Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's a New Day

OK so I came up short on my birthday wish list. I am so glad we no longer live in California. The state is bankrupt and the citizens need to ask themselves, Why?
At least the biggest embarrassment to the state of Florida was defeated and it was a landslide. Dan Webster is our new representative in Congress. Go Dan!
Congratulations Marco Rubio!

Governor race to this minute is still undecided. Only in Florida

Now the real work begins. Can Cap & Trade be squashed forever and can HCR go unfunded so therefore it just dies. How does that work? It's the law...

Word of the day: stunning

Anywhoo...Next hurdle...Election 2012, the riding America of Barak Obama as president.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not"

Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010 Midterm Election

Who's angry, certainly not me. My Island on Facebook is lookin' better than ever. But i have been waiting two years for the 2010 Midterm Election...and it's finally here.

This is a very special day...Election Day and my Birthday! Yup that's me, November 2nd...

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me...happy birthday dear....what ever, happy birthday to me!

Word of the day: VOTE

The best Birthday gift to me would be.

Nancy Pelosi, defeated John Dennis Elected

Barbara Boxer, defeated Carly Fiorino, elected

Jerry Brown, defeated Meg Whitman elected

Harry Reid, defeated Sharron Angle elected

Barney Frank defeated Sean Beilat elected

Alan Grayson defeated Daniel Webster elected
Kelly O'Donnell Elected

Pleeeeze oh pretty Pleeze! Am I asking too much...
This is my election day wish list.
My brain has not gone to jelly completely. I know with BO still in office not much will change. Hopefully Cap and Trade will fall by the wayside, and the Obama Health Care will go unfunded...
That's a lotta not much... As I always say, Time will Tell.
General Election 2012 or bust!

"Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues"
Tony Snow

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day Is Almost Here

Finally! I have been waiting for two long years for this day. and thanks to Facebook and paradise Island it has not been such an angry wait.

My stomach is flip floppin', my heart is palpitating, I can barely catch a breath! Actually, I just took a breath and now I am choking on my own spit.

Election day is almost here. Tomorrow to be exact. I actually voted during the first week of 'early voting'.

Word of the day: decide

The campaigns are really getting nasty. But I hope that with all the deception that has gone on during the past 2 years, that the turkeys on both sides of the isle will be gone... And we have been inundated with campaign calls. Early Voting...ring ring, "this is...".... hang up...Click Bzzzzz. It's as easy as that! Where's my Easy Button...

I look forward to chilling tomorrow evening and watching the election results.

"To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain."

Louis L'Amour

Friday, October 22, 2010

NPR releases Juan Williams?

Juan Williams? Fired?... Who would fire liberal thinking, mild mannered, articulate, Juan Williams. (I actually thought there must be another Juan Williams...There is no other Juan Williams) NPR...who is NPR? National Public Broadcasting? Juan Williams had a radio show with them...Really? And our tax payer dollars are going to support this socialist public radio?

This is very upsetting but not surprising. I watched the Bill O'Reilley show and everything JW said is what I think everytime I get on an airplane, sit in a movie or visit a restaurant and see someone (male particularly) who even look like they might be muslim/terrorist. Is my bigot showing? The liberal left may have just lost their most influencial supporter.

I heard the name 'Juan Williams' and 'fired' in the same sentence and I managed to drag my Facebook brain numbed head up for air to find that Juan Williams was fired by NPR for the comments he made on "the O'reilley Factor". honestly, I didn't know he worked for NPR. Thank goodness. Good bye, So long, Farewell, auf Wiedersdhen, Goodbye"... Juan Williams is an honest man. I like fox news, and it's made more interesting when Juan Williams is part of the debate. I don't always agree with him, but he is the only person with liberal leanings that can stand up in a debate and argue reasonably and never resort to name calling or character bashing.

Now NPR and it's supporters are trying to justify their decision...Shirley Sherod all over again?? Making reference to "him and his psychiatrist" Who are the faceless weasels that put pressure on the mindless cowards to make these kinds of decisions...

Word of the day: despicable

Now that Juan Williams has been the direct target, some right leaning liberals will see the far left for what it is and reconsider their affiliation.

This will be his "Maxine Waters moment. (Her banshee like behavior is the reason I left the Democrat Party, other than the fact that I have become pretty conservative in my old age) His faithful listeners at npr, will follow him to Fox News. Whoo hoo, their loss is Fox News' gain.Thank you Fox News for stepping up to the plate and snatching Juan Williams up. For every crack that closes a triple sliding door opens... with in 24 hours, Fox News offered him a 2 million contract for 3 years... Congratulations, Juan, you deserve better and now you're gonna get it.

I'm on a roll now....

Many prayers for California, If J. Brown is as governor, God help'em. Com'on Meg Whitman, pull it out. But if by some miracle Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi are defeated, he will have a more difficult time of it. (mainly, I'd like to see a US senate with out them)

REMEMBER TO VOTE! I have been waiting for 2 years for this election...I have been up and down, but since Facebook, mostly numb. But I am no longer angry. Early voting in Florida, I will be voting today.

On a happy note... Hooray for the Chilean Miners. Hooray for the Chilean government who had the courage to contact NASA (us) for help. unlike the Russians who refused our help and let the men on board the sunken submarine suffocate at the bottom of the ocean.

“I think it’s reasonable to ask why Congress is spending taxpayers’ money to support a left-wing radio network, and in the wake of Juan Williams’ firing, it’s clearer than ever that’s what NPR is.”
House Republican leader John Boehner (R-Ohio.)

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 Remembered

We're not the only country with an oral history to pass along.

There are no words...

“Time is passing. Yet, for the United States of America, there will be no forgetting September the 11th. We will remember every rescuer who died in honor. We will remember every family that lives in grief. We will remember the fire and ash, the last phone calls, the funerals of the children. “
President George W. Bush, November 11, 2001

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mismatch of Hangers On Issues

The 2010 election is less than two months away. I had a pretty successful primary result. It is difficult to watch the news anymore when our president completely ignores the will of the people. I feel like I live in a 3rd world country.

Thank God for Facebook. It has taken me away to LaLa Land. I suppose I'll wake up one morning, retired and living in a pop tent trailer begging for money for my prescription that Medicare will not cover. As long as I have WiFi, I should be ok...It is very scary to be a senior in these times. As numb as my brain has become, here are a couple of issues burning it up.

I think I spent every weekend of my High School years in Tijuana. Now it's a war zone. I am so glad I got to experience Mexico before all the Cartel's went to war with the U.S. & Mexican Governments and each other. Just like the Wild Wild West, shoot outs in the streets of cities that were such a fun and exciting tourist destination. No more... But to rub salt in the wound, our government is suing the state of Arizona because Arizona is infringing on the Federal Government's right to do what, ignore the situation. Help me understand this.

The Mosque at 9/11 Ground zero is still a burning issue. and the Imam is threatening us. He says that if the mosque is not built on the disputed site it will cause a 'big explosion' of... of what?

And now we have the Quran burning "Christian" pastor. Is he the only member of the Dove World Outreach Center? Where is this 'church's' congregation? Everyone from General Potreas to the president have asked him to cancel this exercize on the grounds that it will fuel the fire of terrorism and put our troops on the ground in Afghanistan and Iraq in danger.

Word of the day: clusterphuck

Well, another Labor Day came and went. It was such a weekend of no working. I had all kinds of plans of things I wanted to get done...Did I do any of them? ...nope, a 3 day weekend of no working.

"We have to pass this thing so we can find out what's in it"

Nancy Pelosi

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Primary Election Will Do For Now

Today the pits, tomorrow the wrinkles...

Word of the day: VOTE!

Today is the official day for primary voting...I had take advantage of "Early Voting" and did so two weeks ago...It will be interesting to see the outcome. It will be interesting to see the the percentage of registered voters who turn out.

I got a lot of calls asking me to vote for so-n-so...and wanting me to take silly surveys even though I had already voted. These telemarketers are persistent.

"we get who we vote for, but if you don't vote, you can't complain"

Thursday, August 19, 2010

No Mosque At Ground Zero

Yeah, right...We will never get over 9/11. More to come on this...

Check out this link. This commentary is very enlightening in a very pragmatic way. It says very eloquently what we, Americans, are all thinking. It takes a Britt!

For sure, I am a "Birther" after Obama's last comment. "I can't spend my time going around with my birth certificate plastered to my head" What kind of a comment is that?...we'd just like to see his birth certificate plastered somewhere just one time.

Regarding Iraq. Bring them all home. We have been there nearly 10 years, and the 'government' of Iraq has yet to be established. They are just using us. Some day these people are going to get tired of killing each other. Where are their heroes? Bring our guys home. If they don't want live under Taliban rule, then they, the people of Iraq need to step up and do something about it. Until we leave, they will never fend for themselves. Even the thought of one American soldier left to help keep the "peace", is one American soldier too many.

It is obvious the Muslim extremists are indiscriminate killers. They don't care who they kill as long as their agenda is advanced. God help anyone American soldier, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Iraqi citizen, , charity worker, who the extremists feel is in their way. Off with their heads, just for the sake of it.

Word of the day: sincere

And another ugly thought, so the soldiers leave Iraq, please don't send them to Afghanistan. They are negotiating with the Taliban. How can we expect our soldiers to do their job when the US Congress have their hands tied and the Afghanistan government is holding hands with the enemy.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Paranoia or Betrayal

I am furious that 10 members of a medical team were murdered this weekend. The Taliban has taken responsibility for the cold blooded killings. Then to justify the deed by stating that they were preaching Christianity. This medical charity organization has been working in the region for 30 years. It is obvious to me that the Taliban has no interest in seeing that it's people are cared for only that their sociopathic ideology is carried out. We are also being shafted militarily.

The Afghan leadership is two faced. They work with us only at their convenience. We need to leave them to their own solutions, someone there has to step up and be the hero. Arm the Afghan people, let them fight it out with the Taliban or....

It is so hard for us of the western cultures to believe that this can happen to us. Germany has shut down the Mosque that 9/11 players frequented. France and Holland are taking steps to prevent any further Muslim influence. It astounds me that the Taliban and Al Qaeda live in caves with state of the art technology in communication and weaponry. This situation cannot be driven home enough.

I found this entry in the comments section of that article. It is hard to believe that this can happen in our country, but we are so mired in political correctness, are we next or is it a done deal. These are not my words, but certainly express what worries me and others.

Word of the day: barbarian

Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.

  • First migration wave to non-Muslim “host” country.

  • Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society.

  • Attempts to portray Islam as a peaceful & Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’).

  • High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population.

  • Mosques used to spread Islam and dislike of host country & culture.

  • Calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime.

  • Threatened legal action for perceived discrimination.

  • Offers of “interfaith dialogue” to indoctrinate non-Muslims.

How many nations are suffering from Islamic infiltration? One? A handful? Nearly every nation? The Islamic ‘leadership” of the Muslim Brotherhood and others wish to dissolve each nation’s sovereignty and replace it with the global imposition of Islamic sharia law. Sharia law, based on the koran, sira and hadith, condemns liberty and forbids equality and is inconsistent with the laws of all Western nations.

As the author and historian Serge Trifkovic states:
”The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history.”

Muslim immigrants and host country converts continue demands for accommodation in employment, education, social services, financing and courts.

  • Proselytizing increases; Establishment and Recruitment of Jihadi cells.

  • Efforts to convert alienated segments of the population to Islam.

  • Revisionist efforts to Islamize history.

  • Efforts to destroy historic evidence that reveal true Islamism.

  • Increased anti-western propaganda and psychological warfare.

  • Efforts to recruit allies who share similar goals (communists, anarchists).

  • Attempts to indoctrinate children to Islamist viewpoint.

  • Increased efforts to intimidate, silence and eliminate non-Muslims.

  • Efforts to introduce blasphemy and hate laws in order to silence critics.

  • Continued focus on enlarging Muslim population by increasing Muslim births and immigration.

  • Covert efforts to bring about the destruction of 'host' society from within

  • Use of charities to recruit supporters and fund jihad.

  • Covert efforts to bring about the destruction of host society from within.

  • Development of Muslim political base in non-Muslim host society.

  • Islamic Financial networks fund political growth, acquisition of land.

  • Highly visible assassination of critics aimed to intimidate opposition.

  • Tolerance of non-Muslims diminishes.

  • Greater demands to adopt strict Islamic conduct.

  • Clandestine amassing of weapons and explosives in hidden locations.

  • Overt disregard/rejection of non-Muslim society’s legal system, culture.

  • Efforts to undermine and destroy power base of non-Muslim religions including and especially Jews and Christians.

Is there a pattern here? Theo van Gogh is murdered in the Netherlands for ‘insulting’ Islam; the Organization of the Islamic Conference demands ‘anti-blasphemy’ laws through the United Nations; France is set afire regularly by ‘youths’ (read Muslims); the rise of (dis-) honor killings…holocaust denial…anti-Semitism…deception re the tenets of Islam; hatred toward Christians and Jews and Hindus and Buddhists. The pattern for all to see is the rise of Islamic intolerance and the covert/cultural jihad to remake host societies into sharia-compliant worlds – to remove host sovereignty and replace it with Islamic sharia law. Sharia law that condemns earthly liberty and individual freedom, that forbids equality among faiths and between the sexes, that rejects the concept of nations outside the global house of Islam, that of dar al-Islam.

Open violence to impose Sharia law and associated cultural restrictions; rejection of host government, subjugation of other religions and customs.

  • Intentional efforts to undermine the host government & culture.

  • Acts of barbarity to intimidate citizens and foster fear and submission.

  • Open and covert efforts to cause economic collapse of the society.

  • All opposition is challenged and either eradicated or silenced.

  • Mass execution of non-Muslims.

  • Widespread ethnic cleansing by Islamic militias.

  • Rejection and defiance of host society secular laws or culture.

  • Murder of “moderate” Muslim intellectuals who don’t support Islamization.

  • Destruction of churches, synagogues and other non-Muslim institutions.

  • Women are restricted further in accordance with Sharia law.

  • Large-scale destruction of population, assassinations, bombings.

  • Toppling of government and usurpation of political power.

  • Imposition of Sharia law

The website keeps track of the number of violent jihad attacks as best it can. The site lists more than 14,000 attacks since September 2001. It is worth a visit. What is occurring, however, that is likely inestimable are events where muslims are bullied by other muslims for not being “muslim enough,” where non-Muslims are intimidated into doing or not doing what they desire, where remnant populations are in a death spiral simply for being non-muslim in a predominantly muslim area. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists Animists and Atheists meet with death, property destruction or confiscation, forced conversion, rape, excessive taxation (the jizya), enslavement, riotous mobs and various other forms of islam (in-) justice at the hands of muslims in Sudan, Philippines, Kenya, Malaysia, India, etc. And let us not forget ‘death to Apostates’ the world over.

Islam becomes the only religious-political-judicial-cultural ideology.

  • Sharia becomes the “law of the land.

  • All non-Islamic human rights cancelled.

  • Enslavement and genocide of non-Muslim population.

  • Freedom of speech and the press eradicated.

  • All religions other than Islam are forbidden and destroyed.

  • Destruction of all evidence of non-Muslim culture, populations and symbols in country (Buddhas, houses of worship, art, etc).

The House of Islam (“peace”), dar al-Islam, includes those nations that have submitted to Islamic rule, to the soul crushing, liberty-condemning, discriminatory law of Sharia. The rest of the world in in the House of War, dar al-harb, because it does not submit to Sharia, and exists in a state of rebellion or war with the will of ‘Allah.’ No non-Muslim state or its citizens are “innocent,” and remain viable targets of war for not believing in ‘Allah.’ The Christian, Jewish, Coptic, Hindu and Zoroastrian peoples of world have suffered under subjugation for centuries. The Dhimmi-esce are forbidden to construct houses of worship or repair existing ones, economically crippled by the heavy jizya (tax), socially humiliated, legally discriminated against, criminally targeted and generally kept in a permanent state of weakness, fear and vulnerability by Islamic governments.

It should be noted that forced conversions (Egypt) and slavery (Sudan) are still reported. Homosexuals have been hung in the public square in Iran. Young girls are married to old men. Apostates are threatened with death. “Honor” killings are routine. Women are legally second-class citizens, though Muslim males insist they are “treated better” than in the West. These more obvious manifestations may distract from some less obvious ones such as the lack of intellectual inquiry in science, narrow scope of writing, all but non-existent art and music, sexual use and abuse of youth and women, and the disregard for personal fulfillment, joy and wonder. Look into the eyes of a recently married 12 year old girl to see the consequence of the moral deprivation spawned by Islam.

What are we going to do?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Arizona, Cut Off At The Knees

To say the least I am disappointed at Judge Susan Bolton's decision to pull the teeth out of the "Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act", Arizona law. After reading the first paragraph of her argument... why? I don't get it. This is not an 'immigration law' it's an anti-CRIME law.
In her first paragraph, the judge writes "Against a backdrop of rampant illegal immigration, escalating drug and Human trafficking crimes and serious public safety concerns..."

Word of the day: despicable

Moving on:
Draining the swamp, finally! Well, it looks like Charlie Rangle has company, Maxine Waters. In my very first post, I address the fact that MW is the reason I changed my party affiliation from Democrat to Republican. I guess now the chickens have come home to roost.

I don't really have much to's really double S, Double D. In fact, I am almost to the point of resignation, because there is nothing I alone can do about anything anyway.

It's only 3 weeks until the Florida Primary, and things are getting hot and heavy here. Signs are going up. This is just one step closer to the mid-term election in November. I have no will to even argue the points. It is what it is...the people will vote for what they get.

"Even the most rational approach to ethics is defenseless if there isn't the will to do what is right"

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love Ya Tomorrow...

The day of reckoning is finally here. The courts were supposed to rule yesterday so let's see if they have any kind of backbone today, so this law can take effect tomorrow.

Word of the day: action

There is a new oil leak. Fortunately it is unrelated to the Gulf oil leak which is now capped and the cap appears to be holding while BP permanently seals the well. Accidents do happen.
  • Unemployment is still high
  • The economy is still stinking
  • Our debt is increasing every second
  • our president still has his head up his rosy red rectum.
Although I am unhappy with the passage of the Health Care bill. Now there seems to be some discussion to put back the Public Option...seriously? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid looked like a whiny 3 year old "I wish we had a public option..."
I don't. Give HC a rest. Keep the Bush tax incentive. With unemployment so high, no one will be able to afford government health insurance anyway

Thank goodness the 2010 midterm election is almost here.

"In Arizona we have a tremendous Hispanic heritage. To think that everybody that's Hispanic is going to be stopped and questioned ... defies reality,"
John Bouma, Attorney representing Gov. Jan Brewer

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Odds & Endz

Set the new well cap already...looking at this new 'cap' perched above the gushing oil reminds me of when I was in the hospital for allergies and the doctors wanted to check my blood gases...I needed an 'arterial stick'. The phlebotomist, and his needle perched over my wrist, waiting, holding steady...and I said..."just do it" and at that moment he jammed that needle into my wrist. I thought I would come out of my skin... they had to give me freaked me so bad. So set the oil well cap already. God, please let it work...

Monkeys being trained to do the dirty work of the Taliban and Al Qaeda? Works for me...but Wait 'til PITA gets a hold of this tidbit. Maybe the monkeys won't be able to tell Allied forces/American soldiers from the their trainers and turn on them... Can hardly wait to see the comics on this. Are they running out of fighters... Monkeys?...gimmie a break

A Muslim mosque at the 9/11 site. It is an insult to the people who lost loved ones in the attack, but... on the other hand, there will be no terror training and maybe the Muslims who worship there will have to be more 'transparent'?

No Berkas in the USA. France has the right idea, but it's kind of like closing the barn door after the horse is out. (for once, I actually agree with France)

The NAACP passed a resolution at their convention to ban the Tea Party movement for racism.
This is not the KKK. Tea Party attendees wear no robes or hoods. From my experience at a Tea Party rally, anyone carrying a racist sign or yelling racist slurs would be ignored. Maybe at huge rallies those factions can get away with it, but I imagine they are union plants.

Where was the NCAA when the New Black Panthers were intimidating voters at polling stations.

Amazing we trade 10 Russian spies for... 4 Russian Spies?
Thank goodness Tito's Handmade Vodka is made in Austin, TX

I want to know how the Iranian Scientist got into our country in the first place. Sending home videos and then claiming he was held against his will and was tortured?

According to the Feds, Arizona has no right to defend herself, but the Federal Government has the right to do nothing. The Federal law suit has nothing to do with profiling or discrimination. Other, non border, states have laws very similar to the new AZ law to take effect the end of July.

This behavior is becoming the Obama mantra.

These are all interesting diversions from the issues that really matter.
  • The Economy
  • Unemployment (Censue jobs are not private industry, they will go away soon)
  • Health Care
"Americans may love their country but they can only face it if they are stoned, apparently"
Author, Charles Bouden

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Get on board CA, TX, NM & Florida

I just had a brainstorm...the Obama promise of 'transparency' should have been a promise of visibility. No transparency, just more visibility defending every criticism. All talk and no do.

Word of the day: distractions

Arizona is at war. Mexicanistan! Now, the Department of Justice and Janet Napolitano (former governor of AZ) has filed their lawsuit against the Arizona border security law. Why is every one referring to it as an immigration law...The operative word here is SECURITY... Rather than make an effort to help Arizona solve the border violence, kidnappings and neighborhood shoot outs over drugs and human trafficking, they'll waste taxpayer money to bring about a lawsuit. Why has Obama never visited Arizona for a first hand look?

I do not want my tax monies to advance a lawsuit I do not agree with. I believe the majority of Americans think the same way. The Senate and Congress are noticeably quiet.

Is Janet Brewer the next Sarah Pallin? The media is doing everything it can to discredit AZ Governor Jan Brewer. I think we all know that not every undocumented worker/illegal alien is a drug dealer or human trafficker. Obama's own aunt was here illegally and now she isn't illegal anymore. I guess executive privilege has its perks.

On a different note: Obama asked NASA to reach out and be kinder to the Muslims of the world. Oh, hell no! What was he thinking ...Oh, that's right he wasn't. I think we have more pressing issues, like the economy, unemployment, the gulf oil spill and border security.

And finally...
  • Israels prime minister, Netanyahu is meeting with BO. What kind of shuckin' and jivin' will Obama mire him in.
  • Queen Elizabeth is in NYC her first visit to Ground Zero.
  • Russia wants to trade spy for we have incarcerated spies in Russia?
  • Lindsay Lohan gets 90 days... sheesh
  • Lebron James will reveal what team he will play for
  • Oil is still pouring into the gulf.

"It's outrageous and it's clear they don't want (immigration) laws enforced. What they want is to continue their non-enforcement policy. They ignore the damage to America, the cost to our citizens, the deaths" tied to border-related violence."
AZ State Senator, Russell Pearce

Friday, July 2, 2010

Independence Weekend

Word of the day: celebration

"You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. "

Erma Bombeck

While we're all enjoying our BBQ ribs, corn and beans...potato and Jello salads and of course apple pie, take a moment to reflect on why you think we celebrate our nations independence.

This iddin' it...but I loved the cartoon and of course it would be nice if we could be independent of foreign oil...Oil is only one of the many things strangling us. the economy, joblessness, continuous gulf oil spill, illegal immigration, border security, Afghanistan, name the most obvious...

So, this weekend we will celebrate our independence from the British and the birth our nation. Happy Birthday America.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Now What?

This is almost laughable...

I don't really care about the Supreme Court nomination, but the caricatures of them all are kind of funny. Here goes.

Word of the day: gutpuckering

However, I do care that the congress has passed a Military spending bill that includes 3.5 billion for Haiti? What does that have to do with the war in Afghanistan?
There is also a lot of other 'domestic' spending pork in this bill... We do need to fund the war effort, but this is absurd.

We have spies amongst us? Really? What could we possibly have that they don't... or that they don't already know about us. Surly, we have spies over there too?

"I found that our Soviet espionage efforts had virtually never, or had very seldom, produced any worthwhile political or economic intelligence on the Soviet Union."

Aldrich Ames

Holy Speechless!

Word of the day: insubordination

The petulant child visits the principals office.

The truth hurts, but...

Obama did the only thing he could do.
On this, Obama did the right thing.

In the military you move up or you move out. We'll miss you but look forward to your book.

Now what?

"If Liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"

George Orwell

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hang Tough, Arizona

First we hear from H. Clinton that Obama plans to sue Arizona because the Federal Government should be handling the border issues... They certainly have done a bang up job of it.

Now Mexico plans to sue Arizona too? Shut the front door! ... Apparently the Arizona law is very much the same as the Mexican law regarding visitors to Mexico. Mexican authorities have the right to ask you to prove your citizenship when in Mexico. That's why we are required to carry our passport. Actually you have to have a passport to get back into the United States.

I wonder if Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Lebanon, Syria and Yemen plan to sue us over illegal immigration?

Word of the day: ridiculous

Well, someone needs to show some backbone and it appears Arizona is the only state willing to do so. I'd like to see the federal government, or Mexico for that matter, have to file suit against California, New Mexico and Florida. Oh but that would mean they would have had to enact their own immigration law... Where are their spines?

I have given my little diatribe about a fast track to citizenship, green card or at the very least a work permit... if you have been here for 20 years with no criminal record, get a green card... Once those people are processed we can look at those who have been here 19 yrs, then 18 yrs, 17 yrs...etc. But we have to secure the border

Those with a criminal record, get deported, no hearing, no loop holes, no fuss, no muss, adios!. We know who the criminals are...round them up and bus them home.

"Mexico takes a hard line on immigration, demanding that visitors to her shores enter lawfully, and show her respect during their stay."

John Linder