Thursday, January 13, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

It's hard to believe it's been over three months since my last post. It's amazing the abyss my Facebook game, Island Paradise, has plunged me into. I think it could be compared to the effect of a hard core drug. I think soon, I'll be ready for an intervention. It's just really hard to imagine life with out it...I caught myself staring at the screen in a stupor after a 15 minute episode, I wonder if I am the only one with this brain numbing reaction.

I am just not angry anymore. It's not that I don't care, I do. At least I think I do.

I'd just like to note a couple of the really important events:
My Birthday
New Year's
MLK Birthday
Valentine's day

I'll add more as I pull the memories out of the goo that is my brain under the influence of Island Paradise.

There are significant world events that are making me sit up and take notice. Egypt and Tunisia have tossed out their dictators. Libya is in the throws of a civil war and and their dictator, Gadhafi, has ordered the murdering the people who are dissenting. Surprise surprise, the protesters are not backing down. Yemen and Algeria are following suit. Each has been bolstered by the events in Tunisia and Egypt.
When all is said and done, Egypt, Tunisia and Libya will be searching for new leadership. Only time will tell who else... One can only hope that the Muslim Brotherhood is rejected and a more democratic form of government will be established. But what do they know? In any event all these countries have a long way to go. It's one thing to revolt when there is a plan, but normally there is no plan. Take a look at Somalia and Haiti.

Word of the day: revolution

"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul"

Moshe Dayan

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