Check out this link. This commentary is very enlightening in a very pragmatic way. It says very eloquently what we, Americans, are all thinking. It takes a Britt!
For sure, I am a "Birther" after Obama's last comment. "I can't spend my time going around with my birth certificate plastered to my head" What kind of a comment is that?...we'd just like to see his birth certificate plastered somewhere just one time.
Regarding Iraq. Bring them all home. We have been there nearly 10 years, and the 'government' of Iraq has yet to be established. They are just using us. Some day these people are going to get tired of killing each other. Where are their heroes? Bring our guys home. If they don't want live under Taliban rule, then they, the people of Iraq need to step up and do something about it. Until we leave, they will never fend for themselves. Even the thought of one American soldier left to help keep the "peace", is one American soldier too many.

Word of the day: sincere
And another ugly thought, so the soldiers leave Iraq, please don't send them to Afghanistan. They are negotiating with the Taliban. How can we expect our soldiers to do their job when the US Congress have their hands tied and the Afghanistan government is holding hands with the enemy.
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