It is inconceivable to me that there are people out there who believe that as soon as this HCR is rammed through the senate that their health care coverage will miraculously begin ...NO! it will begin in 2014. So we'll all be paying for it now (2010)...for some sort of rationed health care in 2014.
Word of the day: abracadabra
Global Warming...I have pretty much let this laughable issue slide... but we will all pay now and later. (not to be confused with the candy of the same name.) This is no sweet deal. Al Gore and the rest of the stooges should be forced to fess up. With the light of recent 'hacked' information... why? Why should we be taxed for a non existent problem, via Cap & Tax, if there is no evidence of Global Warming. Our Carbon footprint will be felt less than all the debt our administration is forcing on us.
Tuesday is the day Prez. BO will announce his "new" strategic plan for Afghanistan. It's about time, since he's left the troops on the ground in Limbo. The real question is...Can this war be won? In this day of rapid communications, I fear a congressional quagmire.
"Governments don't like people who are free"
The Count..."Pirate Radio"