Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I Love Ya Tomorrow...

The day of reckoning is finally here. The courts were supposed to rule yesterday so let's see if they have any kind of backbone today, so this law can take effect tomorrow.

Word of the day: action

There is a new oil leak. Fortunately it is unrelated to the Gulf oil leak which is now capped and the cap appears to be holding while BP permanently seals the well. Accidents do happen.
  • Unemployment is still high
  • The economy is still stinking
  • Our debt is increasing every second
  • our president still has his head up his rosy red rectum.
Although I am unhappy with the passage of the Health Care bill. Now there seems to be some discussion to put back the Public Option...seriously? Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid looked like a whiny 3 year old "I wish we had a public option..."
I don't. Give HC a rest. Keep the Bush tax incentive. With unemployment so high, no one will be able to afford government health insurance anyway

Thank goodness the 2010 midterm election is almost here.

"In Arizona we have a tremendous Hispanic heritage. To think that everybody that's Hispanic is going to be stopped and questioned ... defies reality,"
John Bouma, Attorney representing Gov. Jan Brewer

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Odds & Endz

Set the new well cap already...looking at this new 'cap' perched above the gushing oil reminds me of when I was in the hospital for allergies and the doctors wanted to check my blood gases...I needed an 'arterial stick'. The phlebotomist, and his needle perched over my wrist, waiting, holding steady...and I said..."just do it" and at that moment he jammed that needle into my wrist. I thought I would come out of my skin... they had to give me freaked me so bad. So set the oil well cap already. God, please let it work...

Monkeys being trained to do the dirty work of the Taliban and Al Qaeda? Works for me...but Wait 'til PITA gets a hold of this tidbit. Maybe the monkeys won't be able to tell Allied forces/American soldiers from the their trainers and turn on them... Can hardly wait to see the comics on this. Are they running out of fighters... Monkeys?...gimmie a break

A Muslim mosque at the 9/11 site. It is an insult to the people who lost loved ones in the attack, but... on the other hand, there will be no terror training and maybe the Muslims who worship there will have to be more 'transparent'?

No Berkas in the USA. France has the right idea, but it's kind of like closing the barn door after the horse is out. (for once, I actually agree with France)

The NAACP passed a resolution at their convention to ban the Tea Party movement for racism.
This is not the KKK. Tea Party attendees wear no robes or hoods. From my experience at a Tea Party rally, anyone carrying a racist sign or yelling racist slurs would be ignored. Maybe at huge rallies those factions can get away with it, but I imagine they are union plants.

Where was the NCAA when the New Black Panthers were intimidating voters at polling stations.

Amazing we trade 10 Russian spies for... 4 Russian Spies?
Thank goodness Tito's Handmade Vodka is made in Austin, TX

I want to know how the Iranian Scientist got into our country in the first place. Sending home videos and then claiming he was held against his will and was tortured?

According to the Feds, Arizona has no right to defend herself, but the Federal Government has the right to do nothing. The Federal law suit has nothing to do with profiling or discrimination. Other, non border, states have laws very similar to the new AZ law to take effect the end of July.

This behavior is becoming the Obama mantra.

These are all interesting diversions from the issues that really matter.
  • The Economy
  • Unemployment (Censue jobs are not private industry, they will go away soon)
  • Health Care
"Americans may love their country but they can only face it if they are stoned, apparently"
Author, Charles Bouden

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Get on board CA, TX, NM & Florida

I just had a brainstorm...the Obama promise of 'transparency' should have been a promise of visibility. No transparency, just more visibility defending every criticism. All talk and no do.

Word of the day: distractions

Arizona is at war. Mexicanistan! Now, the Department of Justice and Janet Napolitano (former governor of AZ) has filed their lawsuit against the Arizona border security law. Why is every one referring to it as an immigration law...The operative word here is SECURITY... Rather than make an effort to help Arizona solve the border violence, kidnappings and neighborhood shoot outs over drugs and human trafficking, they'll waste taxpayer money to bring about a lawsuit. Why has Obama never visited Arizona for a first hand look?

I do not want my tax monies to advance a lawsuit I do not agree with. I believe the majority of Americans think the same way. The Senate and Congress are noticeably quiet.

Is Janet Brewer the next Sarah Pallin? The media is doing everything it can to discredit AZ Governor Jan Brewer. I think we all know that not every undocumented worker/illegal alien is a drug dealer or human trafficker. Obama's own aunt was here illegally and now she isn't illegal anymore. I guess executive privilege has its perks.

On a different note: Obama asked NASA to reach out and be kinder to the Muslims of the world. Oh, hell no! What was he thinking ...Oh, that's right he wasn't. I think we have more pressing issues, like the economy, unemployment, the gulf oil spill and border security.

And finally...
  • Israels prime minister, Netanyahu is meeting with BO. What kind of shuckin' and jivin' will Obama mire him in.
  • Queen Elizabeth is in NYC her first visit to Ground Zero.
  • Russia wants to trade spy for we have incarcerated spies in Russia?
  • Lindsay Lohan gets 90 days... sheesh
  • Lebron James will reveal what team he will play for
  • Oil is still pouring into the gulf.

"It's outrageous and it's clear they don't want (immigration) laws enforced. What they want is to continue their non-enforcement policy. They ignore the damage to America, the cost to our citizens, the deaths" tied to border-related violence."
AZ State Senator, Russell Pearce

Friday, July 2, 2010

Independence Weekend

Word of the day: celebration

"You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. "

Erma Bombeck

While we're all enjoying our BBQ ribs, corn and beans...potato and Jello salads and of course apple pie, take a moment to reflect on why you think we celebrate our nations independence.

This iddin' it...but I loved the cartoon and of course it would be nice if we could be independent of foreign oil...Oil is only one of the many things strangling us. the economy, joblessness, continuous gulf oil spill, illegal immigration, border security, Afghanistan, name the most obvious...

So, this weekend we will celebrate our independence from the British and the birth our nation. Happy Birthday America.