Monday, November 30, 2009

Pay Now & Pay Later

Health Care Reform.
It is inconceivable to me that there are people out there who believe that as soon as this HCR is rammed through the senate that their health care coverage will miraculously begin ...NO! it will begin in 2014. So we'll all be paying for it now (2010)...for some sort of rationed health care in 2014.

Word of the day: abracadabra

Global Warming...I have pretty much let this laughable issue slide... but we will all pay now and later. (not to be confused with the candy of the same name.) This is no sweet deal. Al Gore and the rest of the stooges should be forced to fess up. With the light of recent 'hacked' information... why? Why should we be taxed for a non existent problem, via Cap & Tax, if there is no evidence of Global Warming. Our Carbon footprint will be felt less than all the debt our administration is forcing on us.

Tuesday is the day Prez. BO will announce his "new" strategic plan for Afghanistan. It's about time, since he's left the troops on the ground in Limbo. The real question is...Can this war be won? In this day of rapid communications, I fear a congressional quagmire.

"Governments don't like people who are free"

The Count..."Pirate Radio"

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

New Strategy, What's The Rush?!

Well it's just another matter of time. BO will introduce his NEW strategy on Tuesday 12/1/2009, after Thanksgiving (got that turkey pardoned) but just in time for the holiday shopping season. Nearly 4 months after the initial request for more troops to support the ones that are already there. BO is incapable of making a decision.

Because of this indecision the "coalition" is declining to send in more troops also. The war in Afghanistan is a coalition effort, the coalition needs to step up.

and to add insult to injury, two (2) Navy Seals have been accused of abuse in the capture of an important terrorist. He had a swollen lip. (he is alive... which is more than we can say for captured US soldiers, they die) These accused soldiers have requested a military court marshall. (they don't want any part of the civilian court system) What is up with this? Apparently this prisoner was in the hands of the Iraqi's hours before they were turned over to the Navy Seals.

Why is this administration trying to do everything it can do to discourage these American Heroes from their mission. With this kind of baloney it is nearly impossible to address the real problems we face. Please let the military do their job. And BO, get on with the job of solving our debt to China, welfare & Medicare fraud and unemployment.

Word of the day: undermine

"The quickest way to end war is to lose it"
George Orwell

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Going Rogue" You Go Girl

It boggles my mind that Sarah Palin is still being hammered. It took a lot of guts to resign her Governor's position. I think she is sincere, and that she's just expressing her views outside the "politics as usual" forum. In spite of that, I doubt she is a viable candidate for the republican nomination in 2012, but she certainly has a pile influential people afraid of that possibility. It is almost impossible to find anything positive about her. What is also amazing to me is the amount of women who are maligning her. I hope she sells a gazillion books. Either you like her or you don't, there is no in between.

Word of the day: refreshing

Frivolities aside...
Here is be my list of potential 2012 presidential candidates:

  • Eric Cantor (Congressman VA)
  • Jim DeMint (Senator SC)
  • Mike Huckabee (Former AR Gov.)
  • Bobby Jindal (current LA Gov.)
  • Gary Johnson (former NM Gov.)
  • Tim Pawlenty (current MN Gov.)
  • Mitt Romney (former MA Gov.)
  • Michael Steele (Chairman GOP)
I will do some more investigating of these men (sorry, no women at this point, but I'll keep my eyes and ears on the lookout)

Since my hands are tied and there is nothing else I can do, I am patiently waiting for the 2010 Mid-Term election and preparing for the 2012 election.

I will remain vigilant regarding:
  • Obama/Eric Holder and Terrorists in Civilian Court
  • Obama Delays in support for the troops in Afghanistan
  • Unemployment number higher than reported
  • Health Care Reform, rammed down our throats, slitting the throats of seniors
  • the Economy, our debt to China
  • Cap & Trade/Tax, Global warming baloney
  • AARP working against the seniors
  • ACORN still in the picture, suing film maker that showed them for what they are
  • SEIU bully's out in force in CA

"I blame Oprah for the conditions in which we find ourselves, she introduced and endorsed BO. Trite I know"


Friday, November 20, 2009

Rationed Care: Throw It Out There

Wouldn't you know, that the possibilities/ramifications of health care rationing would begin with women's health care. First mammograms and now pap smears. What's next, pre-natal care?

For years the research has said, annual pelvic exams and mammograms annually after the age of 40 or earlier if you have a history of Breast Cancer.

Insurance companies will no longer pay for the annual health care if research says it's unnecessary. It's kind of like eye glasses. I can get eye exam every two years. If I want another pay I will have to pay out of pocket. I guess that's ok, I am used to it. I supposed we'll get used to this new women's preventative health care too.

Word of the day: prostate

If Health Care Reform is passed, this is just the beginning.

Seniors are also on the chopping block. $400 billion will likely be cut from Medicare. Are we ready for that?

"As of today, it appears that the American Cancer Society disagrees with these new recommendations, so I can only imagine what insurance companies are going to be saying in the very near future."
Dr. Manny Alvarez (Managing Editor, Fox News Health)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Is Barak Obama High?

Help me get a grip. While perusing the newspaper, there in big, bold letters is the headline from an NBC interview:

President Obama tells NBC News that he expects that "the professed Sept. 11 mastermind will be convicted and executed..."

I think this puts new meaning to "fly in the ointment". "Loose lips sink ships" where have we heard that before.

Word of the day: incompetent

This is just food for the team of attorneys who will defend him and 5 others. Is our president as naive and foolish as I believe he is. No...I think he knows exactly what he is doing. I see an acquittal on the horizon.

Defense advantages:
  • All information was gained through torture,(?) water boarding
  • The president predicts guilty verdict before the trial has even begun.
  • Change of Venue
  • Where in the USA to find a fair and impartial jury
  • Speedy trial? (doubtful, let the circus begin)
  • Right to confront witnesses (What witnesses, secret ones?)
  • Physical proof he was the mastermind (that is what KSM said, under duress)
  • Push for a dismissal, get an acquittal
  • Client, KSM, goes free. (to where, somewhere in the USA?)
Prosecution Advantages:
  • Holder is the Prosecutor
  • Appoint a team w/o him to avoid damage to his reputation
  • From what pool will they find a fair and impartial jury
  • What witnesses will they call? (imaginary whitneses)
  • He will wish he had pushed for the Military Tribunal
  • The administration will, again, look like the pile of fools we know them to be.

Al Qaeda Advantages: Fodder for recruitment

Benefit to America: None

Never in the history of the US had a war criminal been prosecuted in a civilian court.

"The court system is simply not built for war criminals, nor should it be. And if he's not a prisoner of war, try telling that to the people we've been bombing for 8 years in Afghanistan. I'm actually surprised that Obama and his administration could be this foolhardy and naive.The most frightening thing is how this underscores their lack of understanding or appreciation of the Constitution."

Doug Ranney Esq.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Some Things Just Occured to me

Ft. Hood Shooter:
Amazingly, I called this one. Now the US investigators are scrambling around like a pile of Keystone Cops trying to find the department, agency or preferably person to blame. All the while still clinging to the 'politically correct' jargon. Please let's call a spade a spade. He was a Muslim on a mission. He is considered a hero by the radical Muslims. Why are no Muslims in the US standing up to condemn this action. No Muslims should be serving in the US military. They don't even stand up in defense of their own countries...why should we suppose they'd stand up anywhere else.

Barak wants Gitmo closed:
It matters not where these prisoners go so long as the prison in Guantanamo, Cuba gets closed. Congress cares not where these terrorists go...(not their backyard) so long as they are not at Gitmo. Politicians are running around like chickens with their heads cut off to make sure none of them go prisons in their state.

9/11 prisoner, KSM, sent to NY City for a civilian trial:
Why is he (khaleed Shaek Mohammed) receiving a civilian trial anyway? Although he has admitted his involvement as the mastermind of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, It is possible he will be acquitted on a technicality. His statements were garnered under stress (water boarding) Al Queda wants this. Give this trial a big stage and what bigger stage than NYC. This is an embarrassment to the United States and an insult to the families of the victims of 9/11

Torture: US - Water Boarding (prisoner alive) ... Middle East - beheading (prisoner dead) Help me...

Word of the day: senseless

No decision until he returns from Asia. Everyday, with every delay the freezing Afghan. winters will be fast upon our unsupported soldiers. Barak appointed McChrystal as his commander in Afghanistan. Why is he dragging his feet regarding the support his man on the ground has requested or even appointing another commander? We lost in Viet Nam because we allowed congress to 2nd guess the commanders in the field. We're going down the same slippery slope. Democrats have no guts. Someone has to stand up and fight for this country.

Barak wanted Health Care reform:
What is in the 2,000 page health care bill just passed by the congress has no relevance as long as something passed. I would bet dollars to doughnuts none of them know what is in the bill. probably each section was written by someone else.

Cap & Trade = Cap and Tax:
Climate censorship?? seriously...Is global warming a pile of baloney. According to the scientists, it is. This is just another Liberal money grab.

Sarah Palin:
Why does the media blow up everything she does and says. The fringe media ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN linger on her every move. She has something special and it just drives them nuts and by slamming her we're supposed to think less of her. Maybe they're worried they might get 'sucker punched' if she decides to re-enter the political forum

Barak Obama: Is his Asian tour.
Hopefully, the final frontier for his continued "US World Apology tour"?

Lou Dobbs: Please, bring him to Fox.

"Being ignorant is not so much a shame as being unwilling to learn"
Benjamin Franklin

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Day Late

Veterans and the men and women who are currently serving deserve our respect every day.
Word of the day: Thanks!

"If you are reading this, thank a teacher. If you are reading this in English, thank a soldier"
Author unknown

Monday, November 9, 2009

More Than a Moment of Silence

Really, there's not much more to say. November 5, 2009 was a very sad day for Ft. Hood, Texas and America.
Word of the day: mourning