Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Race is On

OMG... Where did the year and a half disappear to since my last post. I'll tell ya... they were on a Facebook Game called Island Paradise. I have no idea how I managed to complete 5 college courses in that time...and still play...

Welp, the game has been removed (thank goodness BTW) and my brain has started to re constitute and with the presidential campaign underway and no distractions, I am starting to get frustrated again... Who cares you ask, I care and you should too...not about me, but about who might be elected this fall...November to be exact.

While I was burried in the sand of my Islands, a lot has happened in a year and a half.  obviously, I missed my birthday...I would like to touch on a couple of current and ongoing events and situations.  so I'll start with

Fast and Furious: Government coverup of a terrible idea gone horifically wrong. A Border patrol agent is gunned down, using guns sold to cartel intermediaries.  President BO has invoked Executive Order so the Attorney General EH can withhold evidence requested by the congress.

Travon Martin shooting: A young man, lurking around a neighborhood who has been suspended from school for drugs in his backpack.  Neighborhood watch resident sees him as a threat to his community because of recent home invasions.  Uninvited, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton insert themselves and play the race card.  A significant test of the "Stand Your Ground" law. 

 Aurora, Colorado:  Our collective sadness at the recent senseless mass shooting in a movie theater.  12 innocent people gone forever and 50 others wounded, several of who are fighting for their lives.  I'll keep them in my prayers.  Much as it pains me I will also keep the killer and his family in my prayers too. 

I'm sure there is more but...I think I'll just leave it at this... for now

"There are thoughts which are prayers. There are moments when, whatever the posture of the body, the soul is on its knees."
Victor HugoSend quote to a friend