Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's a New Day

OK so I came up short on my birthday wish list. I am so glad we no longer live in California. The state is bankrupt and the citizens need to ask themselves, Why?
At least the biggest embarrassment to the state of Florida was defeated and it was a landslide. Dan Webster is our new representative in Congress. Go Dan!
Congratulations Marco Rubio!

Governor race to this minute is still undecided. Only in Florida

Now the real work begins. Can Cap & Trade be squashed forever and can HCR go unfunded so therefore it just dies. How does that work? It's the law...

Word of the day: stunning

Anywhoo...Next hurdle...Election 2012, the riding America of Barak Obama as president.

"The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not"

Thomas Jefferson

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

2010 Midterm Election

Who's angry, certainly not me. My Island on Facebook is lookin' better than ever. But i have been waiting two years for the 2010 Midterm Election...and it's finally here.

This is a very special day...Election Day and my Birthday! Yup that's me, November 2nd...

Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me...happy birthday dear....what ever, happy birthday to me!

Word of the day: VOTE

The best Birthday gift to me would be.

Nancy Pelosi, defeated John Dennis Elected

Barbara Boxer, defeated Carly Fiorino, elected

Jerry Brown, defeated Meg Whitman elected

Harry Reid, defeated Sharron Angle elected

Barney Frank defeated Sean Beilat elected

Alan Grayson defeated Daniel Webster elected
Kelly O'Donnell Elected

Pleeeeze oh pretty Pleeze! Am I asking too much...
This is my election day wish list.
My brain has not gone to jelly completely. I know with BO still in office not much will change. Hopefully Cap and Trade will fall by the wayside, and the Obama Health Care will go unfunded...
That's a lotta not much... As I always say, Time will Tell.
General Election 2012 or bust!

"Voting is a right best exercised by people who have taken time to learn about the issues"
Tony Snow

Monday, November 1, 2010

Election Day Is Almost Here

Finally! I have been waiting for two long years for this day. and thanks to Facebook and paradise Island it has not been such an angry wait.

My stomach is flip floppin', my heart is palpitating, I can barely catch a breath! Actually, I just took a breath and now I am choking on my own spit.

Election day is almost here. Tomorrow to be exact. I actually voted during the first week of 'early voting'.

Word of the day: decide

The campaigns are really getting nasty. But I hope that with all the deception that has gone on during the past 2 years, that the turkeys on both sides of the isle will be gone... And we have been inundated with campaign calls. Early Voting...ring ring, "this is...".... hang up...Click Bzzzzz. It's as easy as that! Where's my Easy Button...

I look forward to chilling tomorrow evening and watching the election results.

"To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain."

Louis L'Amour