Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

Word of the day: appreciation

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather we should thank God that such men lived"
George S. Patton

Friday, May 28, 2010

Back From a Sweet Trip Abroad

I just returned from 14 days in the UK. It was a nice reprieve from the US news. I'd like to think it was a reprieve from Facebook, but that's another story... We had a very nice time. I went to three shows, "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert", "Jersey Boys" and "Sweet Charity". I wish I had skipped the last one (except that I met some nice people there) ...the other two were fantastic. We also visited Dublin, Ireland and the Guinness Brewery. Personally I like Murphy's Stout better than Guinness. Murphy's wasn't bitter and had a little flavor of coffee?...nice. We contributed mightily to the Dublin economy.

Word of the day: entertainment

Amazingly, the news there was so incredibly similar to the news here. I watched the queen speak to the newly elected Parliament. She read off new legislation for the people to expect addressing the budget, immigration and corrupt politicians. Sound familiar. But there was a bright spot in all the gloom and that was the Chelsey Flower/Garden Show. Tickets were sold out months earlier, but the BBC had lovely coverage.

Hang tough Arizona. I would like to see similar legislation in Florida. If you are stopped for criminal activity, the policeman should be able to ask what your citizenship status is. If you are in the country illegally...

Now that we know the Top Kill effort has failed to plug the deep well oil leak, let's hire the people there who earn their living in the gulf to help with the clean up. LA Gov. Bobby Jindal would like some barrier type sand islands constructed to help stop the oil from flowing into the delta wetlands. but the EPA says it needs to do a study to determine the environmental impact. 20 years later their still studying the impact of the Exxon Valdez oil spill. We already know the devastating environmental impact the gazillion gallons of crude oil will have on the gulf coast.

Obama's Katrina? Yes, it is so, but there is no satisfaction in knowing it. But there is some is seeing that his administration is as slow at helping as Bush's was during the Katrina problems. Fix it now...if only. We're still fixing things from our own little hurricane Charley and it's been 5 years. Obama's visit to the gulf coast beach a photo op...yes. Get out of the way, give Bobby Jindal his barrier islands.

Rick Scott for Governor (warts and all). My main reason is because Bill McCullom has declared that the Arizona law or similar legislation will not happen in Florida. It needs to happen in Florida as well as Texas, New Mexico and California.

"There are three kids of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics"
Benjamin Desraeli

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Stop The Leaks, Play Blame Game Later

It is easy to blame British Petroleum. Make them the bad guys. I hope a serious investigation is being launched. Were any of the rig workers complaining about unsafe practices?

Am I so naive to think that the explosion, burn and consequential oil spill was a true accident? How ironic that just two weeks after President Obama declares that careful offshore drilling will be permitted in the gulf and off the coast of Florida, that this horrific accident happens.

Word of the day: woeful

It is inconceivable to think that possibly one of the environmentalist radical fringe groups wanted to prove a point so a plot to blow up one of the oil rigs was planned and carried out. Everyone on the oil derrick was too busy trying to put out the fire or save lives. Probably no witnesses. This is what the morning show DJ I listen to thinks. It never occurred to me, but I am inclined to consider this notion. Someone will have a conscience to deal with, maybe BP maybe not.

Pro life fringe radicals think they are protecting life by blowing up clinics and killing those inside.

It is catastrophic what will be happening to the gulf states in terms of the wetlands that have been protected and groomed for many years. We have seen what happens to wildlife when they come in contact with crude oil. Remember the Exxon Valdez? It's been 20 years but the Prince William Sound will never be the pristine bay it once was. Not to minimise PWS, but there was just Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida there are swamps and grassy wetlands that will be like a sponge when this oil slick arrives. And we all know you can never completely clean a sponge.

But aside from the coast lands, animals and fish...what about the people. Not only did 11 people die on the burning oil rig, but many people will lose their entire livelihoods, possibly for generations, because of this. Just as the people of the gulf states are beginning to see the light at the end of the Katrina tunnel.

"We're sitting here half praying and half with our fingers, toes and everything else crossed,"
Byron Encalade, president of the Louisiana Oysterman Association in Pointe A La Hache,
who lost five boats when Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005.

Immigration Suggestion

If Amnesty is where we are headed, let's start with those people who have been in the country illegally for 20+ years. If they have no criminal record, grant them citizenship. If they have had children here and who have committed a crime(s), they are already in the judicial system. Maybe this won't solve the issue of terrorist cell waiting to be activated...but it is looking more and more like some of the terrorists are our own American Citizens, naturalized or otherwise.

Word of the day: ostrich

For me, the bottom line is let's send the criminal element home. Arizona really has a problem and open borders is no solution. Maybe if we ship the criminal element off to someplace like Easter Island. it will take them a little longer to get back.

“All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian”
Pat Paulsen