Juan Williams? Fired?... Who would fire liberal thinking, mild mannered, articulate, Juan Williams. (I actually thought there must be another Juan Williams...There is no other Juan Williams) NPR...who is NPR? National Public Broadcasting? Juan Williams had a radio show with them...Really? And our tax payer dollars are going to support this socialist public radio?
This is very upsetting but not surprising. I watched the Bill O'Reilley show and everything JW said is what I think everytime I get on an airplane, sit in a movie or visit a restaurant and see someone (male particularly) who even look like they might be muslim/terrorist. Is my bigot showing? The liberal left may have just lost their most influencial supporter.
I heard the name 'Juan Williams' and 'fired' in the same sentence and I managed to drag my Facebook brain numbed head up for air to find that Juan Williams was fired by NPR for the comments he made on "the O'reilley Factor". honestly, I didn't know he worked for NPR. Thank goodness. Good bye, So long, Farewell, auf Wiedersdhen, Goodbye"... Juan Williams is an honest man. I like fox news, and it's made more interesting when Juan Williams is part of the debate. I don't always agree with him, but he is the only person with liberal leanings that can stand up in a debate and argue reasonably and never resort to name calling or character bashing.
Now NPR and it's supporters are trying to justify their decision...Shirley Sherod all over again?? Making reference to "him and his psychiatrist" Who are the faceless weasels that put pressure on the mindless cowards to make these kinds of decisions...
Word of the day: despicable
Now that Juan Williams has been the direct target, some right leaning liberals will see the far left for what it is and reconsider their affiliation.
This will be his "Maxine Waters moment. (Her banshee like behavior is the reason I left the Democrat Party, other than the fact that I have become pretty conservative in my old age) His faithful listeners at npr, will follow him to Fox News. Whoo hoo, their loss is Fox News' gain.Thank you Fox News for stepping up to the plate and snatching Juan Williams up. For every crack that closes a triple sliding door opens... with in 24 hours, Fox News offered him a 2 million contract for 3 years... Congratulations, Juan, you deserve better and now you're gonna get it.
I'm on a roll now....
Many prayers for California, If J. Brown is elected...re-elected as governor, God help'em. Com'on Meg Whitman, pull it out. But if by some miracle Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi are defeated, he will have a more difficult time of it. (mainly, I'd like to see a US senate with out them)
REMEMBER TO VOTE! I have been waiting for 2 years for this election...I have been up and down, but since Facebook, mostly numb. But I am no longer angry. Early voting in Florida, I will be voting today.

“I think it’s reasonable to ask why Congress is spending taxpayers’ money to support a left-wing radio network, and in the wake of Juan Williams’ firing, it’s clearer than ever that’s what NPR is.”
House Republican leader John Boehner (R-Ohio.)