- Thought they would make a sick joke
- Won a high school science fair
- drive an electric car
- must be high on ( ) enter drug of choice
- knew sending it on a Sunday, there would be no comics
- A product of inbreeding

BP is spending a lot of needless money to let everyone know that they are doing what they can...Really?
Which brings me to another topic. BO Wants another 55 billion dollars in stimulus money. People...the stimulus money created NO new jobs. It only saved state and federal jobs. I know this because I work for the university and I still have my job. the stimulus only SAVED EXISTING JOBS! and the jobs created were for the Census...I know this because my child in OK is working for them...and apparently the tasks go in waves so they can let them go and rehire them for the next phase. therefor making it look like more jobs are being created. I see no logic in this because when workers are let go, that reflects, and should balance out the ones rehired for the next phase. I hope you can make sense of my description...because it barely makes any sense to me...this is our government at work...
and finally... this inquiring mind wants to know
Who else has Van der Sloot killed?
What happens if China runs out of money?
Who will win the World Cup in Soccer?
It is well known that Soccer is not my favorite sport, but I felt compelled to watch this year, because a classmate of one of my children is on the USA starting team... #6, Steve Cherundolo.He is a defender. and against England yesterday, he was right in the thick of things. I look forward to the next game, but am clueless, I just watch for #6.
Go Steve, Go team USA.
"Fail to prepare, prepare to fail."
Roy Keane, Irish soccer player and English football club manager.
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