse education?
  • Was it about my right to have health Care or health insurance or for other stuff?
  • Was it about taking away my right to choose my insurance or healthcare provider?
  • Who are these people that stand to benefit from Health Care Reform?
  • Who are the numb skulls that think their health care will be free?
  • Who are the fools who think HCR will be implemented this afternoon?

Wait a minute, it is not a basic right to have health care insurance or health care for that matter.

We all get health care with or without health insurance. We may have to go to the Emergency Room to get it, but, as I pointed out in an earlier post, people who are treated in the emergency rooms are many times given better treatment because they are not at the mercy of the constraints of the insurance companies. But as I write this I think of the woman who was left to die on the floor of one emergency room.

"Well, then we'd have to say that the American public overwhelmingly voted for socialism when they elected President Obama"
Al Sharpton

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What Really Matters

Hobo and I have really had some profoundly interesting conversations while driving in the car. He is so eloquent with his off the cuff thoughts. I should be taking notes. Half the time, I have forgotten the topic by the time I get home to write about it, but I remember that it was important and relevant.

Really... there is nothing more to be said... but, with all the desperate scrambling, toe tapping, hip slapping and got'chas that are going on in our nations capital, I wonder what was promised to who for their "Yes" vote. Who's gonna get an undeserved government job. Who is going to get some Benni's for their wish list. This is just phase one? Canada and England finally got total control of health care after several phases. How many phases will it take before we are in Zombie Land. Hopefully no more, because those who voted yes, will be voted out of office and the new senators and congressmen will give more consideration to their constituents. I am amazed that so many are willing to sacrifice their careers for this.

Word of the day: diversion

We all know each was promised something. These promises will not appear in this version of the HCB but will appear in other legislation as the "progressives" on Capital Hill continue to sell us down the river. The strong arm tactics are embarrassing. Do NP, BO and HR think we are blind to their antics. It's kind of like the couple "making out" in the movie theater and they think no one is watching. The world is watching.

It is a shame to have to get this HCR business repealed rather than to prevent it from happening in the first place. I think they're just trying to wear each other down... Obviously if they had the votes to pass it, it would have been voted on.

Now to the real important business...MARCH MADNESS!

I and about 28 of my friends have filled in our brackets. This is a fun time of year for Hobo...aka: Bracket Master. He gets cart blanch to watch every pre-game show, game and post game analysis...I don't know a thing about basket ball, but I do love March Madness. It took me about 10 minutes to fill out my bracket worksheet...I cannot imagine the amount of research Hobo needed, but today is when the real deal starts. Let the banter begin. Let the Dancers loose... Please let me do better than Hobo.

Let them Vote HCR, we'll deal with that in two weeks...frankly, I think congress should recess for March Madness. They have certainly recessed from unemployment and the economy...

"One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team."
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dribs and Drabs

When I first started this blog, there were seriously important things going wrong with our political system.
  • Health Care Reform with no Conservative input...Health Care Reform gone wild
  • Cap & Trade, Climate change gone amok Where in the world is Al Gore
  • The Stimulus pay out, Only federal, state, city and county jobs were saved, no private sector jobs were created
  • Bank Bailout, what has changed, nothing
  • Automakers Bailout, many jobs lost but the Unions benefited.
  • ACORN and election fraud and how to get around the law
  • Unemployment gone rampant. If people aren't working they aren't paying taxes and if they aren't paying taxes the Federal Government has no money.
  • Home foreclosures in record numbers
  • The economy and it's pathetic state
  • Iran and nuclear proliferation
  • Election violence in
If that's not bad enough, we now have a naive puppet of a president who has never led anything but ACORN. As a senator mostly voted present, never wrote a single piece of substantial legislature. Has been heavily involved in Chicago style politics and cannot figure out why the American Voter isn't buying his gibberish.

Word of the day: slapdown

Good Bye Charlie Rangle...he is finally stepping down, temporarily... He should be removed from office, he should be going to jail along with his corrupt spouse. Too bad his constituents are deaf, dumb and blind to his unscrupulous dirty dealings, that only benefit C.Rangle , all while they eek out a living. I say, out with the rest of the garbage.

Florida has had the coldest winter in 60 years. Look at what happened in Washington D.C. So in addition to the falsified research data on global warming...Al Gore is certainly keeping a low profile...but he's made his money with his books and movies. Hopefully, he is through with us and will fade quietly into his multi million dollar mansion. Any one remember Where's wAldo?

In keeping with Chicago politics we have Rahm Emanuel, harassing a congressman in the showers of the Capital gym, because he opposes some Obama wishful thinking... I don't recall anything the likes of this. Maybe I am one of those who have had their head in the sand all this time.

Finally, civil trials for terrorist detainees, we are fat, our schools are failing, our food is being contaminated by plastics and we may be raising the first generation of children who will not live as long as we will. Not to mention kids in the flight control tower, the Toyota meltdown and no mail on Saturdays???

I just had to air that bit of political laundry.

"We are living on a credit card issued by the Chinese"
Mitt Romney