Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a rip roaring Happy New Year! Make it a night to remember. But think first and stay safe.

Word of the day: change

Still looming:
  • President Obama
  • Liberal Agenda
  • Corruption
  • Unemployment
  • The Economy
  • Health Care Reform
  • Terrorism
  • National Security
  • H1N1 Influenza
Ray of Light
  • 2010 Mid Term Elections

"OK, Let's do it, let's get this embarrassment over with"
Arthur Abbot "The Holiday"

Monday, December 28, 2009

2009, No Peaceful Exit

After a week of no news... my first news reunion is with another terrorist attempting to blow up an airplane on Christmas Day! (I thought they were over that, had moved on...something new to kill us) We Americans, have again become so complacent, comfortable and off guard that another watch listed terrorist boarded an airplane bent on it's destruction. (even his own father was concerned for the safety of others he reported his own son to the authorities) Thankfully his "crotch rocket" went pop and only destroyed his virgin finder. What is their fixation with destroying airplanes?

Thankfully the actions of the passengers of AA-93 set the example and these passengers took this guy down. Luckily none were hurt and the plane was able to land safely in spite of this pin head.

Amazingly, I am only hearing of this story yesterday. I have been so preoccupied with Christmas, Facebook, Movies, visitors, and dining out, that I never turned on the news, not once.

Word of the day: appease

I hope President O takes this personally. Extend a hand in peace if they'll unclench their fists... Wake up and smell the coffee. It is hard to reason with the unreasonable. It is just insane. Is our president insane? Regarding terrorism, I think so. Unfortunately, I doubt there is any answer, short of unbridled profiling. Stop all the "Politically Correct" baloney. The Country Club days are over. Just Face it ( no swooshie). Frankly, where are the Muslims in the US denouncing this horrific behavior. Maybe they don't think it's so horrific. Maybe they agree...Maybe this is just considered another "honor killing"

Maybe we need another Manzanar...Internment camps are sounding like they should be considered. No Muslims in or out of the country until this business is resolved. Every Japanese resident was relocated after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Unlike the German "Relocation" camps, there we no mas killings. just a thought. Political correctness is going to hinder more than help.

"This particular extractification goin' take a little longer"
The Firefly in "The Princess and the Frog"

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Word of the day: NOEL

There are many things to ponder...

And many things to be thankful for...

May we all find what we are looking for. Politics aside, let's see if we can ignore our petty differences and make this a thoughtful celebration of all that we have.

I for one am all about a fire in the fireplace, hot cider, homemade cookies and one of the many fun Christmas movies on the tube.

"Hello, Bedford Falls! Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, Emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan! Hey! Merry Christmas!"

George Baily - It's a Wonderful Life

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Facebook on the Road

Finally the biggest waste of time, Facebook, has diverted me from the other biggest waste of time, the news. Facebook has neutralized the anger I feel toward our current federal government. There is nothing I can do about it why not indulge my new found obsession.

Lack of anger is a good thing.

Hobo and I went to the UCF vs. Rutgers in St. Petersberg, Fl. The game was a bust but our hotel was amazing. Penthouse #4, in a lovely resort on Treasure Island, FL.. How ever when I woke up the next morning I realized, I was going to a show and , would be dropped off at the theater and that I would be unable to harvest my crops in Paradise Island in time... (I had let all my trees stay in fruit, planted expensive and pretty crops) What to do? I asked Hobo to pull up Facebook on his Iphone. All I could get was the games. Rather than ask him to down load the application... I came to the only logical conclusion...

I called my daughter in Woodward, OK. It was 9:00 am her time, but still I woke her from a dead sleep... Since I rarely call her, she thought someone had died. I explained my dilemma, gave her my log-in and password...asked her to take a picture of my Island, harvest my crops and pick up any debris... (forgot to mention my fish in Fishville, oh well)

Big yawn, then she said "ok, you want me to take a photo of the island, harvest your crops aaannnd pick up your trash too?" It's a good thing she also plays. Thanks Molly!

Word of the day: intervention

Over breakfast, my hobo is laughing at this entire scenario. I admitted to him this Facebook thing is getting out of control. Seriously, his response was, that he could 'block' Facebook on our home computer. What no Facebook! When he said that, I could barely catch my breath. Withdrawal began... and Facebook isn't even blocked. I stuttered and stammered... "well not yet." I said, "I'm not ready for it to be blocked." instantly researching in my mind what I would do in the event of... How I could get around the 'block' on our home computer. One of us needs to get a grip. I didn't dare mention that my fish were probably starving in Fishville and I surly had some unhappy Clown Cars to unload in Roller Coaster Kingdom.

But the bottom line is my Paradise Island crops were photographed, and harvested. I am very close to leveling up, again, and possibly rescuing the osterich, two cows two goats and 4 chickens in gift limbo. Oh, I did get to off load a chick but one of my cows disappeared into storage... and well that's another story.

"There is more than one way to skin a cat"

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who Needs Drugs

Hello, my name is CW and I am a facebook addict. It has been 2 minutes since I last pillaged my neighbors in Paradise Island, fertilized crops in Farmville, fed my fish in Fishville and unloaded Clown cars in Roller Coaster Kingdom.

So who needs drugs when we have Facebook.

Word of the day: multi-task

I am worried about the gifts of Cows, Goats and Chickens I can not offload because I need to "level up". My Island is certainly big enough. I am unsure of what I did to deserve a dog. I clean debris and steal (yes, steal) from my get XP (experience points) Because that's how one "level's up" I am at level 11 in Paradise Island..I have 1 cow, 1 goat and 2 chickens waiting in limbo... Oh my mistle toe and onions just ripened...hopefully some of my neighbors will go there and rob me too. Love the photo capability here.

Fishville is another story. When I add fish to my tank, it is almost like being at the dentist office if they have a fish tank. I get hypnotised by their swimming around. but then it's off to Farmville.

Farmville totally baffles me. I have two 'square foot' garden patches. 2 chickens in a hen house, one bull in the barn a cow and 5 calves in the yard, a reindeer, a goat and a myriad of other stuff... But I keep going back to harvest my crops and replant new ones...

There are many games I am some one's neighbor for the sake of numbers of neighbors...but nothing hit me harder than when my daughter informed me she was fighting me...her mother. I hope she wins because Mafia Wars is too complicated and realistic. She said she did win, and that she is going to fight me again so she can win and 'level up'.

But it is Roller Coaster Kingdom that has me in it's grip. Although it takes an eternity to upload, it is my favorite. Like the first love, I keep going back to it. It's like the Bowling Alley where I first learned to bowl. I always bowl my best games there...all other lanes just seem awkward. This game is so elaborate, that it takes minutes to upload, sometimes it just doesn't upload...but once you get there and unload those party buses and clown's hypnotic... all those little peeps running around and and riding on the rides.... Occasionally one will get stuck and red frownie faces will appear but there is nothing more satisfying than the big yellow smiley faces when they leave. (obviously this crummy photo does my park no justice...)

So, there you have it, my spare time. I also have an Orchid Society newsletter to publish not to mention the annual Christmas WAR report...

Ok, I'm out...

"I don't need drugs, Facebook is as far from reality as I want to get."

C. Washam

Tiger it's time to 'man up'.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Head is Spinning

I cannot believe what our government is undermining itself. It is astounding that our elected officials continue to spend and spend non existent money
Word of the day: laughable

Government Transparency (C-SPan?)

  • Unemployment (continues to rise) worthless job summit

  • More bail out money?, (Whose @$$ will they pull it out of, I know...ours)

  • Remember TARP? (repayments will probably be absorbed and added to pork spending)

  • CHINA (They own us... better pick up a Rosetta Stone course in Chinese)

  • Global Warming (suppressed opposing scientific data)

  • Cap & Tax/trade (warrants careful scrutiny, as it would likely increase energy costs and do considerably more economic harm than environmental good.)

  • Vat Tax (value added tax) The Value Added Tax, or 'VAT', in the European Union is a general, broadly based consumption tax assessed on the value added to goods and services.

  • Health Care (I don't know where to go with this one knows what's going on here)

  • Women's health care rationing (California already jumping on it)

  • Lowering the age for Medicare benefits to 55, but making 55 Billion cuts in Medicare. Do the math.

  • Terrorist Trials in NYC, Let's just play into the hands of the terrorists. Unbelievable lack of judgement or common sense.
Our Troops in Afghanistan
  • More troops to Afghanistan (BO finally grew something akin to a spine)
  • Nuclear proliferation in Iran and N. Korea
  • Renewed Violence in Iraq
  • Is Dubai Bankrupt?
Food for thought Bonus!
  • Barbara Walters most interesting people in 2009: Kate Goslin, Glenn Beck, Lady Gaga, Sarah Palin, Prince, Paris & Blanket Jackson, Tyler Perry, Michelle Obama, Adam Lambert, Bret Farve, *Jenny Sanford.

  • Tiger woods (not on the list) How and when will he resume his golfing. I guess only his sponsors really give a diddle...oh wait...Tiger gave a diddle... (*Jenny Sanford should invite Elyn and children to come to South Carolina for a couple of years so they can chill beach side.)

  • Movies I want to see in December: Up In The Air, It's Complicated, When in Rome, Sherlock Holmes and Invictus.
My classes for this semester are finally over. I learned a lot about film making and the history and establishment of our American National Government. I hope I can be inspired to participate more in the upcoming 2010 mid-term election

"Career and politician should never be linked together"
Chuck Woolery

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dog & Pony Shows

Finally! BO has responded to the request for troops to be sent to Afghanistan. 30K of them. I am torn. I want our troops to be supported, but is this an effort in futility? I wish people would stop comparing it to Viet Nam. I was disappointed that he talked about his exit strategy in the same sentence as the escalation of troops...but on the other hand I am encouraged that he is stepping up the un-manned drones and the operation inside Pakistan.

Many prayers to our soldiers.

Is this really what we signed up for...

"Jobs Summit" Well this is an interesting effort in futility as long as we continue to tax and tax and tax small businesses. And who is going to be in attendance...SEIU and other union leaders, academics, and financial executives and representatives from Google, Yahoo, and Amazon. Who was not invited, the National Chamber of Commerce or small business owners. I would imagine a couple of liberal Congress folk and several other irrelevant @$$ kissers. With all the unemployment and folks not paying any taxes, I guess they'll need any revenue they can generate. which will be none...The Government does not create revenue...they dispose of it.

We only lost 11,000 jobs last month...really, were there that many people employed the month before... time to get real.

Word of the day: trickery

Global Warming research has been" fudged". The debate of Cap & Trade will soon be up for debate in the Senate. But... this 'fudged' research has been suppressed or worse deleted. The research has been compromised. There is nothing more to say. The US has dedicated 2.5 billion to this cause and the congress wants to double that? Someone please jerk some sense into these people. What's this I hear, Gore is canceling appearances... Our president will soon be in Copenhagen for a Global warming International Conference on this subject and then off to collect his Nobel peace prize.

Someone has been pulling the wool over everyone else's eyes.

Party Crashers: Why are 3 secret serves men being put on leave. Did they plan the party? Do they know who is or is not on the list? Denise Rogers planned this state dinner. Where was a representative from her staff? Or where was she for that matter. The secret service and Ms. Reynolds should be put on leave. Denise was enjoying the party, nary a thought to anything glitching up. Denise and ex hubby gave lots of $$ to the BO campaign. She was given this job as a thank you Her Ex also works for the current administration...once again quid pro quo.

Bottom line, they got lucky...both the party crashers and the administration.

Tiger Woods: Elyn, wait out your 2 years, bank your 55 Mil. and then take those babies and go back to Sweden and to your family who love and appreciate you. It'll be hard to look him in the eye again and not wonder.

"This administration is allergic to descent"
Michele Malkin